SolarMetric Kodo JDO 2.4.3 generated on March 27 2003

Package com.solarmetric.datasource

Datasource Implementation


Interface Summary

Class Summary
ConnectionWrapper Wrapper around an existing connection.
DataSourceImpl Implementation of the DataSource interface that maintains a back-end connection pool.
PreparedStatementCache Implements a cache mapping a SQL string, Connection pair to a PreparedStatement containing the same SQL using the same connection.
PreparedStatementWrapper Wrapper around an existing PreparedStatement.
StatementWrapper Wrapper around an existing Statement.

Package com.solarmetric.datasource Description

Datasource Implementation

Simple implementation of the DataSource APIs around a normal JDBC 1.x driver. This implementation performs rudimentary connection pooling if desired.

The package is structured around the decorator pattern: connections and statements can be successively wrapped in decorators to provide additional functionality.

SolarMetric Kodo JDO 2.4.3 generated on March 27 2003

Copyright 2001,2002 SolarMetric, Inc. All Rights Reserved.