SolarMetric Kodo JDO 2.4.3 generated on March 27 2003

Class DataCacheStoreManager

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DataCacheStoreManager
extends Object
implements StoreManager

StoreManager proxy that delegates to a data cache when possible.

Constructor Summary
DataCacheStoreManager(StoreManager sm, DataCache cache)
Method Summary
 void begin()
          Begin a data store transaction.
 void beginOptimistic()
          Notification that an optimistic transaction has started.
protected  boolean canCache(StateManagerImpl sm)
          Returns true if sm is eligible to be enlisted in the cache; otherwise returns false.
 boolean checkVersion(StateManagerImpl sm)
          Determine whether the given StateManager is the same version as the datastore version.
 void commit()
          Commit the current data store transaction.
 Object copyDataStoreId(Object oid, ClassMetaData meta)
          Copy the given object id value.
 boolean exists(Object oid, ClassMetaData meta)
          Verify that the given instance exists in the data store.
 Collection flush(Collection states)
          Flush the given state manager collection to the datastore, returning a collection of user exceptions encountered during flushing.
 DataCache getDataCache()
          Return the cache in use.
 Class getDataStoreIdClass(ClassMetaData meta)
          Return the class used by this StoreManager for datastore identity values.
 StoreManager getStoreManager()
          Return the internal store manager.
 boolean initialize(StateManagerImpl sm, com.solarmetric.kodo.runtime.JDOState state, Object conn)
          Initialize the given StateManager.
 void load(StateManagerImpl sm, Object conn, BitSet fields, boolean setVersion)
          Load the given StateManager.
 Object newDataStoreId(ClassMetaData meta)
          Create a new unique datastore identity for the given type.
 Object newDataStoreId(String str, ClassMetaData meta)
          Create a new unique datastore identity for the given type from the given string.
 Extent newExtent(ClassMetaData meta, boolean subclasses)
          Return an extent of the given candidate class, optionally including subclasses.
 com.solarmetric.kodo.query.FilterExtensions newFilterExtensions()
          Return a FilterExtensions implementation for use in queries.
protected  com.solarmetric.kodo.runtime.PCData newPCData(StateManagerImpl sm)
 Query newQuery(String language, Object template)
          Return a query implementation suitable for this runtime.
 void rollback()
          Rollback the current data store transaction.
 void setPersistenceManager(PersistenceManagerImpl pm)
          Set a reference to the corresponding PersistenceManager.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DataCacheStoreManager(StoreManager sm,
                             DataCache cache)
sm - the store manager to delegate to
cache - the cache to access for shared objects
Method Detail


public StoreManager getStoreManager()
Return the internal store manager.


public DataCache getDataCache()
Return the cache in use.


public void setPersistenceManager(PersistenceManagerImpl pm)
Description copied from interface: StoreManager
Set a reference to the corresponding PersistenceManager. This method will be called before the StoreManager is used.
Specified by:
setPersistenceManager in interface StoreManager


public void beginOptimistic()
Description copied from interface: StoreManager
Notification that an optimistic transaction has started. This method does not replace the StoreManager.begin() method, which will still be called when a true data store transaction should begin.
Specified by:
beginOptimistic in interface StoreManager


public void begin()
Description copied from interface: StoreManager
Begin a data store transaction. If optimistic transactions are in use, this method will only be called when the user is ready to commit the transaction. At this time, the PersistenceManager will call this begin method, will store all modified data, and will call the commit method in succession, minimizing the length of the actual data store transaction. In this case, it is possible that the optimistic transaction does not have the latest versions of all instances (i.e. another transaction has modified the same instances and committed since the optimistic transaction started). On commit, an exception must be thrown on any attempt to overwrite data for an instance with an older version.
Specified by:
begin in interface StoreManager


public void commit()
Description copied from interface: StoreManager
Commit the current data store transaction.
Specified by:
commit in interface StoreManager


public void rollback()
Description copied from interface: StoreManager
Rollback the current data store transaction.
Specified by:
rollback in interface StoreManager


public boolean exists(Object oid,
                      ClassMetaData meta)
Description copied from interface: StoreManager
Verify that the given instance exists in the data store.
Specified by:
exists in interface StoreManager


public boolean checkVersion(StateManagerImpl sm)
Description copied from interface: StoreManager
Determine whether the given StateManager is the same version as the datastore version.
Specified by:
checkVersion in interface StoreManager
Following copied from interface: com.solarmetric.kodo.runtime.StoreManager
sm - the instance to check
true if the instance is up-to-date, false otherwise


public boolean initialize(StateManagerImpl sm,
                          com.solarmetric.kodo.runtime.JDOState state,
                          Object conn)
Description copied from interface: StoreManager
Initialize the given StateManager. The oid of the StateManager will be set, and the meta field of the StateManager will be set to the class of the instance to load, or possibly one of its superclasses. Initialization involves first calling the StateManagerImpl#setPersistenceCapable method with a new instance of the correct type constructed with the JDOImplHelper#newInstance(Class,StateManager,Object) method (this will reset the meta field of the StateManager if the actual type was a subclass), then possibly loading any fields if desired. The version information for the StateManager should also be set via the StateManagerImpl.setVersion(java.lang.Object) method. If this method is called during a data store transaction, the instance should be locked.
Specified by:
initialize in interface StoreManager
Following copied from interface: com.solarmetric.kodo.runtime.StoreManager
sm - the instance to initialize
state - the JDO state to pass through to the state manager's initialize method
connection - the current connection information, or null if not given to the calling method of the persistence manager
true if the matching instance exists in the data store, false otherwise


public void load(StateManagerImpl sm,
                 Object conn,
                 BitSet fields,
                 boolean setVersion)
Description copied from interface: StoreManager
Load the given StateManager. Note that any collection or map types loaded into the StateManager will be proxied with the correct type; therefore the StoreManager does not have to load the same concrete collection/map types as the instance declares. However, array types must be consistent with the array type stored by the PersistenceCapable instance. If this method is called during a data store transaction, the instance should be locked.
Specified by:
load in interface StoreManager
Following copied from interface: com.solarmetric.kodo.runtime.StoreManager
sm - the instance to load
connection - the current connection information, or null if not given to the calling method of the persistence manager
fields - the fields to load; the field corrsponding to the metadata field at each set bit position should be loaded; additional fields can be loaded if desired; attempting to load an additional field that has been dirtied will cause the load to be ignored; this bit set should not be modified
setVersion - if true, the version information should also be loaded from the db and set in the instance via the StateManagerImpl.setVersion(java.lang.Object) method


public Collection flush(Collection states)
Description copied from interface: StoreManager
Flush the given state manager collection to the datastore, returning a collection of user exceptions encountered during flushing. The given state collection may include states that do not require data store action, such as persistent-clean instances. For datastore updates and inserts, the dirty fields of each state should be flushed. Datastore version information should be updated during flush, and the state manager's version indicator updated through the StateManagerImpl.setNextVersion(java.lang.Object) method. The current version will roll over to this next version upon successful commit.
Specified by:
flush in interface StoreManager


public Class getDataStoreIdClass(ClassMetaData meta)
Description copied from interface: StoreManager
Return the class used by this StoreManager for datastore identity values.
Specified by:
getDataStoreIdClass in interface StoreManager


public Object copyDataStoreId(Object oid,
                              ClassMetaData meta)
Description copied from interface: StoreManager
Copy the given object id value.
Specified by:
copyDataStoreId in interface StoreManager


public Object newDataStoreId(ClassMetaData meta)
Description copied from interface: StoreManager
Create a new unique datastore identity for the given type.
Specified by:
newDataStoreId in interface StoreManager


public Object newDataStoreId(String str,
                             ClassMetaData meta)
Description copied from interface: StoreManager
Create a new unique datastore identity for the given type from the given string.
Specified by:
newDataStoreId in interface StoreManager


public Extent newExtent(ClassMetaData meta,
                        boolean subclasses)
Description copied from interface: StoreManager
Return an extent of the given candidate class, optionally including subclasses. If the extent is iterated within a data store transaction, returned instances should be locked.
Specified by:
newExtent in interface StoreManager


public Query newQuery(String language,
                      Object template)
Description copied from interface: StoreManager
Return a query implementation suitable for this runtime. If the query is iterated within a data store transaction, returned instances should be locked.
Specified by:
newQuery in interface StoreManager
Following copied from interface: com.solarmetric.kodo.runtime.StoreManager
the - query language; implementations are only required to support javax.jdo.query.JDOQL
a - template query instance also from this StoreManager; this instance may be null; if not null, the filter, variables, parameters, imports, and candidate class should be copied from the template to the returned Query instance


public com.solarmetric.kodo.query.FilterExtensions newFilterExtensions()
Description copied from interface: StoreManager
Return a FilterExtensions implementation for use in queries. To return no extensions, do:
return FilterExtensions.DefaultExtensions.newExtensions ()
Specified by:
newFilterExtensions in interface StoreManager


protected com.solarmetric.kodo.runtime.PCData newPCData(StateManagerImpl sm)


protected boolean canCache(StateManagerImpl sm)
Returns true if sm is eligible to be enlisted in the cache; otherwise returns false.

SolarMetric Kodo JDO 2.4.3 generated on March 27 2003

Copyright 2001,2002 SolarMetric, Inc. All Rights Reserved.