SolarMetric Kodo JDO 2.4.3 generated on March 27 2003

Class JMSCache

All Implemented Interfaces:
Configurable, DataCache

public class JMSCache
extends DistributedCache
implements Configurable

A distributed cache implementation that uses a JMS Topic for broadcasting change notifications.

Fields inherited from class com.solarmetric.kodo.runtime.datacache.plugins.LocalCache
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  void broadcastUpdate(Map additions, Map updates, Collection deletes)
          Notifys other PersistenceManagerFactory caches in this JVM and on other machines of changes to the cache.
 void close()
          Close this cache, dropping all hard references and releasing any resources that this cache maintains.
protected  Message createMessage(Map additions, Map updates, Collection deletes)
          Returns a new Message to send to the topic.
 void endConfiguration()
          Subclasses that need to perform actions in Configurable.endConfiguration() must invoke this method.
protected  MessageListener getMessageListener()
          Returns a MessageListener capable of understanding and processing messages created by createMessage(java.util.Map, java.util.Map, java.util.Collection).
 void setTopic(String name)
          Sets the JMS Topic name.
 void setTopicConnectionFactory(String name)
          Sets the JMS TopicConnectionFactory name.
 void startConfiguration()
          No-op implementation.
Methods inherited from class com.solarmetric.kodo.runtime.datacache.plugins.DistributedCache
batchUpdate, log, log, receivedBatchUpdate
Methods inherited from class com.solarmetric.kodo.runtime.datacache.plugins.LocalCache
clear, containsKey, get, getCacheMap, getCacheSize, newCacheMap, pin, put, remove, removeAll, setCacheSize, unpin
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public JMSCache()
Method Detail


public void setTopic(String name)
Sets the JMS Topic name. Defaults to topic/KodoCacheTopic.


public void setTopicConnectionFactory(String name)
Sets the JMS TopicConnectionFactory name. Defaults to java:/ConnectionFactory.


protected void broadcastUpdate(Map additions,
                               Map updates,
                               Collection deletes)
Description copied from class: DistributedCache
Notifys other PersistenceManagerFactory caches in this JVM and on other machines of changes to the cache.
broadcastUpdate in class DistributedCache


public void startConfiguration()
No-op implementation. Subclasses need not invoke this method if they override it.
Specified by:
startConfiguration in interface Configurable
startConfiguration in class LocalCache


public void endConfiguration()
Subclasses that need to perform actions in Configurable.endConfiguration() must invoke this method.
Specified by:
endConfiguration in interface Configurable
endConfiguration in class LocalCache


protected MessageListener getMessageListener()

Returns a MessageListener capable of understanding and processing messages created by createMessage(java.util.Map, java.util.Map, java.util.Collection).

The listener returned by this method is responsible for notifying the cache that a distributed event has been received. It should invoke DistributedCache.receivedBatchUpdate(java.util.Collection, java.util.Collection, java.util.Collection).

This implementation transfers data via NotificationObject objects, and invokes NotificationObject.receivedBatchUpdate(com.solarmetric.kodo.runtime.datacache.plugins.DistributedCache) on the received object, which in turn invokes DistributedCache.receivedBatchUpdate(java.util.Collection, java.util.Collection, java.util.Collection).


protected Message createMessage(Map additions,
                                Map updates,
                                Collection deletes)
                         throws JMSException
Returns a new Message to send to the topic. This implementation creates an ObjectMessage.


public void close()
Description copied from interface: DataCache
Close this cache, dropping all hard references and releasing any resources that this cache maintains.
close in class LocalCache

SolarMetric Kodo JDO 2.4.3 generated on March 27 2003

Copyright 2001,2002 SolarMetric, Inc. All Rights Reserved.