Serialized Form

Package javax.jdo

Class javax.jdo.JDOCanRetryException implements Serializable

Class javax.jdo.JDODataStoreException implements Serializable

Class javax.jdo.JDOException implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


java.lang.Throwable[] nested
This exception was generated because of an exception in the runtime library.

the nested Throwable array


java.lang.Object failed
This exception may be the result of incorrect parameters supplied to an API. This is the object from which the user can determine the cause of the problem.

the failed Object

Class javax.jdo.JDOFatalDataStoreException implements Serializable

Class javax.jdo.JDOFatalException implements Serializable

Class javax.jdo.JDOFatalInternalException implements Serializable

Class javax.jdo.JDOFatalUserException implements Serializable

Class javax.jdo.JDOUnsupportedOptionException implements Serializable

Class javax.jdo.JDOUserException implements Serializable

Package javax.jdo.spi

Class javax.jdo.spi.JDOPermission implements Serializable

Class javax.jdo.spi.RegisterClassEvent implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


java.lang.Class pcClass
The class object of the registered persistence-capable class


java.lang.String[] fieldNames
The names of managed fields of the persistence-capable class


java.lang.Class[] fieldTypes
The types of managed fields of the persistence-capable class


byte[] fieldFlags
The flags of managed fields of the persistence-capable class


java.lang.Class persistenceCapableSuperclass