Chapter 6. JDOHelper

Table of Contents

6.1. Persistence-Capable Operations
6.2. Lifecycle Operations
6.3. PersistenceManagerFactory Construction

The above diagram depicts the most commonly-used methods of the javax.jdo.JDOHelper class. For a complete API reference, consult the class Javadoc.

Applications use the JDOHelper for three types of operations: persistence-capable operations, lifecycle operations, and PersistenceManagerFactory construction. We investigate each below.

6.1. Persistence-Capable Operations

We have already seen the first two persistence-capable operations, makeDirty and getObjectId. Given a persistence-capable object and the name of the field that has been modified, the makeDirty method notifies the JDO implementation that the field's value has changed so that it can write the new value to the data store. JDO usually tracks field modifications automatically; the only time you are required to use this method is when you assign a new value to some index of a persistent array.

The getObjectId method returns the JDO identity object for the persistence-capable instance given as an argument. If the given instance is not persistent, this method returns null.

The final persistence-capable operation, getPersistenceManager, is self-explanatory. It simply returns the PersistenceManager that is managing the persistence-capable object supplied as an argument. If the argument is a transient object, meaning it is not managed by a PersistenceManager, null is returned.