Chapter 5. JDBC Configuration

Table of Contents

5.1. Supported Databases
5.2. Accessing Multiple Databases
5.3. Connection Management
5.4. Large Result Sets
5.5. Schema Manipulation

Kodo JDO uses a relational database for object persistence. It communicates with the database using the Java DataBase Connectivity (JDBC) APIs. The following standard JDO properties are used to configure JDBC connectivity:

Refer to the configuration framework for details on these and other properties.

5.1. Supported Databases

Kodo JDO can take advantage of any JDBC 1.x compliant driver, making almost any major database a candidate for use. See our officially supported database list for more information.

If your database is not officially supported, you can add support for it by implementing your own DBDictionary. This is typically accomplished by extending the concrete GenericDictionary class. You can then plug your dictionary into Kodo JDO using the com.solarmetric.kodo.impl.jdbc.DictionaryClass and com.solarmetric.kodo.impl.jdbc.DictionaryProperties configuration properties. These properties are described in the chapter examining the configuration framework.

Example 5.1. Configuring custom dictionary properties

com.solarmetric.kodo.impl.jdbc.DictionaryClass: \

com.solarmetric.kodo.impl.jdbc.DictionaryProperties: \
    SchemaName=MySchema SupportsSelectForUpdate=false