6.4. Custom Proxies

At runtime, the values of all second class object fields in persistent and transactional objects are replaced with implementation-specific proxies. On modification, these proxies notify their owning instance that they have been changed, so that the appropriate updates can be made on the data store.

In Kodo JDO, proxies are managed through the com.solarmetric.kodo.util.ProxyManager interface. Kodo JDO includes a default ProxyManager implementation that will meet the needs of most users. For custom behavior, though, Kodo JDO allows you to define your own ProxyManager, and your own proxy classes. See the com.solarmetric.util package Javadoc for details on the interfaces involved, and the utility classes Kodo JDO provides to assist you.

You can plug your custom proxy manager into the Kodo JDO runtime through the com.solarmetric.kodo.ProxyManagerClass and com.solarmetric.kodo.ProxyManagerProperties configuration properties. The configuration framework is described here.