Chapter 6. Standard Features

Table of Contents

6.1. Manipulating Datastore Identity Objects
6.2. ExtentImpl
6.3. PersistenceManager Extension
6.4. Custom Proxies
6.5. Access to SQL Connections
6.6. PersistenceManagerImpl.evictAll() API extensions
6.7. Custom Class Indicators

Kodo JDO Standard Edition includes a number of extensions to the JDO specification and additional features that can be useful when developing an application with custom needs. We have already covered generating application identity classes, object-relational mapping extensions, including multi-table inheritance mapping, connection pooling, large result set support, and automatic schema manipulation. This chapter outlines additional important features of the standard edition.

6.1. Manipulating Datastore Identity Objects

Datastore identity objects are typically opaque. Kodo JDO does, however, allow you to manipulate these objects if you need to. All datastore identity objects in Kodo JDO are instances of the public com.solarmetric.util.ObjectIds.Id class. See its Javadoc for details.