Introduction to the J2EE Tutorial

1. Prerequisites for the Kodo J2EE Tutorial

By deploying Kodo into a J2EE environment, one can maintain the simplicity and performance of Kodo JDO, while leveraging J2EE technologies such as container managed transactions (JTA/JTS), enterprise objects with remote-invocation (EJB), and managed deployment of multi-tiered applications via an application server. This tutorial will demonstrate how to deploy Kodo-based J2EE applications as well as showing some basic design techniques for this combination. The sample application attempts to model a basic garage catalog system. While the application is relatively trivial, the code has been constructed as to illustrate simple patterns and solutions to common problems when using Kodo JDO in the enterprise environment.

1. Prerequisites for the Kodo J2EE Tutorial

This tutorial assumes that you have installed Kodo and setup your classpath according to the installation instructions appropriate for your platform. In addition, this tutorial requires that you have installed and configured a J2EE-compliant application server, such as JBoss, WebSphere, WebLogic, Borland Enterprise Server, or SunONE. This tutorial may be adaptable to your application server with small changes; refer to your application server's documentation for any specific classpath and deployment descriptor requirements.

This tutorial assumes a reasonable level of experience with Kodo and JDO. We provide a number of other tutorials for basic Kodo and JDO concepts, including enhancement, schema mapping, and configuration. This tutorial also assumes a basic level of experience with J2EE components, including EJB, JDNI, JSP, and EAR/WAR/JAR packaging. Sun and/or your application server company may provide tutorials to get familiar with these components.

This tutorial also requires some J2EE libraries to be in your classpath to compile the EJBs. The EJB libraries are downloadable from Sun and is probably distributed with your application server.

In addition, this tutorial uses Ant to build the deployment archives. While this is the preferred way of building a deployment of the tutorial, one can easily build the appropriate JAR, WAR, and EAR files by hand, although that is outside the scope of this document.