SolarMetric Kodo JDO 2.5.8 generated on January 11 2004

Class DefaultConfiguration

All Implemented Interfaces:
BeanInfo, Cloneable, Configuration, Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class DefaultConfiguration
extends Object
implements Configuration, Cloneable

This Configuration type initializes from the settings in either the properties file. Any recognized property can also be overridden by setting the System property of the same name to the desired value.

Either file must be located at the top level of the CLASSPATH for the context loader of the creating thread. Alternatively, the location of the properties file can be specified by setting the system property.

Note that changing any properties of this Configuration will not result in changes to the files, and therefore will not be visible to other instances or after the JVM has restarted.

See the Configuration interface for lists of recognized properties, XML preferences.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
(package private) static Localizer _loc
(package private)  org.apache.commons.logging.Log _log
Fields inherited from interface com.solarmetric.kodo.conf.Configuration
Fields inherited from interface java.beans.BeanInfo
ICON_COLOR_16x16, ICON_COLOR_32x32, ICON_MONO_16x16, ICON_MONO_32x32
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  void checkFrozen()
          Checks if the configuration has been frozen and if so throws a JDOUserException, otherwise returns silently.
 Object clone()
          Returns a clone of this Configuration.
 Configuration configurationClone()
          Return a new Configuration that is an exact copy of this one.
 boolean equals(Object other)
          Performs the equality check based on set property values from toProperties().
 void freeze()
          Freeze this Configuration; if frozen, calls to any setter methods will throw a JDOUserException.
 void fromProperties(Properties properties)
          Set this Configuration via the given Properties.
protected  org.apache.commons.logging.Log getLog()
abstract  Value[] getValues()
 int hashCode()
          Computes hash code based on set property values from toProperties().
 boolean isFrozen()
          Return true if this Configuration has been frozen.
protected  void loadDefaults()
          Invoke this method to load default values from properties.
 void setProperties(String resourceName)
          Sets the name of the properties resource that will be resolved against the current Thread's context class loader as the resource that contains the properties to use to initialize this Configuration.
 void setPropertiesFile(File file)
          Set the File that will be used to load the properties.
 void setPropertiesInputStream(InputStream in)
          Initialize this Configuration from the specified InputStream.
 Properties toProperties()
          A Properties representation of this Configuration.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.solarmetric.kodo.conf.Configuration
getCacheReferenceSize, getConnectionDriverName, getConnectionFactory, getConnectionFactory2, getConnectionFactory2Name, getConnectionFactory2Properties, getConnectionFactoryName, getConnectionPassword, getConnectionProperties, getConnectionPropertiesProps, getConnectionURL, getConnectionUserName, getDataCache, getDataCacheClass, getDataCacheProperties, getDefaultDataCacheTimeout, getDefaultFetchBatchSize, getDefaultFetchThreshold, getEnableQueryExtensions, getFetchGroupNames, getFetchGroups, getFlushBeforeQueries, getFlushBeforeQueriesMode, getIgnoreCache, getLicenseKey, getMaxPool, getMinPool, getMsWait, getMultithreaded, getNontransactionalRead, getNontransactionalWrite, getOptimistic, getPersistenceManagerClass, getPersistenceManagerFactoryClass, getPersistenceManagerProperties, getPersistentTypeNames, getPersistentTypes, getProxyManager, getProxyManagerClass, getProxyManagerProperties, getQueryCache, getQueryCacheClass, getQueryCacheProperties, getQueryFilterListenerInstances, getQueryFilterListeners, getRemoteCommitProviderClass, getRemoteCommitProviderProperties, getRestoreValues, getResultListClass, getResultListProperties, getRetainValues, getTransactionCacheClass, getTransactionCacheProperties, getTransactionMode, getTransactionModeIsXA, getUseSoftTransactionCache, setCacheReferenceSize, setCacheReferenceSize, setConnectionDriverName, setConnectionFactory, setConnectionFactory2, setConnectionFactory2Name, setConnectionFactory2Properties, setConnectionFactoryName, setConnectionPassword, setConnectionProperties, setConnectionURL, setConnectionUserName, setDataCache, setDataCacheClass, setDataCacheProperties, setDefaultDataCacheTimeout, setDefaultDataCacheTimeout, setDefaultFetchBatchSize, setDefaultFetchBatchSize, setDefaultFetchThreshold, setDefaultFetchThreshold, setEnableQueryExtensions, setEnableQueryExtensions, setFetchGroups, setFlushBeforeQueries, setIgnoreCache, setIgnoreCache, setLicenseKey, setMaxPool, setMaxPool, setMinPool, setMinPool, setMsWait, setMsWait, setMultithreaded, setMultithreaded, setNontransactionalRead, setNontransactionalRead, setNontransactionalWrite, setNontransactionalWrite, setOptimistic, setOptimistic, setPersistenceManagerClass, setPersistenceManagerFactoryClass, setPersistenceManagerProperties, setPersistentTypes, setProxyManager, setProxyManagerClass, setProxyManagerProperties, setQueryCache, setQueryCacheClass, setQueryCacheProperties, setQueryFilterListenerInstances, setQueryFilterListeners, setRemoteCommitProviderClass, setRemoteCommitProviderProperties, setRestoreValues, setRestoreValues, setResultListClass, setResultListProperties, setRetainValues, setRetainValues, setTransactionCacheClass, setTransactionCacheProperties, setTransactionMode, setUseSoftTransactionCache, setUseSoftTransactionCache
Methods inherited from interface java.beans.BeanInfo
getAdditionalBeanInfo, getBeanDescriptor, getDefaultEventIndex, getDefaultPropertyIndex, getEventSetDescriptors, getIcon, getMethodDescriptors, getPropertyDescriptors

Field Detail


static Localizer _loc


transient org.apache.commons.logging.Log _log
Constructor Detail


public DefaultConfiguration()
Method Detail


protected void loadDefaults()
Invoke this method to load default values from properties. This is not performed on construction so that subclasses can initialize state before loading defaults.


protected org.apache.commons.logging.Log getLog()


public void setProperties(String resourceName)
                   throws IOException
Sets the name of the properties resource that will be resolved against the current Thread's context class loader as the resource that contains the properties to use to initialize this Configuration.
resourceName - the name of the resource to use


public void setPropertiesInputStream(InputStream in)
                              throws IOException
Initialize this Configuration from the specified InputStream.
in - the InputStream that contains the properties information


public void setPropertiesFile(File file)
                       throws IOException
Set the File that will be used to load the properties.
file - the File that contains the properties resource.


public void freeze()
Description copied from interface: Configuration
Freeze this Configuration; if frozen, calls to any setter methods will throw a JDOUserException.
Specified by:
freeze in interface Configuration


public boolean isFrozen()
Description copied from interface: Configuration
Return true if this Configuration has been frozen.
Specified by:
isFrozen in interface Configuration


public Object clone()
Description copied from interface: Configuration
Returns a clone of this Configuration. The clone will not have its configuration frozen, regardless of the original setting of the original.
Specified by:
clone in interface Configuration
clone in class Object


public Configuration configurationClone()
Description copied from interface: Configuration
Return a new Configuration that is an exact copy of this one.
Specified by:
configurationClone in interface Configuration


public final Properties toProperties()
Description copied from interface: Configuration
A Properties representation of this Configuration. Note that changes made to this Properties object will not be automatically reflected in this Configuration object.
Specified by:
toProperties in interface Configuration


public void fromProperties(Properties properties)
Description copied from interface: Configuration
Set this Configuration via the given Properties. Any keys missing from the given properties will not be set. Note that changes made to this Properties object will not be automatically reflected in this Configuration object.
Specified by:
fromProperties in interface Configuration


protected void checkFrozen()
Checks if the configuration has been frozen and if so throws a JDOUserException, otherwise returns silently. Implementations should call this method before setting any state.


public boolean equals(Object other)
Performs the equality check based on set property values from toProperties().
equals in class Object


public int hashCode()
Computes hash code based on set property values from toProperties().
hashCode in class Object


public abstract Value[] getValues()

SolarMetric Kodo JDO 2.5.8 generated on January 11 2004

Copyright 2001,2002,2003 SolarMetric, Inc. All Rights Reserved.