SolarMetric Kodo JDO 2.5.8 generated on January 11 2004

Interface Joins

public interface Joins

Tracks joins made when traversing relations in a select.

Method Summary
 void crossJoin(Table localTable, Table foreignTable)
          Perform a full cross join on the given tables.
 String getColumnAlias(Column col)
          Return the alias for the given column.
 String getTableAlias(Table table)
          Return the alias for the given table.
 boolean hasJoins()
          Return true if this instance has any joins.
 void join(Column[] local, Column[] foreign, boolean toMany)
          Join the given columns.
 void joinRelation(String name, ClassMapping type, Column[] local, Column[] pk, boolean toMany)
          Join the given columns of a named field to the primary key columns of a related type.
 void setVariable(String var)
          Set the variable name being traversed into with the next join.

Method Detail


public boolean hasJoins()
Return true if this instance has any joins.


public void crossJoin(Table localTable,
                      Table foreignTable)
Perform a full cross join on the given tables.


public void join(Column[] local,
                 Column[] foreign,
                 boolean toMany)
Join the given columns.


public void joinRelation(String name,
                         ClassMapping type,
                         Column[] local,
                         Column[] pk,
                         boolean toMany)
Join the given columns of a named field to the primary key columns of a related type.


public void setVariable(String var)
Set the variable name being traversed into with the next join.


public String getColumnAlias(Column col)
Return the alias for the given column.


public String getTableAlias(Table table)
Return the alias for the given table.

SolarMetric Kodo JDO 2.5.8 generated on January 11 2004

Copyright 2001,2002,2003 SolarMetric, Inc. All Rights Reserved.