SolarMetric Kodo JDO 2.5.8 generated on January 11 2004

Class Select

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class Select
extends SQLStatement

Abstraction of a SQL SELECT statement.

Fields inherited from class com.solarmetric.kodo.impl.jdbc.sql.SQLStatement
_dict, _resolver, _tables
Constructor Summary
Select(DBDictionary dict, ClassResolver resolver)
Select(Select copy, ClassResolver resolver)
Method Summary
 void clear()
          Clear the WHERE clause and table list so that this statement can be reused.
 void clearOrderBy()
          Clear the ORDER BY columns.
 void clearSelect()
          Clear the select list of this statement.
 SQLBuffer getOrderBy()
          Return the ORDER BY values, or null if none.
 String[] getSelects()
          Return the selected columns, or null if none.
 SQLBuffer getSQLBuffer()
          Return the SQLBuffer to be used for exeucting the statement;
 boolean isDistinct()
          Return true if this is a DISTINCT query.
 boolean isUpdate()
          Return true if this is a FOR UPDATE query.
 boolean isValid()
          Return true if at least one table has been set for this SQL statement.
 Select orderBy(Column col, boolean asc)
          Add the given column to the list of those in the ORDER BY clause of this statement.
 Select orderBy(SQLBuffer sql)
          Order by the given SQL clause.
(package private)  Select orderByInternal(String table, String column, boolean asc)
(package private)  boolean retainTableInWhere()
          If true, when columns are mentioned in the WHERE clause, they will be in the form table.column.
 Select select(Column col)
          Add the given column to the list of those selected by this statement.
 Select select(Column[] col)
          Add the given columns to the list of those selected by this statement.
 Select selectCount(Column col)
          Select a count of the given column.
 Select selectCount(Table table)
          Select a count of the given table.
 Select selectCount(Table table, boolean includeTable)
          Select a count of the given table.
(package private)  Select selectCountInternal(String table, String column, boolean includeTable)
(package private)  Select selectInternal(String table, String col)
 Select setDistinct(boolean val)
          Make this into a SELECT DISTINCT query.
 Select setUpdate(boolean val)
          Make this into a SELECT FOR UPDATE query.
Methods inherited from class com.solarmetric.kodo.impl.jdbc.sql.SQLStatement
and, clearTable, clearWhere, columnName, getClassResolver, getDictionary, getTables, getWhere, getWhereSize, not, or, popWhere, pushWhere, toString, where, where, where, where, where, where, where, where, where, where, whereInternal, whereInternal
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
, clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Select(DBDictionary dict,
              ClassResolver resolver)


public Select(Select copy,
              ClassResolver resolver)
Method Detail


public Select setDistinct(boolean val)
Make this into a SELECT DISTINCT query.


public boolean isDistinct()
Return true if this is a DISTINCT query.


public Select setUpdate(boolean val)
Make this into a SELECT FOR UPDATE query.


public boolean isUpdate()
Return true if this is a FOR UPDATE query.


public Select select(Column col)
Add the given column to the list of those selected by this statement. This will also add the column's table to those used by this statement.


public Select select(Column[] col)
Add the given columns to the list of those selected by this statement. This will also add the columns' tables to those used by this statement.


Select selectInternal(String table,
                      String col)


public Select selectCount(Table table)
Select a count of the given table.


public Select selectCount(Table table,
                          boolean includeTable)
Select a count of the given table.


public Select selectCount(Column col)
Select a count of the given column.


Select selectCountInternal(String table,
                           String column,
                           boolean includeTable)


public String[] getSelects()
Return the selected columns, or null if none.


public void clearSelect()
Clear the select list of this statement.


public Select orderBy(SQLBuffer sql)
Order by the given SQL clause.


public Select orderBy(Column col,
                      boolean asc)
Add the given column to the list of those in the ORDER BY clause of this statement. This will also add the column's table to those used by this statement.


Select orderByInternal(String table,
                       String column,
                       boolean asc)


public SQLBuffer getOrderBy()
Return the ORDER BY values, or null if none.


public void clearOrderBy()
Clear the ORDER BY columns.


public boolean isValid()
Description copied from class: SQLStatement
Return true if at least one table has been set for this SQL statement.
isValid in class SQLStatement


public void clear()
Description copied from class: SQLStatement
Clear the WHERE clause and table list so that this statement can be reused.
clear in class SQLStatement


public SQLBuffer getSQLBuffer()
Description copied from class: SQLStatement
Return the SQLBuffer to be used for exeucting the statement;
getSQLBuffer in class SQLStatement


boolean retainTableInWhere()
Description copied from class: SQLStatement
If true, when columns are mentioned in the WHERE clause, they will be in the form table.column.
retainTableInWhere in class SQLStatement

SolarMetric Kodo JDO 2.5.8 generated on January 11 2004

Copyright 2001,2002,2003 SolarMetric, Inc. All Rights Reserved.