SolarMetric Kodo JDO 2.5.8 generated on January 11 2004

Interface TransactionCommitListener

All Superinterfaces:

public interface TransactionCommitListener
extends TransactionListener

An entity that wishes to be notified on PersistenceManager transactional commits.


Method Summary
 void beforeTransactionCommit(PersistenceManagerImpl pm, Set added, Set updated, Set deleted)
          Notification that a transaction is about to commit.
 void transactionCommitted(PersistenceManagerImpl pm, Set added, Set updated, Set deleted)
          Notification that a transaction has successfully committed.

Method Detail


public void beforeTransactionCommit(PersistenceManagerImpl pm,
                                    Set added,
                                    Set updated,
                                    Set deleted)

Notification that a transaction is about to commit. added, updated, and deleted are sets of StateManagerImpl objects that will be added, updated, or deleted, respectively.

It is legitimate to perform additional persistence work in this method; the changes will participate in the current transaction.

Note that this list does not include objects that were made persistent by reachability only, or that were deleted because they were members of a dependent relation, or that were added/modified/deleted during an InstanceCallbacks.

pm - The PersistenceManagerImpl whose transaction is about to commit.


public void transactionCommitted(PersistenceManagerImpl pm,
                                 Set added,
                                 Set updated,
                                 Set deleted)
Notification that a transaction has successfully committed. added, updated, and deleted are sets of StateManagerImpl objects that were added, updated, or deleted, respectively.
pm - The PersistenceManagerImpl whose transaction was committed.

SolarMetric Kodo JDO 2.5.8 generated on January 11 2004

Copyright 2001,2002,2003 SolarMetric, Inc. All Rights Reserved.