B.8. MySQL

B.8.1. Known issues with MySQL

Example B.8. Example properties for MySQL

javax.jdo.option.ConnectionDriverName: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL: jdbc:mysql://SERVER_NAME/DB_NAME

B.8.1. Known issues with MySQL

  • The default table types that MySQL uses do not support transactions, which will prevent Kodo from being able to roll back transactions. The table type of "InnoDB" should be used for any tabes that Kodo will be used.

  • Using isEmpty() in queries made against an extent will fail because SQL sub-selects are not supported.

  • Rollback due to database error or optimistic lock violation is not supported unless the table type is one of the MySQL transactional types. Explicit calls to rollback() before a transaction has been committed, however, are always supported.

  • Floats and doubles may lose precision when stored in some data stores.

  • When storing a field of type java.math.BigDecimal, some data stores will add extraneous trailing 0 characters, causing an equality mismatch between the field that is stored and the field that is retrieved.