4.4. Installing the J2EE Sample Application

4.4.1. Compiling and Building The Sample Application
4.4.2. Deploying Sample To JBoss
4.4.3. Deploying Sample To WebLogic 6.2 to 7.x
4.4.4. Deploying Sample To WebLogic 8.1
4.4.5. Deploying Sample To SunONE
4.4.6. Deploying Sample To JRun
4.4.7. Deploying Sample To WebSphere
4.4.8. Deploying Sample To Borland Enterprise Server 5.2

Installing the sample application involves first compiling and building a deployment archive (.ear) file. This file then needs to be deployed into your application server.

4.4.1. Compiling and Building The Sample Application

Navigate to the samples/j2ee directory of your Kodo installation. Compile the source files in place both in this base directory as well as the nested ejb directory:

javac *.java  ejb/*.java

Enhance the Car class.

jdoc package.jdo

Run the mapping tool; make sure that your kodo.properties file includes the same connection information (e.g. Driver, URL, etc.) as your installation:

mappingtool -a refresh package.jdo

Configure options in samples.properties to match your JCA installation, most notably the JNDI name to which you have bound Kodo (it defaults to kodo).


This step (editing samples.properties) is very important as this value can be quite different for each appserver and each configuration.

Be sure that the setting you put for pmf.jndi matches not only your configured setting but also what your application server may prefix the configured name with.

JBoss, for example, will prefix the JNDI name with java:/ and Borland Enterprise Server looks at the serial:// context. Refer to your JNDI tree and the documentation for your application server for further details.

Build an J2EE application archive by running Ant against the build.xml. This will create samplej2ee.ear. This ear can now be deployed to your appserver.

ant -f build.xml

4.4.2. Deploying Sample To JBoss

Place the ear file in the deploy directory of your JBoss installation. You can use the above hints to view the JNDI tree to see if samples.j2ee.ejb.CarHome was deployed to JNDI.

4.4.3. Deploying Sample To WebLogic 6.2 to 7.x

Place the ear file in the applications directory of your WebLogic domain. Production mode (see your startWebLogic.sh/cmd file) should be set to false to enable auto-deployment. If the application was installed correctly, you should see sample-ejb listed in the Deployments/EJB section of the admin console. In addition you should find CarHome listed in the JNDI tree under myserver->samples->j2ee->ejb .

4.4.4. Deploying Sample To WebLogic 8.1

Create a new directory named samplej2ee.ear in the applications directory of your WebLogic domain. Extract the EAR file (without copying the EAR file) to this new directory:

applications> mkdir samplej2ee.ear
applications> cd samplej2ee.ear
samplej2ee.ear> jar -xvf /path/to/samplej2ee.ear

Deploy the application by using the admin console (Deployments -> Applications -> Deploy a new Application. Select samplej2ee.ear and deploy to the proper server targets. If you have installed the application correctly, you should find CarHome listed in the JNDI tree under myserver->samples->j2ee->ejb .

4.4.5. Deploying Sample To SunONE

Browse to the admin console in your web browser. Select Applications/ Enterprise Applications from the left navigation panel. Select Deploy... and in the following screen upload the samplej2ee.ear file to the server. Apply your changes by selecting the link in the upper right portion of the page. You should now see samplej2ee listed in the Enterprise Applications folder of the navigation panel.

4.4.6. Deploying Sample To JRun

Browse to the admin console in your web browser. Select J2EE Components from the left navigation panel. Select Add under the Enterprise Applications heading. Select the samplej2ee.ear file and hit Deploy. You should now see Sample-KodoJ2EE listed in the top-level folder of the navigation panel. Select it, and then select the sample-ejb.jar#CarEJB component under Enterprise JavaBeans section, then change the JNDI Name for the bean from the default value to samples.j2ee.ejb.CarHome and hit Apply.

If the Kodo resource adapter and the sample EAR are both configured correctly, you should now be able to access your sample application at JRun's deploy URL (e.g., "http://localhost:8100/sample/").

4.4.7. Deploying Sample To WebSphere

Browse to the admin console in your web browser. Select Applications / Install New Application from the left navigation panel. Select the path to your samplej2ee.ear file and press Next.

On the following screen, leave the options at the default and select Next. On the following screen (Install New Application->Step 1 ), ensure that the Deploy EJBs option is checked. Leave other options at their defaults.

Move on to Step 2. On this screen enter samples.j2ee.ejb.CarHome as the JNDI name for the Car EJB. Continue through the remaining steps leaving options at the defaults. Select Finish and ensure that the application is deployed correctly.

Save the changes to the domain configuration by either selecting the Save link that appears after the installation is complete or by selecting Save from the top menu.

To verify your installation, select Applications / Enterprise Applications from the left navigation panel. Sample-KodoJ2EE should be listed in the list. If the application has not started already, select the checkbox next to Sample-KodoJ2EE and select Start.

4.4.8. Deploying Sample To Borland Enterprise Server 5.2

Deploy the EAR file using iastool or the console. Be sure that you have followed the JCA instructions for BES as well as editing the samples.properties to point to serial://kodo JNDI location. You should be able to see the CarEJB located in JNDI located at the home classname.