SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.0.3 generated on February 20 2004

Package com.solarmetric.manage

Kodo Management / Monitoring


Interface Summary
Manageable Eventually this interface will be such that classes that can be monitored and managed in other ways will implement it.
ManagerClient Client side of the Manager client/server implementation.
ManagerListener The listener interface for receiving manager events.
ManagerServer Server side of the Manager client/server implementation.
ManagerUI UI for management.
Statistic Defines an interface for a statistic.
StatisticListener The listener interface for receiving statistic events.
Watchable The Watchable interface specifies an interface for watching statistics.
WatchableListener The listener interface for receiving watchable events.

Class Summary
Manager Manager that acts as registry for Watchables.
ManagerClientImpl Client side of the Manager client/server implementation.
ManagerEvent Event produced by the Manager class and sent to ManagerListeners.
ManagerServerImpl Server side of the Manager client/server implementation.
ManagerUIImpl A remote monitoring GUI.
RemoteManagementTool Tool for remotely monitoring Kodo based application.
SimpleStatistic A simple statistic implementation.
StatisticDTO Data Transfer Object used by client/server remote monitoring capability.
StatisticEvent Event produced by the Statistic class and sent to StatisticListeners.
StatisticTabbedPane A swing component that can graph statistics registered by watchables.
TimeWatch A TimeWatch allows for marking code blocks and recording execution time statistics.
TimeWatch.Token A timer token.
WatchableEvent Event produced by the Watchable class and sent to WatchableListeners.

Exception Summary
BrokenConnectionException Exception indicating problem with manager client/server communication problems.

Package com.solarmetric.manage Description

Kodo Management / Monitoring

This package is a technology preview of the Kodo Management and Monitoring API. Please see samples/monitoring in your distribution for an example of how to use these classes:

An example of how to use the TimeWatch Watchable is in the QueryThread class. A TimeWatch Watchable allows for monitoring named code blocks.

SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.0.3 generated on February 20 2004

Copyright 2001,2002 SolarMetric, Inc. All Rights Reserved.