SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.0.3 generated on February 20 2004

Package kodo.jdbc.meta

Object-Relational Mapping


Interface Summary
JDBCTypes JDBC type constants.
JoinableMapping Represents a mapping that can be joined to.
Mapping Interface implemented by all mappings.
MappingFactory Factory for object-relational mapping information.
ReverseCustomizer Plugin in interface to customize the output of the ReverseMappingTool.
VersionableFieldMapping Field mappings for fields that can be used to determine whether object state has changed during an optimistic transaction must implement this interface.

Class Summary
AbstractCollectionFieldMapping Base class for collection mappings.
AbstractMapFieldMapping Base class for map mappings.
BaseClassMapping Class mapping used for base classes in a persistent inheritance tree.
BlobFieldMapping Maps a single-column BLOB.
ByteArrayFieldMapping Maps a single-column unserialized BLOB.
ClassIndicator Handles determining the object class of database records.
ClassMapping Mapping from a class to a relational schema.
ClassMappingInfo Holds information about a class mapping; this is used as an intermediate step during serialization and deserialization of ClassMappings to XML or some other format.
ClobFieldMapping Maps a CLOB.
CollectionFieldMapping Maps a collection of simple values.
ColumnClassIndicator Abstract base class for class indicators that use a column to hold class information.
ColumnCollectionFieldMapping Base type for collection mappings that use a single column for their element value.
ColumnFieldMapping Base class for single-column mappings.
ColumnMapFieldMapping A map where both the key and value are single-column mappings.
ColumnToManyMapFieldMapping Maps a map of single-column keys to related objects.
ColumnVersionIndicator Abstract base class for version indicators that use a column to hold version information.
ContainerFieldMapping Base class for collection and map mappings.
DateVersionIndicator Handles optimistic lock versioning via a lock column containing timestamps in the data store.
DBMappingFactory Factory that uses an XML mapping definition stored in the database to record the system mappings.
DelegatingJoinableMapping Delegates to another JoinableMapping after doing column translation.
EmbeddedOneToOneFieldMapping Maps an embedded 1-1 relation.
FieldMapping Maps a persistent field to the relational schema.
FieldMappingInfo Holds information about a field mapping; this is used as an intermediate step during serialization and deserialization of FieldMappings to XML or some other format.
FileMappingFactory Factory that uses multiple XML mapping files to construct the system mappings.
FlatClassMapping Mapping for subclasses that are stored in their parent class' table.
InClassNameClassIndicator Determines the class of database records using a column holding the class name, and limits SELECTs using an IN (...) statement.
Indicator Base class for class and version indicators.
InValueClassIndicator Base class indicator that determines the class of database records using a column holding a value mapped to a class, and limits SELECTs using an IN (...) statement.
ManyToColumnMapFieldMapping Maps a map of persistence capable keys to single-column values.
ManyToManyFieldMapping Maps a relation to a collection of other objects using an xref table.
ManyToManyMapFieldMapping Maps a map of FCO key and FCO values.
ManyToNMapFieldMapping Maps a map of persistence capable keys to simple values.
ManyToPCObjectMapFieldMapping A map where the keys are related objects and the values are unknown persistent objects.
MapFieldMapping Maps a map of simple values.
MappingInfo Base class for ClassMappingInfo and FieldMappingInfo.
MappingInfoRepository Simple repository for ClassMappingInfos.
MappingRepository Repository of class mapping information.
Mappings Mapping helper class.
MappingTool Tool for manipulating class mappings and associated schema.
MetaDataMappingFactory Factory that places mapping information in JDO metadata extensions.
MetaDataValueClassIndicator Determines the class of database records using a metadata extensions that map a database value to the class it represents.
NoneClassMapping Placeholder mapping for classes that indicate they do not need a mapping because they are never persisted directly.
NoneFieldMapping Placeholder mapping for non-persistent fields or fields that do not need mappings.
NToManyMapFieldMapping Maps a map of simple keys to related objects.
NToPCObjectMapFieldMapping A map where the keys are simple values and the values are unknown persistent objects.
NumberVersionIndicator Handles optimistic lock versioning via a lock column containing numeric version numbers in the data store.
OneToManyFieldMapping Maps a relation to a collection of other objects using an inverse foreign key in the related object table.
OneToOneFieldMapping Maps a relation to another object.
PCObjectCollectionFieldMapping Maps a collection of unknown persistent objects.
PCObjectMapFieldMapping A map where both the keys and values are unknown persistent objects.
PCObjectOneToOneFieldMapping Maps a 1-1 relation to an unknown persistent object.
PCObjectToManyMapFieldMapping A map where both the keys are unknown persistent objects and the values are related objects.
PCObjectToNMapFieldMapping A map where the keys are unknown persistent objects and the values are simple values.
PropertiesReverseCustomizer Simple ReverseCustomizer that uses a properties file to to allow customization of basic class and field properties.
ReferenceFieldMapping Base class of most field mappings.
ReverseMappingTool Reverse-maps a schema into class mappings and the assiciated java code.
StateImageVersionIndicator Bases versioning on the values of the object's persistent state.
TransformationFieldMapping Easily-extendable mapping for transforming a field value from one simple type to another.
ValueFieldMapping Maps a single-column value.
VersionIndicator Handles optimistic lock versioning for a class.
VerticalClassMapping Mapping for classes that use a separate primary table than their parent class.

Exception Summary

Package kodo.jdbc.meta Description

Object-Relational Mapping

This package extends the standard JDO metadata with object-relational mapping information.

SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.0.3 generated on February 20 2004

Copyright 2001,2002 SolarMetric, Inc. All Rights Reserved.