SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.0.3 generated on February 20 2004

Class ClassSequenceFactory

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ClassSequenceFactory
extends Object
implements SequenceFactory

SequenceFactory implementation that uses a database sequences to generate numbers. The factory can be configured with a default sequence name to use, but also looks for a jdbc-sequence metadata extension, which can be used to override the default for an individual class.

This code was designed as an example to plugin developrs. It has only been tested with Oracle. Other databases may require changes.

See Also:

Field Summary
static String SEQUENCE_EXT
          The the class metadata extension that stores the sequence name to use for the class: jdbc-sequence-name
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addSchema(ClassMapping mapping, SchemaGroup group)
          Add any tables, etc needed by this factory for the given mapping to the given schema group, if they do not exist already.
 String getFormat()
          Return the MessageFormat string to use as for SQL generation.
 long getNext(ClassMapping mapping, DataSource ds)
          Return a unique primary key value.
 String getSequenceName()
          Return the name of the default sequence for classes that do not list one in their metadata.
 String getTableName()
          Return the table name to run sequence queries against.
static void main(String[] args)
          Usage: java kodo.jdbc.schema.ClassSequenceFactory [option]* [class name | .java file | .class file | .jdo file]*
static void run(JDBCConfiguration conf, String[] args, MappingRepository repos, ClassLoader loader)
          Run the tool.
static boolean run(JDBCConfiguration conf, String[] args, serp.util.Options opts)
          Run the tool.
 void setFormat(String messageFormat)
          Set the string used for MessageFormat to generate the sequence selecting SQL.
 void setSequenceName(String seqName)
          Set the default sequence used.
 void setTableName(String name)
          Set the table name to run sequence queries against.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String SEQUENCE_EXT
The the class metadata extension that stores the sequence name to use for the class: jdbc-sequence-name
Constructor Detail


public ClassSequenceFactory()
Method Detail


public String getTableName()
Return the table name to run sequence queries against.


public void setTableName(String name)
Set the table name to run sequence queries against. Defaults to DUAL.
name - the name of the table


public String getFormat()
Return the MessageFormat string to use as for SQL generation.


public void setFormat(String messageFormat)
Set the string used for MessageFormat to generate the sequence selecting SQL. Should have two placeholders: {0} for the sequence name and {1} for the table name (e.g. dual).


public String getSequenceName()
Return the name of the default sequence for classes that do not list one in their metadata.


public void setSequenceName(String seqName)
Set the default sequence used. Defaults to JDOSEQUENCE.


public void addSchema(ClassMapping mapping,
                      SchemaGroup group)
Description copied from interface: SequenceFactory
Add any tables, etc needed by this factory for the given mapping to the given schema group, if they do not exist already.
Specified by:
addSchema in interface SequenceFactory


public long getNext(ClassMapping mapping,
                    DataSource ds)
             throws SQLException
Description copied from interface: SequenceFactory
Return a unique primary key value.
Specified by:
getNext in interface SequenceFactory
Following copied from interface: kodo.jdbc.schema.SequenceFactory
mapping - metadata on the class of the object being persisted
ds - the data source from which to obtain database connections, if any are needed
javax.jdo.JDOException, - or some subclass


public static void main(String[] args)
                 throws SQLException

Usage: java kodo.jdbc.schema.ClassSequenceFactory [option]* [class name | .java file | .class file | .jdo file]*

Where the following options are recognized.


public static boolean run(JDBCConfiguration conf,
                          String[] args,
                          serp.util.Options opts)
                   throws SQLException
Run the tool. Returns false if invalid options were given.
See Also:


public static void run(JDBCConfiguration conf,
                       String[] args,
                       MappingRepository repos,
                       ClassLoader loader)
                throws SQLException
Run the tool.

SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.0.3 generated on February 20 2004

Copyright 2001,2002 SolarMetric, Inc. All Rights Reserved.