SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.0.3 generated on February 20 2004

Interface Row

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Row

Logical representation of a table row for insert/update/delete. The UpdateManager is responsible for implementing rows to do something useful when the values are set.

Field Summary
static int ACTION_DELETE
          Mark the row for deletion.
static int ACTION_INSERT
          Mark the row for inserttion.
          Symbolic constant reserved for situations when a row operation is unknown.
static int ACTION_UPDATE
          Mark the row for update.
Method Summary
 int getAction()
          Return the action for this row.
 Object getFailedObject()
          Return the failed object to include in optimistic lock exceptions.
 KodoStateManager getPrimaryKey()
          Return the JDO instance that controls this row.
 Table getTable()
          Return the table for this row.
 void setArray(Column col, Array val)
          Set the value of the given column in this row.
 void setAsciiStream(Column col, InputStream val, int length)
          Set the value of the given column in this row.
 void setBigDecimal(Column col, BigDecimal val)
          Set the value of the given column in this row.
 void setBigInteger(Column col, BigInteger val)
          Set the value of the given column in this row.
 void setBinaryStream(Column col, InputStream val, int length)
          Set the value of the given column in this row.
 void setBlob(Column col, Blob val)
          Set the value of the given column in this row.
 void setBoolean(Column col, boolean val)
          Set the value of the given column in this row.
 void setByte(Column col, byte val)
          Set the value of the given column in this row.
 void setBytes(Column col, byte[] val)
          Set the value of the given column in this row.
 void setChar(Column col, char val)
          Set the value of the given column in this row.
 void setCharacterStream(Column col, Reader val, int length)
          Set the value of the given column in this row.
 void setClob(Column col, Clob val)
          Set the value of the given column in this row.
 void setDate(Column col, Date val)
          Set the value of the given column in this row.
 void setDate(Column col, Date val, Calendar cal)
          Set the value of the given column in this row.
 void setDouble(Column col, double val)
          Set the value of the given column in this row.
 void setFailedObject(Object failed)
          Set the failed object to include in the optimistic lock exception that will be thrown if this update results in an update count of 0 when executed.
 void setFloat(Column col, float val)
          Set the value of the given column in this row.
 void setForeignKey(ForeignKey fk, KodoStateManager sm)
          Set the value of the given foreign key to the given object.
 void setInt(Column col, int val)
          Set the value of the given column in this row.
 void setLocale(Column col, Locale val)
          Set the value of the given column in this row.
 void setLong(Column col, long val)
          Set the value of the given column in this row.
 void setNull(Column col)
          Set the value of the given column in this row.
 void setObject(Column col, Object val, int metaType, Object arg)
          Set the value of the given column in this row.
 void setPrimaryKey(KodoStateManager sm)
          Set the primary key to represent the given object.
 void setShort(Column col, short val)
          Set the value of the given column in this row.
 void setString(Column col, String val)
          Set the value of the given column in this row.
 void setTime(Column col, Time val, Calendar cal)
          Set the value of the given column in this row.
 void setTimestamp(Column col, Timestamp val, Calendar cal)
          Set the value of the given column in this row.
 void whereArray(Column col, Array val)
          Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
 void whereAsciiStream(Column col, InputStream val, int length)
          Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
 void whereBigDecimal(Column col, BigDecimal val)
          Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
 void whereBigInteger(Column col, BigInteger val)
          Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
 void whereBinaryStream(Column col, InputStream val, int length)
          Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
 void whereBlob(Column col, Blob val)
          Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
 void whereBoolean(Column col, boolean val)
          Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
 void whereByte(Column col, byte val)
          Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
 void whereBytes(Column col, byte[] val)
          Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
 void whereChar(Column col, char val)
          Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
 void whereCharacterStream(Column col, Reader val, int length)
          Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
 void whereClob(Column col, Clob val)
          Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
 void whereDate(Column col, Date val)
          Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
 void whereDate(Column col, Date val, Calendar cal)
          Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
 void whereDouble(Column col, double val)
          Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
 void whereFloat(Column col, float val)
          Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
 void whereForeignKey(ForeignKey fk, KodoStateManager sm)
          Set the foreign key equality criteria to link to the given object.
 void whereInt(Column col, int val)
          Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
 void whereLocale(Column col, Locale val)
          Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
 void whereLong(Column col, long val)
          Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
 void whereNull(Column col)
          Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
 void whereObject(Column col, Object val, int metaType, Object arg)
          Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
 void wherePrimaryKey(KodoStateManager sm)
          Set the primary key equality criteria for this row.
 void whereShort(Column col, short val)
          Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
 void whereString(Column col, String val)
          Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
 void whereTime(Column col, Time val, Calendar cal)
          Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
 void whereTimestamp(Column col, Timestamp val, Calendar cal)
          Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.

Field Detail


public static final int ACTION_UNKNOWN
Symbolic constant reserved for situations when a row operation is unknown.


public static final int ACTION_UPDATE
Mark the row for update.


public static final int ACTION_INSERT
Mark the row for inserttion.


public static final int ACTION_DELETE
Mark the row for deletion.
Method Detail


public Table getTable()
Return the table for this row.


public int getAction()
Return the action for this row.


public Object getFailedObject()
Return the failed object to include in optimistic lock exceptions.


public void setFailedObject(Object failed)
Set the failed object to include in the optimistic lock exception that will be thrown if this update results in an update count of 0 when executed. Leave null to avoid checking the update count.


public KodoStateManager getPrimaryKey()
Return the JDO instance that controls this row. The setPrimaryKey(kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager) method does not necessarily have to be called to know the owning instance, nor does this row's table have to have an actual primary key.


public void setPrimaryKey(KodoStateManager sm)
                   throws SQLException
Set the primary key to represent the given object.


public void wherePrimaryKey(KodoStateManager sm)
                     throws SQLException
Set the primary key equality criteria for this row.


public void setForeignKey(ForeignKey fk,
                          KodoStateManager sm)
                   throws SQLException
Set the value of the given foreign key to the given object.


public void whereForeignKey(ForeignKey fk,
                            KodoStateManager sm)
                     throws SQLException
Set the foreign key equality criteria to link to the given object.


public void setArray(Column col,
                     Array val)
              throws SQLException
Set the value of the given column in this row.


public void setAsciiStream(Column col,
                           InputStream val,
                           int length)
                    throws SQLException
Set the value of the given column in this row.


public void setBigDecimal(Column col,
                          BigDecimal val)
                   throws SQLException
Set the value of the given column in this row.


public void setBigInteger(Column col,
                          BigInteger val)
                   throws SQLException
Set the value of the given column in this row.


public void setBinaryStream(Column col,
                            InputStream val,
                            int length)
                     throws SQLException
Set the value of the given column in this row.


public void setBlob(Column col,
                    Blob val)
             throws SQLException
Set the value of the given column in this row.


public void setBoolean(Column col,
                       boolean val)
                throws SQLException
Set the value of the given column in this row.


public void setByte(Column col,
                    byte val)
             throws SQLException
Set the value of the given column in this row.


public void setBytes(Column col,
                     byte[] val)
              throws SQLException
Set the value of the given column in this row.


public void setChar(Column col,
                    char val)
             throws SQLException
Set the value of the given column in this row.


public void setCharacterStream(Column col,
                               Reader val,
                               int length)
                        throws SQLException
Set the value of the given column in this row.


public void setClob(Column col,
                    Clob val)
             throws SQLException
Set the value of the given column in this row.


public void setDate(Column col,
                    Date val)
             throws SQLException
Set the value of the given column in this row.


public void setDate(Column col,
                    Date val,
                    Calendar cal)
             throws SQLException
Set the value of the given column in this row.


public void setDouble(Column col,
                      double val)
               throws SQLException
Set the value of the given column in this row.


public void setFloat(Column col,
                     float val)
              throws SQLException
Set the value of the given column in this row.


public void setInt(Column col,
                   int val)
            throws SQLException
Set the value of the given column in this row.


public void setLong(Column col,
                    long val)
             throws SQLException
Set the value of the given column in this row.


public void setLocale(Column col,
                      Locale val)
               throws SQLException
Set the value of the given column in this row.


public void setNull(Column col)
             throws SQLException
Set the value of the given column in this row.


public void setObject(Column col,
                      Object val,
                      int metaType,
                      Object arg)
               throws SQLException
Set the value of the given column in this row.
col - the column being set
val - the value for the column
metaType - one of the constants from FieldMapping indicating the type of the supplied value
arg - some JDBC types can use additional arguments


public void setShort(Column col,
                     short val)
              throws SQLException
Set the value of the given column in this row.


public void setString(Column col,
                      String val)
               throws SQLException
Set the value of the given column in this row.


public void setTime(Column col,
                    Time val,
                    Calendar cal)
             throws SQLException
Set the value of the given column in this row.


public void setTimestamp(Column col,
                         Timestamp val,
                         Calendar cal)
                  throws SQLException
Set the value of the given column in this row.


public void whereArray(Column col,
                       Array val)
                throws SQLException
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.


public void whereAsciiStream(Column col,
                             InputStream val,
                             int length)
                      throws SQLException
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.


public void whereBigDecimal(Column col,
                            BigDecimal val)
                     throws SQLException
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.


public void whereBigInteger(Column col,
                            BigInteger val)
                     throws SQLException
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.


public void whereBinaryStream(Column col,
                              InputStream val,
                              int length)
                       throws SQLException
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.


public void whereBlob(Column col,
                      Blob val)
               throws SQLException
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.


public void whereBoolean(Column col,
                         boolean val)
                  throws SQLException
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.


public void whereByte(Column col,
                      byte val)
               throws SQLException
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.


public void whereBytes(Column col,
                       byte[] val)
                throws SQLException
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.


public void whereChar(Column col,
                      char val)
               throws SQLException
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.


public void whereCharacterStream(Column col,
                                 Reader val,
                                 int length)
                          throws SQLException
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.


public void whereClob(Column col,
                      Clob val)
               throws SQLException
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.


public void whereDate(Column col,
                      Date val)
               throws SQLException
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.


public void whereDate(Column col,
                      Date val,
                      Calendar cal)
               throws SQLException
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.


public void whereDouble(Column col,
                        double val)
                 throws SQLException
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.


public void whereFloat(Column col,
                       float val)
                throws SQLException
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.


public void whereInt(Column col,
                     int val)
              throws SQLException
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.


public void whereLong(Column col,
                      long val)
               throws SQLException
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.


public void whereLocale(Column col,
                        Locale val)
                 throws SQLException
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.


public void whereNull(Column col)
               throws SQLException
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.


public void whereObject(Column col,
                        Object val,
                        int metaType,
                        Object arg)
                 throws SQLException
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.
col - the column being set
val - the value for the column
metaType - one of the constants from FieldMapping indicating the type of the supplied value
arg - some JDBC types can use additional arguments


public void whereShort(Column col,
                       short val)
                throws SQLException
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.


public void whereString(Column col,
                        String val)
                 throws SQLException
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.


public void whereTime(Column col,
                      Time val,
                      Calendar cal)
               throws SQLException
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.


public void whereTimestamp(Column col,
                           Timestamp val,
                           Calendar cal)
                    throws SQLException
Set an equality condition on the value of the given column in this row.

SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.0.3 generated on February 20 2004

Copyright 2001,2002 SolarMetric, Inc. All Rights Reserved.