SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.0.3 generated on February 20 2004

Class DelegatingFieldMetaData

All Implemented Interfaces:
Comparable, Extensions, FieldMetaData, JDOTypes
Direct Known Subclasses:

public synchronized class DelegatingFieldMetaData
extends DelegatingExtensions
implements FieldMetaData

Fields inherited from interface kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
Fields inherited from interface kodo.meta.JDOTypes
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 int compareTo(Object)
 boolean equals(Object)
 Comparator getComparator()
          The comparator type used by the field, or null if none.
 Class getDeclaredElementType()
          Return the declared class of the described field.
 int getDeclaredElementTypeCode()
          Return the declared type code of the described field.
 ClassMetaData getDeclaredElementTypeMetaData()
          Return metadata for the field's type, if the type is persistent.
 int getDeclaredIndex()
          Return the relative index of this persistent/transactional field.
 Class getDeclaredKeyType()
          Return the declared class of the described field.
 int getDeclaredKeyTypeCode()
          Return the declared class of the described field.
 ClassMetaData getDeclaredKeyTypeMetaData()
          Return metadata for the field's type, if the type is persistent.
 Class getDeclaredType()
          Return the declared class of the described field.
 int getDeclaredTypeCode()
          Return the declared type code of the described field.
 ClassMetaData getDeclaredTypeMetaData()
          Return metadata for the field's type, if the type is persistent.
 FieldMetaData getDelegate()
 Class getElementType()
          Return the type of objects stored in the array/collection/map; defaults to Object if not specified, or null if this field does not represent an array/collection/map type.
 int getElementTypeCode()
          Return the type code of objects stored in the array/collection/map, or -1 if not an array/collection/map.
 ClassMetaData getElementTypeMetaData()
          Return metadata for the element type, or null if not persistent.
 String getElementTypeName()
          The value of the FieldMetaData.ELEMENT_TYPE or FieldMetaData.VALUE_TYPE extension key.
 String getExternalizer()
          The name of this field's externalizer, or null if none.
 Method getExternalizerMethod()
          The externalizer method.
 Object getExternalValue(Object, KodoPersistenceManager)
          Convert the given field value to its external value through the provided externalizer, or return the value as-is if no externalizer.
 String getFactory()
          The name of this field's factory, or null if none.
 Member getFactoryMethod()
          The factory method or constructor.
 String getFetchGroup()
          Return the name of the custom fetch group for this field, or null if none.
 byte getFieldFlag()
          Returns the JDO flag type for this field.
 Object getFieldValue(Object, KodoPersistenceManager)
          Return the result of passing the given external value through the factory to get the field value.
 String getFullName()
          Return the full name of the described field, in the form <class>.<field>.
 int getIndex()
          Return the absolute index of this persistent/transactional field.
 FieldMetaData getInnermostDelegate()
 String getInverseOwner()
          Return the field marked as an inverse via the FieldMetaData.INVERSE_OWNER extension key.
 FieldMetaData getInverseOwnerMetaData()
          Return the metadata for the field's inverse.
 Class getKeyType()
          The type of objects used as keys in the map; defaults to Object if not specified, or null if this field is not a map.
 int getKeyTypeCode()
          The type code of objects used as keys in the map.
 ClassMetaData getKeyTypeMetaData()
          Return metadata for the key type, or null if not persistent.
 String getKeyTypeName()
          The value of the FieldMetaData.KEY_TYPE extension key.
 int getManagement()
          Return the management level for the field.
 String getName()
          Return the name of the described field.
 int getNullValue()
          How the data store should treat null values for this field: FieldMetaData.NULL_NONE: leave null values as null in the data store FieldMetaData.NULL_EXCEPTION: throw an exception if this field is null at commit FieldMetaData.NULL_DEFAULT: use the database default if this field is null at commit Defaults to FieldMetaData.NULL_NONE.
 ClassMetaData getOwner()
          Return the owning metadata for this field.
 int getPrimaryKeyIndex()
          Return the primary key index of this persistent/transactional field, or -1 if not a primary key.
 Class getProxyType()
          The type this field was initialized with, and therefore the type to use for proxies when loading data into this field.
 Class getType()
          Return the class of the described field.
 int getTypeCode()
          Return the type code of the described field.
 ClassMetaData getTypeMetaData()
          Return metadata for the field's type, if the type is persistent.
 String getTypeName()
          The value of the FieldMetaData.TYPE extension key.
 int hashCode()
 void invalidateResolve()
          For implementation use.
 boolean isDefaultFetchGroupExplicit()
          Return whether the field explicitly declares its default fetch group status.
 boolean isDependent()
          Return true if the FieldMetaData.DEPENDENT extension key is true and the field is a first class object.
 boolean isElementDependent()
          Return true if the FieldMetaData.ELEMENT_DEPENDENT/FieldMetaData.VALUE_DEPENDENT extension key is true and the element/value contains first class objects.
 boolean isElementEmbedded()
          A hint to the JDO implementation on whether the arary/collection/map values should be stored as part of the instance rather than as their own instances in the data store.
 boolean isEmbedded()
          This attribute is a hint to the JDO implementation to store this field in the same instance as the class, rather than as a separate datastore instance.
 boolean isExplicit()
          Return true if the field is explicitly declared in the metadata.
 boolean isInDefaultFetchGroup()
          Return true if the field should be fetched at once along with all other default fetch group fields, rather than individually.
 boolean isKeyDependent()
          Return true if the FieldMetaData.KEY_DEPENDENT extension key is true and the key contains first class objects.
 boolean isKeyEmbedded()
          A hint to the JDO implementation on whether the map keys should be stored as part of the instance rather than as their own instances in the data store.
 boolean isLRS()
          Whether this field is backed by a large result set.
 boolean isPrimaryKey()
          If true, the field was specified in the meta data to be a primary key field.
 boolean isResolved()
          Return whether this field has been resolved.
 boolean isTransient()
          Return whether this is a transient field.
 void resolve()
          For implementation use.
 void setComparator(Comparator)
          The comparator type used by the field, or null if none.
 void setDeclaredElementType(Class)
          Set the element class for this array/collection/map field.
 void setDeclaredElementTypeCode(int)
          Set the element type code for the described field.
 void setDeclaredIndex(int)
          Used by ClassMetaData to set index.
 void setDeclaredKeyType(Class)
          Set the key type for this map field.
 void setDeclaredKeyTypeCode(int)
          Set the key type code for the described field.
 void setDeclaredType(Class)
          Set the class of the described field.
 void setDeclaredTypeCode(int)
          Set the type code for the described field.
 void setDependent(boolean)
          Set the value of the FieldMetaData.DEPENDENT standard extension.
 void setElementDependent(boolean)
          Set the value of the FieldMetaData.ELEMENT_DEPENDENT extension key.
 void setElementEmbedded(boolean)
          Set whether the elements should be embedded.
 void setElementTypeName(String)
          The value of the FieldMetaData.ELEMENT_TYPE or FieldMetaData.VALUE_TYPE extension key.
 void setEmbedded(boolean)
          Set the embedded value for the field.
 void setExplicit(boolean)
          Set whether the field was explicitly declared in the metadata.
 void setExternalizer(String)
          The name of this field's externalizer, or null if none.
 void setFactory(String)
          The name of this field's factory, or null if none.
 void setFetchGroup(String)
          Set the name of the custom fetch group for this field.
 void setInDefaultFetchGroup(boolean)
          Set whether the field is in the default fetch group.
 void setIndex(int)
          Used by ClassMetaData to set index.
 void setInverseOwner(String)
          Set the field marked as an inverse via the FieldMetaData.INVERSE_OWNER extension key.
 void setKeyDependent(boolean)
          Set the value of the FieldMetaData.KEY_DEPENDENT extension key.
 void setKeyEmbedded(boolean)
          Set whether the keys are embedded.
 void setKeyTypeName(String)
          The value of the FieldMetaData.KEY_TYPE extension key.
 void setLRS(boolean)
          Whether this field is backed by a large result set.
 void setManagement(int)
          Set the management level for the field.
 void setName(String)
          Set the name of the described field.
 void setNullValue(int)
          Set the null action for the field.
 void setOwner(ClassMetaData)
          Set the owning metadata for this field.
 void setPrimaryKey(boolean)
          Set whether this is a primary key field.
 void setPrimaryKeyIndex(int)
          Used by ClassMetaData to set index.
 void setProxyType(Class)
          The type this field was initialized with, and therefore the type to use for proxies when loading data into this field.
 void setTransient(boolean)
          Set whether this is a transient field.
 void setTypeName(String)
          The value of the FieldMetaData.TYPE extension key.
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class kodo.meta.DelegatingExtensions
addExtension, addExtension, getBooleanExtension, getBooleanExtension, getDoubleExtension, getDoubleExtension, getEmbeddedExtensions, getEmbeddedExtensions, getExtensionKeys, getExtensionKeys, getExtensionVendors, getIntExtension, getIntExtension, getObjectExtension, getObjectExtension, getStringExtension, getStringExtension, hasExtension, hasExtension, isEmpty, removeEmbeddedExtensions, removeEmbeddedExtensions, removeExtension, removeExtension
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface kodo.meta.Extensions
addExtension, addExtension, getBooleanExtension, getBooleanExtension, getDoubleExtension, getDoubleExtension, getEmbeddedExtensions, getEmbeddedExtensions, getExtensionKeys, getExtensionKeys, getExtensionVendors, getIntExtension, getIntExtension, getObjectExtension, getObjectExtension, getStringExtension, getStringExtension, hasExtension, hasExtension, isEmpty, removeEmbeddedExtensions, removeEmbeddedExtensions, removeExtension, removeExtension

Constructor Detail


public DelegatingFieldMetaData(FieldMetaData)
Method Detail


public FieldMetaData getDelegate()


public FieldMetaData getInnermostDelegate()


public int hashCode()
hashCode in class Object


public boolean equals(Object)
equals in class Object


public int compareTo(Object)
Specified by:
compareTo in interface Comparable


public String toString()
toString in class Object


public ClassMetaData getOwner()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Return the owning metadata for this field.
Specified by:
getOwner in interface FieldMetaData


public void setOwner(ClassMetaData)
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Set the owning metadata for this field.
Specified by:
setOwner in interface FieldMetaData


public String getName()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Return the name of the described field.
Specified by:
getName in interface FieldMetaData


public void setName(String)
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Set the name of the described field.
Specified by:
setName in interface FieldMetaData


public String getFullName()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Return the full name of the described field, in the form <class>.<field>.
Specified by:
getFullName in interface FieldMetaData


public Class getType()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Return the class of the described field.
Specified by:
getType in interface FieldMetaData


public int getTypeCode()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Return the type code of the described field.
Specified by:
getTypeCode in interface FieldMetaData


public ClassMetaData getTypeMetaData()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Return metadata for the field's type, if the type is persistent.
Specified by:
getTypeMetaData in interface FieldMetaData


public Class getDeclaredType()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Return the declared class of the described field. This can differ from the return value of FieldMetaData.getType() if the user indicates a different type with the #PC_CLASS extension or an FieldMetaData.EXTERNALIZER.
Specified by:
getDeclaredType in interface FieldMetaData


public void setDeclaredType(Class)
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Set the class of the described field.
Specified by:
setDeclaredType in interface FieldMetaData


public int getDeclaredTypeCode()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Return the declared type code of the described field. This can differ from the return value of FieldMetaData.getTypeCode() if the user indicates a different type with the #PC_CLASS extension or an FieldMetaData.EXTERNALIZER.
Specified by:
getDeclaredTypeCode in interface FieldMetaData


public void setDeclaredTypeCode(int)
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Set the type code for the described field. The type code is usually computed automatically, but it can be useful to set it explicitly when creating metadatas from scratch.
Specified by:
setDeclaredTypeCode in interface FieldMetaData


public ClassMetaData getDeclaredTypeMetaData()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Return metadata for the field's type, if the type is persistent.
Specified by:
getDeclaredTypeMetaData in interface FieldMetaData


public Class getProxyType()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
The type this field was initialized with, and therefore the type to use for proxies when loading data into this field.
Specified by:
getProxyType in interface FieldMetaData


public void setProxyType(Class)
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
The type this field was initialized with, and therefore the type to use for proxies when loading data into this field.
Specified by:
setProxyType in interface FieldMetaData


public boolean isTransient()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Return whether this is a transient field.
Specified by:
isTransient in interface FieldMetaData


public void setTransient(boolean)
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Set whether this is a transient field.
Specified by:
setTransient in interface FieldMetaData


public int getIndex()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Return the absolute index of this persistent/transactional field.
Specified by:
getIndex in interface FieldMetaData


public void setIndex(int)
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Used by ClassMetaData to set index.
Specified by:
setIndex in interface FieldMetaData


public int getDeclaredIndex()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Return the relative index of this persistent/transactional field.
Specified by:
getDeclaredIndex in interface FieldMetaData


public void setDeclaredIndex(int)
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Used by ClassMetaData to set index.
Specified by:
setDeclaredIndex in interface FieldMetaData


public int getPrimaryKeyIndex()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Return the primary key index of this persistent/transactional field, or -1 if not a primary key.
Specified by:
getPrimaryKeyIndex in interface FieldMetaData


public void setPrimaryKeyIndex(int)
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Used by ClassMetaData to set index.
Specified by:
setPrimaryKeyIndex in interface FieldMetaData


public int getManagement()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Return the management level for the field. Will be one of: Defaults to FieldMetaData.MANAGE_PERSISTENT.
Specified by:
getManagement in interface FieldMetaData


public void setManagement(int)
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Set the management level for the field.
Specified by:
setManagement in interface FieldMetaData
Following copied from interface: kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
See Also:


public boolean isPrimaryKey()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
If true, the field was specified in the meta data to be a primary key field.
Specified by:
isPrimaryKey in interface FieldMetaData


public void setPrimaryKey(boolean)
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Set whether this is a primary key field.
Specified by:
setPrimaryKey in interface FieldMetaData


public byte getFieldFlag()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Returns the JDO flag type for this field. See the field types in the PersistenceCapable interface.
Specified by:
getFieldFlag in interface FieldMetaData


public int getNullValue()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
How the data store should treat null values for this field: Defaults to FieldMetaData.NULL_NONE.
Specified by:
getNullValue in interface FieldMetaData


public void setNullValue(int)
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Set the null action for the field.
Specified by:
setNullValue in interface FieldMetaData
Following copied from interface: kodo.meta.FieldMetaData
See Also:


public boolean isExplicit()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Return true if the field is explicitly declared in the metadata.
Specified by:
isExplicit in interface FieldMetaData


public void setExplicit(boolean)
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Set whether the field was explicitly declared in the metadata.
Specified by:
setExplicit in interface FieldMetaData


public boolean isInDefaultFetchGroup()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Return true if the field should be fetched at once along with all other default fetch group fields, rather than individually. Defaults to true if the field is not a collection or map or array or first class object or unknown object; defaults to false otherwise.
Specified by:
isInDefaultFetchGroup in interface FieldMetaData


public void setInDefaultFetchGroup(boolean)
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Set whether the field is in the default fetch group.
Specified by:
setInDefaultFetchGroup in interface FieldMetaData


public boolean isDefaultFetchGroupExplicit()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Return whether the field explicitly declares its default fetch group status.
Specified by:
isDefaultFetchGroupExplicit in interface FieldMetaData


public boolean isEmbedded()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
This attribute is a hint to the JDO implementation to store this field in the same instance as the class, rather than as a separate datastore instance. Defaults to true if the field is not a collection or map or first class object; defaults to false otherwise. Implementations are permitted to ignore this attribute.
Specified by:
isEmbedded in interface FieldMetaData


public void setEmbedded(boolean)
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Set the embedded value for the field.
Specified by:
setEmbedded in interface FieldMetaData


public Class getElementType()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Return the type of objects stored in the array/collection/map; defaults to Object if not specified, or null if this field does not represent an array/collection/map type.
Specified by:
getElementType in interface FieldMetaData


public int getElementTypeCode()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Return the type code of objects stored in the array/collection/map, or -1 if not an array/collection/map.
Specified by:
getElementTypeCode in interface FieldMetaData


public ClassMetaData getElementTypeMetaData()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Return metadata for the element type, or null if not persistent.
Specified by:
getElementTypeMetaData in interface FieldMetaData


public Class getDeclaredElementType()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Return the declared class of the described field. This can differ from the return value of FieldMetaData.getElementType() if the user indicates a different type with the #ELEMENT_PC_CLASS extension or the FieldMetaData.ELEMENT_TYPE extension.
Specified by:
getDeclaredElementType in interface FieldMetaData


public void setDeclaredElementType(Class)
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Set the element class for this array/collection/map field.
Specified by:
setDeclaredElementType in interface FieldMetaData


public int getDeclaredElementTypeCode()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Return the declared type code of the described field. This can differ from the return value of FieldMetaData.getElementTypeCode() if the user indicates a different type with the #ELEMENT_PC_CLASS extension or the FieldMetaData.ELEMENT_TYPE extension.
Specified by:
getDeclaredElementTypeCode in interface FieldMetaData


public void setDeclaredElementTypeCode(int)
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Set the element type code for the described field. The type code is usually computed automatically, but it can be useful to set it explicitly when creating metadatas from scratch.
Specified by:
setDeclaredElementTypeCode in interface FieldMetaData


public ClassMetaData getDeclaredElementTypeMetaData()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Return metadata for the field's type, if the type is persistent.
Specified by:
getDeclaredElementTypeMetaData in interface FieldMetaData


public boolean isElementEmbedded()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
A hint to the JDO implementation on whether the arary/collection/map values should be stored as part of the instance rather than as their own instances in the data store. Implementations are permitted to ignore this attribute.
Specified by:
isElementEmbedded in interface FieldMetaData


public void setElementEmbedded(boolean)
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Set whether the elements should be embedded.
Specified by:
setElementEmbedded in interface FieldMetaData


public Class getKeyType()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
The type of objects used as keys in the map; defaults to Object if not specified, or null if this field is not a map.
Specified by:
getKeyType in interface FieldMetaData


public int getKeyTypeCode()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
The type code of objects used as keys in the map.
Specified by:
getKeyTypeCode in interface FieldMetaData


public ClassMetaData getKeyTypeMetaData()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Return metadata for the key type, or null if not persistent.
Specified by:
getKeyTypeMetaData in interface FieldMetaData


public Class getDeclaredKeyType()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Return the declared class of the described field. This can differ from the return value of FieldMetaData.getKeyType() if the user indicates a different type with the #KEY_PC_CLASS extension or the FieldMetaData.KEY_TYPE extension.
Specified by:
getDeclaredKeyType in interface FieldMetaData


public void setDeclaredKeyType(Class)
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Set the key type for this map field.
Specified by:
setDeclaredKeyType in interface FieldMetaData


public int getDeclaredKeyTypeCode()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Return the declared class of the described field. This can differ from the return value of FieldMetaData.getKeyTypeCode() if the user indicates a different type with the #KEY_PC_CLASS extension or the FieldMetaData.KEY_TYPE extension.
Specified by:
getDeclaredKeyTypeCode in interface FieldMetaData


public void setDeclaredKeyTypeCode(int)
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Set the key type code for the described field. The type code is usually computed automatically, but it can be useful to set it explicitly when creating metadatas from scratch.
Specified by:
setDeclaredKeyTypeCode in interface FieldMetaData


public ClassMetaData getDeclaredKeyTypeMetaData()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Return metadata for the field's type, if the type is persistent.
Specified by:
getDeclaredKeyTypeMetaData in interface FieldMetaData


public boolean isKeyEmbedded()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
A hint to the JDO implementation on whether the map keys should be stored as part of the instance rather than as their own instances in the data store. Implementations are permitted to ignore this attribute.
Specified by:
isKeyEmbedded in interface FieldMetaData


public void setKeyEmbedded(boolean)
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Set whether the keys are embedded.
Specified by:
setKeyEmbedded in interface FieldMetaData


public Comparator getComparator()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
The comparator type used by the field, or null if none.
Specified by:
getComparator in interface FieldMetaData


public void setComparator(Comparator)
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
The comparator type used by the field, or null if none.
Specified by:
setComparator in interface FieldMetaData


public String getInverseOwner()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Return the field marked as an inverse via the FieldMetaData.INVERSE_OWNER extension key.
Specified by:
getInverseOwner in interface FieldMetaData


public void setInverseOwner(String)
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Set the field marked as an inverse via the FieldMetaData.INVERSE_OWNER extension key.
Specified by:
setInverseOwner in interface FieldMetaData


public FieldMetaData getInverseOwnerMetaData()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Return the metadata for the field's inverse.
Specified by:
getInverseOwnerMetaData in interface FieldMetaData


public boolean isDependent()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Return true if the FieldMetaData.DEPENDENT extension key is true and the field is a first class object.
Specified by:
isDependent in interface FieldMetaData


public void setDependent(boolean)
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Set the value of the FieldMetaData.DEPENDENT standard extension.
Specified by:
setDependent in interface FieldMetaData


public boolean isElementDependent()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Return true if the FieldMetaData.ELEMENT_DEPENDENT/FieldMetaData.VALUE_DEPENDENT extension key is true and the element/value contains first class objects.
Specified by:
isElementDependent in interface FieldMetaData


public void setElementDependent(boolean)
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Set the value of the FieldMetaData.ELEMENT_DEPENDENT extension key.
Specified by:
setElementDependent in interface FieldMetaData


public boolean isKeyDependent()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Return true if the FieldMetaData.KEY_DEPENDENT extension key is true and the key contains first class objects.
Specified by:
isKeyDependent in interface FieldMetaData


public void setKeyDependent(boolean)
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Set the value of the FieldMetaData.KEY_DEPENDENT extension key.
Specified by:
setKeyDependent in interface FieldMetaData


public boolean isLRS()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Whether this field is backed by a large result set.
Specified by:
isLRS in interface FieldMetaData


public void setLRS(boolean)
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Whether this field is backed by a large result set.
Specified by:
setLRS in interface FieldMetaData


public String getTypeName()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
The value of the FieldMetaData.TYPE extension key.
Specified by:
getTypeName in interface FieldMetaData


public void setTypeName(String)
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
The value of the FieldMetaData.TYPE extension key.
Specified by:
setTypeName in interface FieldMetaData


public String getElementTypeName()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
The value of the FieldMetaData.ELEMENT_TYPE or FieldMetaData.VALUE_TYPE extension key.
Specified by:
getElementTypeName in interface FieldMetaData


public void setElementTypeName(String)
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
The value of the FieldMetaData.ELEMENT_TYPE or FieldMetaData.VALUE_TYPE extension key.
Specified by:
setElementTypeName in interface FieldMetaData


public String getKeyTypeName()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
The value of the FieldMetaData.KEY_TYPE extension key.
Specified by:
getKeyTypeName in interface FieldMetaData


public void setKeyTypeName(String)
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
The value of the FieldMetaData.KEY_TYPE extension key.
Specified by:
setKeyTypeName in interface FieldMetaData


public String getFetchGroup()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Return the name of the custom fetch group for this field, or null if none.
Specified by:
getFetchGroup in interface FieldMetaData


public void setFetchGroup(String)
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Set the name of the custom fetch group for this field.
Specified by:
setFetchGroup in interface FieldMetaData


public Method getExternalizerMethod()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
The externalizer method.
Specified by:
getExternalizerMethod in interface FieldMetaData


public Member getFactoryMethod()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
The factory method or constructor.
Specified by:
getFactoryMethod in interface FieldMetaData


public Object getExternalValue(Object,
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Convert the given field value to its external value through the provided externalizer, or return the value as-is if no externalizer.
Specified by:
getExternalValue in interface FieldMetaData


public Object getFieldValue(Object,
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Return the result of passing the given external value through the factory to get the field value. If no factory extension is present, the given value is returned as-is.
Specified by:
getFieldValue in interface FieldMetaData


public String getExternalizer()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
The name of this field's externalizer, or null if none.
Specified by:
getExternalizer in interface FieldMetaData


public void setExternalizer(String)
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
The name of this field's externalizer, or null if none.
Specified by:
setExternalizer in interface FieldMetaData


public String getFactory()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
The name of this field's factory, or null if none.
Specified by:
getFactory in interface FieldMetaData


public void setFactory(String)
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
The name of this field's factory, or null if none.
Specified by:
setFactory in interface FieldMetaData


public boolean isResolved()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
Return whether this field has been resolved.
Specified by:
isResolved in interface FieldMetaData


public void invalidateResolve()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
For implementation use. Invalidate the field's resolve.
Specified by:
invalidateResolve in interface FieldMetaData


public void resolve()
Description copied from interface: FieldMetaData
For implementation use. This method resolves fields that might be other first class objects, and caches frequently-accessed data. It requires access to a respository. It can use the repository to access class metadatas, but it cannot access other field metadatas.
Specified by:
resolve in interface FieldMetaData

SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.0.3 generated on February 20 2004

Copyright 2001,2002 SolarMetric, Inc. All Rights Reserved.