SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.0.3 generated on February 20 2004

Package kodo.runtime

Common JDO Runtime Environment


Interface Summary
FetchConfiguration Allows configuration and optimization of how objects are loaded from the data store.
KodoExtent Extension of the Extent interface that adds some Kodo-specific methods.
KodoPersistenceManager Interface implemented by Kodo persistence managers.
KodoPersistenceManagerFactory Interface implemented by Kodo persistence manager factories.
KodoStateManager Interface implemented by Kodo state managers.
PCResultObjectProvider Variant of ResultObjectProvider that populates a KodoStateManager object in an application-defined manner.
PostAttachCallback Interface that marks a persistent class as one that should receive notification that it was attached.
PostDetachCallback Interface that marks a persistent class as one that should receive notification that it was detached.
PreAttachCallback Interface that marks a persistent class as one that should receive notification that it is about to be attached.
PreDetachCallback Interface that marks a persistent class as one that should receive notification that it is about to be detached.
SequenceGenerator A generator for datastore sequences.
StoreManager Interface to be implemented by data store mechanisms to interact with this JDO runtime.

Class Summary
AbstractPCResultObjectProvider Abstract implementation of PCResultObjectProvider that implements ResultObjectProvider.getResultObject() by assembling the necessary information about the object to be loaded.
KodoHelper Helper methods for acquiring PersistenceManagerFactory objects and obtaining information about persistence capable instances.
PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl Abstract implementation of the PersistenceManagerFactory that must be subclassed for a specific runtime.
PersistenceManagerImpl Concrete PersistenceManager for use with this common runtime.

Package kodo.runtime Description

Common JDO Runtime Environment

This package provides a common JDO runtime environment that can be adapted for use with various data store mechanisms.

The runtime conforms to the JDO 1.0 Specification.

To create a concrete JDO implementation for a particular data store, a concrete StoreManager must be provided.

SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.0.3 generated on February 20 2004

Copyright 2001,2002 SolarMetric, Inc. All Rights Reserved.