12.2. Configuring Remote Management / Monitoring

To start up a remote management and monitoring GUI, set the kodo.ManagementServer configuration property to true. This property is also a plugin string (see Section 2.4, “Plugin Configuration”), so you can also set it to the full class name of a custom ManagerServer. The default management server implementation listens for connections from the remotemanagementtool on localhost:1234. To change the host and port on which the server will listen, the default management server implementation provides a host property, and a port property. These properties can be set in the plugin string in the standard way. For example, to listen on port 2345:

kodo.ManagementServer: true(port=2345)

To connect to the server, run the remmotemanagementtool command. By default, the remotemanagementtool attempts to connect on localhost:1234. The remotemanagementtool command takes a host argument and a port argument. For example, to connect to port 2345 on a machine named myhost:

remotemanagementtool -host myhost -port 2345