Chapter 12. Management and Monitoring

12.1. Configuring Local Management / Monitoring
12.2. Configuring Remote Management / Monitoring
12.3. Configuring Logging for Management / Monitoring

This release of Kodo includes a preview of a management and monitoring API and set of tools. Note that these capabilities are in preview status, and thus are not as mature as the rest of the product. Also, the APIs and tools are likely to change significantly in minor releases.

The management and monitoring capability allows for both local and remote monitoring of performance related statistics. For example, the connection pool provides statistics on the numbers of active and idle connections, and the data cache provides statistics on the number of cache hits and misses.

The management and monitoring capability can be run in two different ways -- locally, and remotely. An example of its use can be found in the monitoring sample described in Section 1.12, “Management / Monitoring”.

12.1. Configuring Local Management / Monitoring

To start up a local management and monitoring graphical user interface (GUI), set the kodo.ManagementUI property to gui. This property is also a plugin string (see Section 2.4, “Plugin Configuration”), so you can also set it to the full class name of a custom ManagerUI. The default management UI implementation creates a window for each PersistenceManagerFactory with a unique configuration. The window will contain a number of tabs, each containing a chart with one or more graphs on it.