Chapter 1. SolarMetric Kodo JDO

1.1. About This Document

Kodo JDO is SolarMetric's implementation of Sun's Java Data Objects (JDO) specification for the transparent persistence of Java objects. This document provides an overview of the JDO standard and technical details on the use of Kodo JDO.

1.1. About This Document

This document is intended for Kodo JDO users. It is divided into several parts:

  • The JDO Overview describes the fundamentals of the JDO specification. If you are new to JDO, you should consider this section required reading before moving forward. If you are already familiar with JDO basics, you can skip this section.

  • In the Kodo JDO Tutorials you will develop simple persistent applications using Kodo. Through the tutorials' hands-on approach, you will become comfortable with the core tools and development processes under Kodo JDO.

  • The Kodo JDO Reference Guide contains detailed documentation on all aspects of Kodo JDO. Browse through this guide to familiarize yourself with the many advanced features and customizations Kodo provides. Later, you can use the guide when you need details on a specific aspect of Kodo JDO.

  • Finally, the Kodo Development Workbench Guide describes Kodo's standalone GUI mapping tool. The guide begins with a tutorial on how to get started using Kodo Development Workbench and concludes with a reference on all of its features.