SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.1.6 generated on August 25 2004

Class CacheAwareQuery

All Implemented Interfaces:
KodoQuery, KodoQuerySPI, Query, Serializable

public class CacheAwareQuery
extends Object
implements KodoQuerySPI

A Query implementation that caches the OIDs involved in the query, and can determine whether or not the query has been dirtied.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Fields inherited from interface kodo.query.KodoQuery
Constructor Summary
CacheAwareQuery(KodoQuery query, QueryCache cache)
          Create a new CacheAwareQuery that delegates to query if no cached results are available.
Method Summary
 void abortCaching()
          Instructs this query to notify all CachingList objects created by it to stop caching results.
protected  ResultList checkCache(QueryKey qk)
          Look in the query cache for a result for the given query key.
 void close(Object arg)
 void closeAll()
 void compile()
 void declareImports(String arg)
 void declareParameters(String arg)
 void declareVariables(String arg)
 Object execute()
 Object execute(Object arg)
 Object execute(Object arg0, Object arg1)
 Object execute(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2)
 Object executeWithArray(Object[] args)
 Object executeWithMap(Map args)
 ClassMetaData[] getAccessPathMetaDatas()
          Return the classes that affect this query.
 Collection getAggregateListeners()
          Return the aggregate listeners for the query, or empty collection if none.
 String[] getAliases()
          Return the aliases for the result expressions.
 boolean[] getAscending()
          Return wheher each ordering is ascending.
 QueryCache getCache()
          Return the QueryCache that this object is associated with.
 Class getCandidateClass()
          Return the class of the objects that this query will return, or null if this information is not available / not relevant.
 Collection getCandidateCollection()
          Return the candidate collection, or null if an extent was specified instead of a collection.
 KodoExtent getCandidateExtent()
          Return the candidate extent, or null if a collection was specified instead of an extent.
 String[] getDataStoreActions(Map params)
          Returns a description of the commands that will be sent to the datastore in order to execute this query.
 KodoQuery getDelegate()
          Returns the query that is being cached.
 FetchConfiguration getFetchConfiguration()
          Return the (mutable) fetch configuration for this query.
 String getFilter()
          Return the filter that this query has been configured with.
 Collection getFilterListeners()
          Return the filter listeners for the query, or empty collection if none.
 boolean getIgnoreCache()
 String[] getImportPackages()
          Return the import packages.
 String getImports()
          Return the import declaration.
 String getLanguage()
          Return the language of this query.
 String getOrdering()
          Return the ordering expression that this query was configured with.
 String[] getOrderingCriteria()
          Return the ordering criteria.
 String getParameters()
          Return the declared parameters.
 Map getParameterTypes()
          Return a map of parameter name to type for this query.
 PersistenceManager getPersistenceManager()
 String getResult()
          Return the result expression set for this query.
 Class getResultClass()
          Returns the result class that has been set through setResultClass(java.lang.Class), or null if none.
 String[] getResultExpressions()
          Return the result expressions.
 Boolean getUnique()
          The unique flag, or null if it hasn't been set.
 String getVariables()
          Return the declared variables.
 Map getVariableTypes()
          Return a map of variable name to type for this query.
 boolean hasSubclasses()
          Whether query results will include subclasses of the candidate class.
 boolean isAggregate()
          Return true if the query is an aggregate.
 void lock()
          Synchronize on the query's internal lock.
 void registerListener(AggregateListener listener)
          Register a filter listener for the query.
 void registerListener(FilterListener listener)
          Register a filter listener for the query.
 void setCandidates(Collection arg)
 void setCandidates(Extent arg)
 void setClass(Class arg)
 void setFilter(String arg)
 void setIgnoreCache(boolean arg)
 void setOrdering(String arg)
 void setResult(String result)
          JDO 2.0 Preview.
 void setResultClass(Class cls)
          JDO 2.0 Preview.
 void setUnique(boolean unique)
          JDO 2.0 Preview.
 void unlock()
          Unlock the query's internal lock.
protected  Object wrapResult(Object o, QueryKey qk)
          Wrap the query result in a list that will cache the values upon completion of the traversal of the underlying list.
 Object writeReplace()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public CacheAwareQuery(KodoQuery query,
                       QueryCache cache)
Create a new CacheAwareQuery that delegates to query if no cached results are available.
Method Detail


protected ResultList checkCache(QueryKey qk)

Look in the query cache for a result for the given query key. Only look if this query is being executed outside a transaction or in a transaction with IgnoreCache set to true or in a transaction with IgnoreCache set to false but in which none of the classes involved in this query have been touched.

Caching is not used when using pessimistic transactions. This is because we must obtain locks on the data, and it is likely that making n trips to the database to make the locks will be slower than running the query against the database.

If KodoQuery#getQueryCacheEnabled returns false, this method returns null.

Return the list if we meet the above criteria and if a list is found for qk. Else, return null.

This implementation means that queries against the cache are of READ_COMMITTED isolation level. It'd be nice to support READ_SERIALIZABLE -- to do so, we'd just return false when in a transaction.


protected Object wrapResult(Object o,
                            QueryKey qk)

Wrap the query result in a list that will cache the values upon completion of the traversal of the underlying list.

This list must not register its results with the cache if one of the classes involved in this query is touched during the traversal of the query.

This method may decide not to do any caching of the query identified. For example, it might just return the supplied list if the query involves classes that are not cacheable.


public QueryCache getCache()
Return the QueryCache that this object is associated with.


public void abortCaching()
Instructs this query to notify all CachingList objects created by it to stop caching results. Upon invoking this method, all caching efforts are aborted, and any partial results are dropped.


public KodoQuery getDelegate()
Returns the query that is being cached.


public Object writeReplace()
                    throws ObjectStreamException


public void setClass(Class arg)
Specified by:
setClass in interface Query


public void setCandidates(Extent arg)
Specified by:
setCandidates in interface Query


public void setCandidates(Collection arg)
Specified by:
setCandidates in interface Query


public void setFilter(String arg)
Specified by:
setFilter in interface Query


public void declareImports(String arg)
Specified by:
declareImports in interface Query


public void declareParameters(String arg)
Specified by:
declareParameters in interface Query


public void declareVariables(String arg)
Specified by:
declareVariables in interface Query


public void setOrdering(String arg)
Specified by:
setOrdering in interface Query


public void setIgnoreCache(boolean arg)
Specified by:
setIgnoreCache in interface Query


public boolean getIgnoreCache()
Specified by:
getIgnoreCache in interface Query


public void compile()
Specified by:
compile in interface Query


public Object execute()
Specified by:
execute in interface Query


public Object execute(Object arg)
Specified by:
execute in interface Query


public Object execute(Object arg0,
                      Object arg1)
Specified by:
execute in interface Query


public Object execute(Object arg0,
                      Object arg1,
                      Object arg2)
Specified by:
execute in interface Query


public Object executeWithMap(Map args)
Specified by:
executeWithMap in interface Query


public Object executeWithArray(Object[] args)
Specified by:
executeWithArray in interface Query


public PersistenceManager getPersistenceManager()
Specified by:
getPersistenceManager in interface Query


public void close(Object arg)
Specified by:
close in interface Query


public void closeAll()
Specified by:
closeAll in interface Query


public String getLanguage()
Description copied from interface: KodoQuery
Return the language of this query.
Specified by:
getLanguage in interface KodoQuery


public FetchConfiguration getFetchConfiguration()
Description copied from interface: KodoQuery
Return the (mutable) fetch configuration for this query.
Specified by:
getFetchConfiguration in interface KodoQuery


public Collection getFilterListeners()
Description copied from interface: KodoQuery
Return the filter listeners for the query, or empty collection if none.
Specified by:
getFilterListeners in interface KodoQuery


public void registerListener(FilterListener listener)
Description copied from interface: KodoQuery
Register a filter listener for the query.
Specified by:
registerListener in interface KodoQuery


public Collection getAggregateListeners()
Description copied from interface: KodoQuery
Return the aggregate listeners for the query, or empty collection if none.
Specified by:
getAggregateListeners in interface KodoQuery


public void registerListener(AggregateListener listener)
Description copied from interface: KodoQuery
Register a filter listener for the query.
Specified by:
registerListener in interface KodoQuery


public KodoExtent getCandidateExtent()
Description copied from interface: KodoQuery
Return the candidate extent, or null if a collection was specified instead of an extent.
Specified by:
getCandidateExtent in interface KodoQuery


public Collection getCandidateCollection()
Description copied from interface: KodoQuery
Return the candidate collection, or null if an extent was specified instead of a collection.
Specified by:
getCandidateCollection in interface KodoQuery


public Class getCandidateClass()
Description copied from interface: KodoQuery
Return the class of the objects that this query will return, or null if this information is not available / not relevant.
Specified by:
getCandidateClass in interface KodoQuery


public boolean hasSubclasses()
Description copied from interface: KodoQuery
Whether query results will include subclasses of the candidate class.
Specified by:
hasSubclasses in interface KodoQuery


public String getFilter()
Description copied from interface: KodoQuery
Return the filter that this query has been configured with.
Specified by:
getFilter in interface KodoQuery


public String getOrdering()
Description copied from interface: KodoQuery
Return the ordering expression that this query was configured with.
Specified by:
getOrdering in interface KodoQuery


public String getImports()
Description copied from interface: KodoQuery
Return the import declaration.
Specified by:
getImports in interface KodoQuery


public String getParameters()
Description copied from interface: KodoQuery
Return the declared parameters.
Specified by:
getParameters in interface KodoQuery


public String getVariables()
Description copied from interface: KodoQuery
Return the declared variables.
Specified by:
getVariables in interface KodoQuery


public String getResult()
Description copied from interface: KodoQuery
Return the result expression set for this query.
Specified by:
getResult in interface KodoQuery


public boolean isAggregate()
Description copied from interface: KodoQuerySPI
Return true if the query is an aggregate.
Specified by:
isAggregate in interface KodoQuerySPI


public void setUnique(boolean unique)
Description copied from interface: KodoQuery
JDO 2.0 Preview. Specify that only the first result of the query should be returned, rather than a collection. The execute method will return null if the query result size is 0.
Specified by:
setUnique in interface KodoQuery


public Boolean getUnique()
Description copied from interface: KodoQuery
The unique flag, or null if it hasn't been set.
Specified by:
getUnique in interface KodoQuery


public void setResult(String result)
Description copied from interface: KodoQuery
JDO 2.0 Preview. Configures what type of data this query should return. If this is unset or set to null, this query will return a list of the query's candidate class. Otherwise, this query will return aggregate function results and / or individual field values (projections).
Specified by:
setResult in interface KodoQuery
Following copied from interface: kodo.query.KodoQuery
data - a comma-delimited list of fields, functions on fields, or aggregate functions to return from this query


public void setResultClass(Class cls)
Description copied from interface: KodoQuery
JDO 2.0 Preview. Specify the type of object in which the result of invoking Query.execute() or one of its siblings. The behavior of this method depends the nature of the query being executed. In particular, if used in conjunction with KodoQuery.setResult(java.lang.String), the argument to this method should be Object[].class, a class with bean-like setters for each of the items listed in the result specification, or a class with a method called put with two Object arguments.
Specified by:
setResultClass in interface KodoQuery


public Class getResultClass()
Description copied from interface: KodoQuery
Returns the result class that has been set through KodoQuery.setResultClass(java.lang.Class), or null if none.
Specified by:
getResultClass in interface KodoQuery


public String[] getDataStoreActions(Map params)
Description copied from interface: KodoQuery
Returns a description of the commands that will be sent to the datastore in order to execute this query. This will typically be in the native query language of the database (e.g., SQL).
Specified by:
getDataStoreActions in interface KodoQuery
Following copied from interface: kodo.query.KodoQuery
params - the named parameter map for the query invocation


public ClassMetaData[] getAccessPathMetaDatas()
Description copied from interface: KodoQuerySPI
Return the classes that affect this query.
Specified by:
getAccessPathMetaDatas in interface KodoQuerySPI


public String[] getImportPackages()
Description copied from interface: KodoQuerySPI
Return the import packages.
Specified by:
getImportPackages in interface KodoQuerySPI


public Map getParameterTypes()
Description copied from interface: KodoQuerySPI
Return a map of parameter name to type for this query. The returned map will iterate in the order that the parameters were declared.
Specified by:
getParameterTypes in interface KodoQuerySPI


public Map getVariableTypes()
Description copied from interface: KodoQuerySPI
Return a map of variable name to type for this query.
Specified by:
getVariableTypes in interface KodoQuerySPI


public String[] getOrderingCriteria()
Description copied from interface: KodoQuerySPI
Return the ordering criteria.
Specified by:
getOrderingCriteria in interface KodoQuerySPI


public boolean[] getAscending()
Description copied from interface: KodoQuerySPI
Return wheher each ordering is ascending.
Specified by:
getAscending in interface KodoQuerySPI


public String[] getResultExpressions()
Description copied from interface: KodoQuerySPI
Return the result expressions.
Specified by:
getResultExpressions in interface KodoQuerySPI


public String[] getAliases()
Description copied from interface: KodoQuerySPI
Return the aliases for the result expressions.
Specified by:
getAliases in interface KodoQuerySPI


public void lock()
Description copied from interface: KodoQuerySPI
Synchronize on the query's internal lock.
Specified by:
lock in interface KodoQuerySPI


public void unlock()
Description copied from interface: KodoQuerySPI
Unlock the query's internal lock.
Specified by:
unlock in interface KodoQuerySPI

SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.1.6 generated on August 25 2004

Copyright 2001,2002 SolarMetric, Inc. All Rights Reserved.