SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.1.6 generated on August 25 2004

Interface JDBCConfiguration

All Superinterfaces:
BeanInfo, com.solarmetric.util.Closeable, Configuration, JDOConfiguration, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface JDBCConfiguration
extends JDOConfiguration

Configuration that defines the properties necessary to configure runtime and connect to a JDBC DataSource.

Field Summary
static String LOG_JDBC
          Name of the logger for JDBC-related messages: kodo.jdbc.JDBC.
static String LOG_SCHEMA
          Name of the logger for schema-related messages: kodo.jdbc.Schema.
static String LOG_SQL
          Name of the logger for SQL execution messages: kodo.jdbc.SQL.
Fields inherited from interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
Fields inherited from interface com.solarmetric.conf.Configuration
Fields inherited from interface java.beans.BeanInfo
ICON_COLOR_16x16, ICON_COLOR_32x32, ICON_MONO_16x16, ICON_MONO_32x32
Method Summary
 boolean getAutoIncrementConstraints()
          Whether Kodo will order SQL to meet constraints imposed by auto-increment primary key values.
 String getClassIndicator()
          The ClassIndicator to use when creating new class mappings.
 ConnectionDecorator[] getConnectionDecoratorInstances()
          The ConnectionDecorators to use.
 String getConnectionDecorators()
          A comma-separated list of the ConnectionDecorator for adding functionality to JDBC connections.
 DataSource getDataSource(KodoPersistenceManager pm)
          Return the primary data source to use.
 DataSource getDataSource2(KodoPersistenceManager pm)
          Return the non-xa data source to use.
 String getDataSourceMode()
          The mode of the JDBC data source in use.
 String getDBDictionary()
          The DBDictionary to use to define the RDBMS SQL information.
 DBDictionary getDBDictionaryInstance()
          The DBDictionary to use.
 String getFetchDirection()
          The JDBC fetch direction.
 int getFetchDirectionConstant()
          Return the result set constant for the fetch direction.
 boolean getForeignKeyConstraints()
          Whether Kodo will order SQL inserts, updates, and deletes to meet foreign key constraints.
 JDBCListener[] getJDBCListenerInstances()
          The JDBCListeners to use.
 String getJDBCListeners()
          A comma-separated list of the JDBCListener plugins for listening to JDBCEvents.
 String getLRSSize()
          How to obtain the size of large result sets.
 int getLRSSizeConstant()
          Return the JDBCFetchConfiguration constant for the large result set size setting.
 String getMappingFactory()
          The plugin string for the MappingFactory to use in creating the O-R mappings.
 MappingFactory getMappingFactoryInstance()
          The MappingFactory to use for O-R mapping.
 MappingRepository getMappingRepository()
          Return the mapping repository.
 String getResultSetType()
          The JDBC result set type.
 int getResultSetTypeConstant()
          Return the result set constant for the result set type.
 String getSchemaFactory()
          The plugin string for the SchemaFactory to use to provide schema information during system initialization.
 SchemaFactory getSchemaFactoryInstance()
          The SchemaFactory to use for schema information.
 String getSchemas()
          Comma-separated list of modifiable schemas for JDO instances.
 String[] getSchemasList()
          Modificable schema components.
 String getSequenceFactory()
          The plugin string for the SequenceFactory implementation.
 SequenceFactory getSequenceFactoryInstance()
          The SequenceFactory to use.
 String getSubclassMapping()
          The ClassMapping to use when mapping subclasses.
 String getSynchronizeMappings()
          Whether Kodo should try to automatically refresh O/R mapping information and the database schema.
 String getTransactionIsolation()
          The transaction isolation level to use at the database level.
 int getTransactionIsolationConstant()
          Return the proper transaction isolation level constant from Connection, or -1 for the default level.
 String getUpdateManager()
          The UpdateManager to use for managing SQL updates.
 UpdateManager getUpdateManagerInstance()
          The UpdateManager for runtime data store interaction.
 String getVersionIndicator()
          The VersionIndicator to use when creating new class mappings.
 String getVerticalQueryMode()
          The mode to use when performing JDOQL queries on class hierarchies that use vertical inheritance.
 int getVerticalQueryModeConstant()
          Return the mode to use when performing JDOQL queries on class hierarchies that use vertical inheritance.
 boolean isDataSourceModeEnlisted()
          Whether the data source is automatically enlisted in global transactions.
 void setAutoIncrementConstraints(boolean autoInc)
          Whether Kodo will order SQL to meet constraints imposed by auto-increment primary key values.
 void setAutoIncrementConstraints(Boolean autoIncrementConstraints)
          Wrapper for JCA usage of setAutoIncrementConstraints(boolean).
 void setClassIndicator(String classIndicator)
          The full class or type name of the ClassIndicator to use when creating new class mappings.
 void setConnectionDecorators(ConnectionDecorator[] decorators)
          The ConnectionDecorators to use.
 void setConnectionDecorators(String decorators)
          A comma-separated list of the ConnectionDecorator for adding functionality to JDBC connections.
 void setDataSourceMode(String mode)
          The mode of the JDBC data source in use.
 void setDataSourceModeEnlisted(boolean enlisted)
          Whether the data source is automatically enlisted in global transactions.
 void setDBDictionary(DBDictionary dbdictionary)
          The DBDictionary to use.
 void setDBDictionary(String dbdictionary)
          The DBDictionary to use to define the RDBMS SQL information.
 void setFetchDirection(int direction)
          Set the result set fetch direction constant.
 void setFetchDirection(String direction)
          The JDBC fetch direction.
 void setFirstPersistenceManagerPassword(String pass)
          Set the first connection password used to obtain a persistence manager.
 void setFirstPersistenceManagerUserName(String user)
          Set the first connection user name used to obtain a persistence manager.
 void setForeignKeyConstraints(boolean foreignKeyConstraints)
          Whether Kodo will order SQL inserts, updates, and deletes to meet foreign key constraints.
 void setForeignKeyConstraints(Boolean foreignKeyConstraints)
          Wrapper for JCA usage of setForeignKeyConstraints(boolean).
 void setJDBCListeners(JDBCListener[] jdbcListeners)
          The JDBCListeners to use.
 void setJDBCListeners(String jdbcListeners)
          A comma-separated list of the JDBCListener plugins for listening to JDBCEvents.
 void setLRSSize(int size)
          Set the fetch configuration large result set size constant.
 void setLRSSize(String lrsSize)
          How to obtain the size of large result sets.
 void setMappingFactory(MappingFactory mappingFactory)
          The MappingFactory to use for O-R mapping.
 void setMappingFactory(String mappingFactory)
          The plugin string for the MappingFactory to use in creating the O-R mappings.
 void setResultSetType(int type)
          Set the result set constant type.
 void setResultSetType(String type)
          The JDBC result set type.
 void setSchemaFactory(SchemaFactory schemaFactory)
          The SchemaFactory to use for schema information.
 void setSchemaFactory(String schemaFactory)
          The plugin string for the SchemaFactory to use to provide schema information during system initialization.
 void setSchemas(String schemas)
          Comma-separated list of modifiable schemas for JDO instances.
 void setSchemas(String[] schemas)
          Modifiable schema components.
 void setSequenceFactory(SequenceFactory sequenceFactory)
          The SequenceFactory to use.
 void setSequenceFactory(String sequenceFactory)
          The plugin string for the SequenceFactory implementation.
 void setSubclassMapping(String subclassMapping)
          The ClassMapping to use when mapping subclasses.
 void setSynchronizeMappings(String synchronizeMappings)
          Whether Kodo should try to automatically refresh O/R mapping information and the database schema.
 void setTransactionIsolation(int level)
          Set the proper transaction isolation level constant from Connection, or -1 for the default level.
 void setTransactionIsolation(String level)
          The transaction isolation level to use at the database level.
 void setUpdateManager(String updateManager)
          The UpdateManager to use for managing SQL updates.
 void setUpdateManager(UpdateManager updateManager)
          The UpdateManager for runtime data store interaction.
 void setVersionIndicator(String versionIndicator)
          The VersionIndicator to use when creating new class mappings.
 void setVerticalQueryMode(int mode)
          The mode to use when performing JDOQL queries on class hierarchies that use vertical inheritance.
 void setVerticalQueryMode(String mode)
          The mode to use when performing JDOQL queries on class hierarchies that use vertical inheritance.
Methods inherited from interface kodo.conf.JDOConfiguration
getAggregateListenerInstances, getAggregateListeners, getClassResolver, getClassResolverInstance, getConnection2DriverName, getConnection2Password, getConnection2Properties, getConnection2URL, getConnection2UserName, getConnectionDriverName, getConnectionFactory, getConnectionFactory2, getConnectionFactory2Name, getConnectionFactory2Properties, getConnectionFactoryName, getConnectionFactoryProperties, getConnectionPassword, getConnectionProperties, getConnectionRetainMode, getConnectionRetainModeConstant, getConnectionURL, getConnectionUserName, getCopyObjectIds, getDataCache, getDataCacheInstances, getDataCacheManager, getDataCacheTimeout, getEagerFetchMode, getEagerFetchModeConstant, getFetchBatchSize, getFetchGroups, getFetchGroupsList, getFilterListenerInstances, getFilterListeners, getFlushBeforeQueries, getFlushBeforeQueriesConstant, getIgnoreCache, getJMXInterface, getLicense, getLicenseKey, getLockManager, getLockTimeout, getLog, getManagedRuntime, getManagedRuntimeInstance, getMBeans, getMBeanServer, getMBeanServerStrategy, getMetaDataRepository, getMultithreaded, getNontransactionalRead, getNontransactionalWrite, getOptimistic, getPersistenceManagerFactoryClass, getPersistenceManagerImpl, getPersistenceManagerServer, getPersistenceManagerServerInstance, getPersistentClasses, getPersistentClassesList, getProfilingAgent, getProfilingAgentInstance, getProfilingHelper, getProfilingHelperInstance, getProfilingInterface, getProxyManager, getProxyManagerInstance, getQueryCache, getQueryCompilationCache, getQueryCompilationCacheInstance, getReadLockLevel, getReadLockLevelConstant, getRemoteCommitEventManager, getRemoteCommitProvider, getRemoteJMXAdaptor, getRestoreMutableValues, getRestoreValues, getRetainValues, getRetainValuesInOptimistic, getTimeWatchManager, getTransactionMode, getWriteLockLevel, getWriteLockLevelConstant, isTransactionModeManaged, newDataCacheInstance, newLockManagerInstance, newPersistenceManagerImplInstance, newQueryCacheInstance, newRemoteCommitProviderInstance, setAggregateListeners, setAggregateListeners, setClassResolver, setClassResolver, setConnection2DriverName, setConnection2Password, setConnection2Properties, setConnection2URL, setConnection2UserName, setConnectionDriverName, setConnectionFactory, setConnectionFactory2, setConnectionFactory2Name, setConnectionFactory2Properties, setConnectionFactoryName, setConnectionFactoryProperties, setConnectionPassword, setConnectionProperties, setConnectionRetainMode, setConnectionRetainMode, setConnectionURL, setConnectionUserName, setCopyObjectIds, setCopyObjectIds, setDataCache, setDataCacheManager, setDataCacheTimeout, setDataCacheTimeout, setEagerFetchMode, setEagerFetchMode, setFetchBatchSize, setFetchBatchSize, setFetchGroups, setFetchGroups, setFilterListeners, setFilterListeners, setFlushBeforeQueries, setFlushBeforeQueries, setIgnoreCache, setIgnoreCache, setJMXInterface, setLicenseKey, setLockManager, setLockTimeout, setLockTimeout, setLog, setManagedRuntime, setManagedRuntime, setMBeans, setMBeanServerStrategy, setMetaDataRepository, setMultithreaded, setMultithreaded, setNontransactionalRead, setNontransactionalRead, setNontransactionalWrite, setNontransactionalWrite, setOptimistic, setOptimistic, setPersistenceManagerFactoryClass, setPersistenceManagerImpl, setPersistenceManagerServer, setPersistenceManagerServer, setPersistentClasses, setPersistentClasses, setProfilingAgent, setProfilingHelper, setProfilingInterface, setProxyManager, setProxyManager, setQueryCache, setQueryCompilationCache, setReadLockLevel, setReadLockLevel, setRemoteCommitEventManager, setRemoteCommitProvider, setRemoteJMXAdaptor, setRestoreMutableValues, setRestoreMutableValues, setRestoreValues, setRestoreValues, setRetainValues, setRetainValues, setRetainValuesInOptimistic, setRetainValuesInOptimistic, setTransactionMode, setTransactionModeManaged, setWriteLockLevel, setWriteLockLevel, supportedOptions
Methods inherited from interface com.solarmetric.conf.Configuration
close, fromProperties, getConfigurationException, getConfigurationLog, getLog, getLogFactory, getValue, getValues, isCaching, isFrozen, setCaching, setFrozen, setLogFactory, toProperties
Methods inherited from interface java.beans.BeanInfo
getAdditionalBeanInfo, getBeanDescriptor, getDefaultEventIndex, getDefaultPropertyIndex, getEventSetDescriptors, getIcon, getMethodDescriptors, getPropertyDescriptors

Field Detail


public static final String LOG_SQL
Name of the logger for SQL execution messages: kodo.jdbc.SQL.


public static final String LOG_JDBC
Name of the logger for JDBC-related messages: kodo.jdbc.JDBC.


public static final String LOG_SCHEMA
Name of the logger for schema-related messages: kodo.jdbc.Schema.
Method Detail


public String getSchemas()
Comma-separated list of modifiable schemas for JDO instances.


public void setSchemas(String schemas)
Comma-separated list of modifiable schemas for JDO instances.


public String[] getSchemasList()
Modificable schema components.


public void setSchemas(String[] schemas)
Modifiable schema components.


public String getTransactionIsolation()
The transaction isolation level to use at the database level. Possible values are:


public void setTransactionIsolation(String level)
The transaction isolation level to use at the database level. Possible values are:


public int getTransactionIsolationConstant()
Return the proper transaction isolation level constant from Connection, or -1 for the default level.


public void setTransactionIsolation(int level)
Set the proper transaction isolation level constant from Connection, or -1 for the default level.


public String getResultSetType()
The JDBC result set type. Defaults to forward-only.


public int getResultSetTypeConstant()
Return the result set constant for the result set type.


public void setResultSetType(String type)
The JDBC result set type. Defaults to forward-only.


public void setResultSetType(int type)
Set the result set constant type.


public String getFetchDirection()
The JDBC fetch direction. Defaults to forward.


public int getFetchDirectionConstant()
Return the result set constant for the fetch direction.


public void setFetchDirection(String direction)
The JDBC fetch direction. Defaults to forward.


public void setFetchDirection(int direction)
Set the result set fetch direction constant.


public String getLRSSize()
How to obtain the size of large result sets. Defaults to unknown.


public int getLRSSizeConstant()
Return the JDBCFetchConfiguration constant for the large result set size setting.


public void setLRSSize(String lrsSize)
How to obtain the size of large result sets. Defaults to unknown.


public void setLRSSize(int size)
Set the fetch configuration large result set size constant.


public boolean getForeignKeyConstraints()
Whether Kodo will order SQL inserts, updates, and deletes to meet foreign key constraints. Defaults to false.


public void setForeignKeyConstraints(boolean foreignKeyConstraints)
Whether Kodo will order SQL inserts, updates, and deletes to meet foreign key constraints. Defaults to false.


public void setForeignKeyConstraints(Boolean foreignKeyConstraints)
Wrapper for JCA usage of setForeignKeyConstraints(boolean).


public boolean getAutoIncrementConstraints()
Whether Kodo will order SQL to meet constraints imposed by auto-increment primary key values. Defaults to false.


public void setAutoIncrementConstraints(boolean autoInc)
Whether Kodo will order SQL to meet constraints imposed by auto-increment primary key values. Defaults to false.


public void setAutoIncrementConstraints(Boolean autoIncrementConstraints)
Wrapper for JCA usage of setAutoIncrementConstraints(boolean).


public String getSynchronizeMappings()
Whether Kodo should try to automatically refresh O/R mapping information and the database schema.


public void setSynchronizeMappings(String synchronizeMappings)
Whether Kodo should try to automatically refresh O/R mapping information and the database schema.


public String getDataSourceMode()
The mode of the JDBC data source in use. Available options are: Defaults to local.


public void setDataSourceMode(String mode)
The mode of the JDBC data source in use. Available options are: Defaults to local.


public boolean isDataSourceModeEnlisted()
Whether the data source is automatically enlisted in global transactions.


public void setDataSourceModeEnlisted(boolean enlisted)
Whether the data source is automatically enlisted in global transactions.


public String getJDBCListeners()
A comma-separated list of the JDBCListener plugins for listening to JDBCEvents.


public void setJDBCListeners(String jdbcListeners)
A comma-separated list of the JDBCListener plugins for listening to JDBCEvents.


public JDBCListener[] getJDBCListenerInstances()
The JDBCListeners to use.


public void setJDBCListeners(JDBCListener[] jdbcListeners)
The JDBCListeners to use.


public String getConnectionDecorators()
A comma-separated list of the ConnectionDecorator for adding functionality to JDBC connections.


public void setConnectionDecorators(String decorators)
A comma-separated list of the ConnectionDecorator for adding functionality to JDBC connections.


public ConnectionDecorator[] getConnectionDecoratorInstances()
The ConnectionDecorators to use.


public void setConnectionDecorators(ConnectionDecorator[] decorators)
The ConnectionDecorators to use.


public String getDBDictionary()
The DBDictionary to use to define the RDBMS SQL information.


public void setDBDictionary(String dbdictionary)
The DBDictionary to use to define the RDBMS SQL information.


public DBDictionary getDBDictionaryInstance()
The DBDictionary to use.


public void setDBDictionary(DBDictionary dbdictionary)
The DBDictionary to use.


public String getSequenceFactory()
The plugin string for the SequenceFactory implementation.


public void setSequenceFactory(String sequenceFactory)
The plugin string for the SequenceFactory implementation.


public SequenceFactory getSequenceFactoryInstance()
The SequenceFactory to use.


public void setSequenceFactory(SequenceFactory sequenceFactory)
The SequenceFactory to use.


public String getUpdateManager()
The UpdateManager to use for managing SQL updates.


public void setUpdateManager(String updateManager)
The UpdateManager to use for managing SQL updates.


public UpdateManager getUpdateManagerInstance()
The UpdateManager for runtime data store interaction.


public void setUpdateManager(UpdateManager updateManager)
The UpdateManager for runtime data store interaction.


public String getMappingFactory()
The plugin string for the MappingFactory to use in creating the O-R mappings. Defaults to the FileMappingFactory.


public void setMappingFactory(String mappingFactory)
The plugin string for the MappingFactory to use in creating the O-R mappings. Defaults to the FileMappingFactory.


public MappingFactory getMappingFactoryInstance()
The MappingFactory to use for O-R mapping.


public void setMappingFactory(MappingFactory mappingFactory)
The MappingFactory to use for O-R mapping.


public String getSchemaFactory()
The plugin string for the SchemaFactory to use to provide schema information during system initialization. Defaults to the LazySchemaFactory.


public void setSchemaFactory(String schemaFactory)
The plugin string for the SchemaFactory to use to provide schema information during system initialization. Defaults to the LazySchemaFactory.


public SchemaFactory getSchemaFactoryInstance()
The SchemaFactory to use for schema information.


public void setSchemaFactory(SchemaFactory schemaFactory)
The SchemaFactory to use for schema information.


public String getVersionIndicator()
The VersionIndicator to use when creating new class mappings. Defaults to version-number.


public void setVersionIndicator(String versionIndicator)
The VersionIndicator to use when creating new class mappings. Defaults to version-number.


public String getClassIndicator()
The ClassIndicator to use when creating new class mappings. Defaults to in-class-name.


public void setClassIndicator(String classIndicator)
The full class or type name of the ClassIndicator to use when creating new class mappings. Defaults to in-class-name.


public String getSubclassMapping()
The ClassMapping to use when mapping subclasses. Defaults to flat.


public void setSubclassMapping(String subclassMapping)
The ClassMapping to use when mapping subclasses. Defaults to flat.


public MappingRepository getMappingRepository()
Return the mapping repository. Convenience method to cast from the internal metadata repository.


public DataSource getDataSource(KodoPersistenceManager pm)
Return the primary data source to use. The data source will automatically use the given persistence manager's user name and password on calls to DataSource.getConnection(). If the given persistence manager is null, the data source will use the configuration's default connection user name and password. If those too are null and the first persistence manager has been obtained already, then the user name and password for that persistence manager will be returned, as we know they represent a valid combination. This method avoids casting the result of JDOConfiguration.getConnectionFactory(), and avoids having to pass in the user name and password to obtain connections.


public DataSource getDataSource2(KodoPersistenceManager pm)
Return the non-xa data source to use. If there is a valid non-xa connection factory configured, then it will be returned. Its default user name and password on calls to DataSource.getConnection() will be the specificed connection 2 user name and password. If those are null and the given persistence manager is non-null, its user name password will be used instead. If the persistence manager is null too, then the user name and password used to retrieve the first persistence manager will be used. If there is no second connection factory the primary connection factory is used.
See Also:


public String getVerticalQueryMode()
The mode to use when performing JDOQL queries on class hierarchies that use vertical inheritance. Defaults to per-subclass.


public int getVerticalQueryModeConstant()
Return the mode to use when performing JDOQL queries on class hierarchies that use vertical inheritance.


public void setVerticalQueryMode(String mode)
The mode to use when performing JDOQL queries on class hierarchies that use vertical inheritance. Defaults to per-subclass.


public void setVerticalQueryMode(int mode)
The mode to use when performing JDOQL queries on class hierarchies that use vertical inheritance. Defaults to per-subclass.


public void setFirstPersistenceManagerUserName(String user)
Set the first connection user name used to obtain a persistence manager. This information is cached in case the configuration does not include the ConnectionUserName property. Called automatically by system.


public void setFirstPersistenceManagerPassword(String pass)
Set the first connection password used to obtain a persistence manager. This information is cached in case the configuration does not include the ConnectionPassword property. Called automatically by system.

SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.1.6 generated on August 25 2004

Copyright 2001,2002 SolarMetric, Inc. All Rights Reserved.