SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.1.6 generated on August 25 2004

Package kodo.jdbc.runtime

JDBC Runtime


Interface Summary
JDBCFetchConfiguration JDBC extensions to Kodo's FetchConfiguration.
JDBCLockManager Extension of the LockManager interface with methods for datastore locking during the select and load process.
UpdateManager This interface is used to customize the way that updates are made to database records.

Class Summary
ConnectionInfo Struct to hold data about the current connection state.
JDBCPersistenceManagerFactory PersistenceManagerFactory type for use with the JDBC runtime.
JDBCResultObjectProvider Object provider implementation wrapped around a JDBC Result.
JDBCStoreManager StoreManager plugin that uses JDBC to store persistent data in a relational data store.
PessimisticLockManager Lock manager that uses exclusive database locks.
StartPersistenceManagerServer Script to start a persistence manager server.
UpdateManagerImpl Standard update manager, capable of statement batching and foreign key constraint evaluation.

Package kodo.jdbc.runtime Description

JDBC Runtime

Runtime services for the JDBC JDO implementation.

SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.1.6 generated on August 25 2004

Copyright 2001,2002 SolarMetric, Inc. All Rights Reserved.