SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.1.6 generated on August 25 2004

Class OracleDictionary

All Implemented Interfaces:
Configurable, ConnectionDecorator

public class OracleDictionary
extends DBDictionary

Dictionary for Oracle.

Fields inherited from class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 boolean canBatch(Column col)
          Oracle cannot include LOBs in batch statements.
 void configureReflectedColumn(Column col, String typeName)
          Configure the specified column with the typeName from the DatabaseMetaData.
 String getAutoIncrementSequenceName()
          The global sequence name to use for autoincrement simulation.
 String getAutoIncrementSequenceName(Column col)
          Returns the name of the sequence that should be used for simulating auto-increment behavior.
 String getAutoIncrementTriggerName(Column col)
          Returns the name of the trigger that should be used for simulating auto-increment behavior.
 String getClobString(ResultSet rs, int column)
          Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
 String[] getCreateTableSQL(Table table)
          Return a series of SQL statements to create the given table, complete with columns.
 long getGeneratedKey(Column col, Connection conn)
          If we simulate auto-increment columns using triggers and sequences, then return the current value of the sequence returned from getAutoIncrementSequenceName(kodo.jdbc.schema.Column).
 ForeignKeyInfo[] getImportedKeys(DatabaseMetaData meta, String catalog, String schemaName, String tableName, Connection conn)
          Return a result set in the form expected by DatabaseMetaData.getImportedKeys(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String), though only the PKTABLE_SCHEM, PKTABLE_NAME, PKCOLUMN_NAME, FKTABLE_SCHEM, FKTABLE_NAME, FKCOLUMN_NAME, KEY_SEQ, DELETE_RULE, FK_NAME, DEFERRABILITY columns are required.
 IndexInfo[] getIndexInfo(DatabaseMetaData meta, String catalog, String schemaName, String tableName, boolean unique, boolean approx, Connection conn)
          Return a result set in the form expected by DatabaseMetaData.getIndexInfo(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean, boolean), though only the TABLE_SCHEM, TABLE_NAME, NON_UNIQUE, INDEX_NAME, COLUMN_NAME columns are required.
 int getMaxEmbeddedBlobSize()
          The maximum size (in bytes) of blobs that can be embedded in an insert/update prepared statement by the Oracle JDBC driver.
 int getMaxEmbeddedClobSize()
          The maximum size (in characters) of clobs that can be embedded in an insert/update prepared statement by the Oracle JDBC driver.
 PrimaryKeyInfo[] getPrimaryKeys(DatabaseMetaData meta, String catalog, String schemaName, String tableName, Connection conn)
          Return an array of PrimaryKeyInfo for the specified schema objects.
 boolean getUseTriggersForAutoIncrement()
          If true, then simulate auto-increment in Oracle by using a trigger that inserts a sequence value into the primary key value when a row is inserted.
 void putBytes(Object blob, byte[] data)
          Invoke the oracle-specific putBytes method on the given BLOB object.
 void putString(Object clob, String data)
          Invoke the oracle-specific putString method on the given CLOB object.
 FieldMapping replaceMapping(FieldMapping mapping)
          Replace the given mapping with one suited to this database, or return the original if no replacement is needed.
 MappingFactory replaceMappingFactory(MappingFactory factory)
          Replace the given factory with one suited to this database, or return the original if no replacement is needed.
 SchemaFactory replaceSchemaFactory(SchemaFactory factory)
          Replace the given factory with one suited to this database, or return the original if no replacement is needed.
 byte[] serialize(Object val)
          Return the serialized bytes for the given object.
 void setAutoIncrementSequenceName(String autoIncrementSequenceName)
          The global sequence name to use for autoincrement simulation.
 void setDBMetaData(DBMetaData meta)
          Set the database metadata for this dictionary.
 void setMaxEmbeddedBlobSize(int max)
          The maximum size (in bytes) of blobs that can be embedded in an insert/update prepared statement by the Oracle JDBC driver.
 void setMaxEmbeddedClobSize(int max)
          The maximum size (in characters) of clobs that can be embedded in an insert/update prepared statement by the Oracle JDBC driver.
 void setNull(PreparedStatement stmnt, int idx, int colType)
          Set the given value as a parameters to the statement.
 void setUseTriggersForAutoIncrement(boolean useTriggersForAutoIncrement)
          If true, then simulate auto-increment in Oracle by using a trigger that inserts a sequence value into the primary key value when a row is inserted.
 boolean supportsAutoIncrement()
          Return true if this dictionary supports auto increment columns.
protected  boolean supportsSizeInColumnDefinition(Column col, String name)
          Returns true if a schema definition statement supports appending the size after the column type.
 boolean supportsTotalCountsForBatch()
          Returns true if Statement.executeBatch() will return an array with a single integer that represents the total number rows updated by the batch execution.
 boolean supportsUpdateCountsForBatch()
          Return true if the database returns meaningful update counts on batched statements.
 SQLBuffer toNativeJoin(Join join)
          Use the given join instance to create SQL joining its tables in the database's native syntax.
 SQLBuffer toSelect(SQLBuffer select, SQLBuffer tables, SQLBuffer where, SQLBuffer order, boolean distinct, boolean forUpdate)
          Combine the given components into a SELECT statement.
Methods inherited from class kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
addSystemSchema, addSystemTable, afterMetadataOperation, appendSize, assertSelectForUpdate, beforeMetadataOperation, canLock, convertSchemaCase, decorate, endConfiguration, getAddColumnSQL, getAddForeignKeySQL, getAddPrimaryKeySQL, getArray, getAsciiStream, getAutoIncrementClause, getAutoIncrementTypeName, getBatchLimit, getBatchParameterLimit, getBigDecimal, getBigInteger, getBigintTypeName, getBinaryStream, getBinaryTypeName, getBitTypeName, getBlob, getBlobObject, getBlobStream, getBlobTypeName, getBoolean, getByte, getBytes, getCatalogNameForMetadata, getCatalogSeparator, getChar, getCharacterStream, getCharTypeName, getClob, getClobTypeName, getColumnNameForMetadata, getColumns, getConfiguration, getConstraintNameBeforeDeclaration, getCreateIndexSQL, getCreatePrimaryKeys, getDate, getDate, getDatePrecision, getDateTypeName, getDBMetaData, getDecimalTypeName, getDeclareColumnSQL, getDefaultSchemaName, getDistinctCountColumnSeparator, getDistinctTypeName, getDouble, getDoubleTypeName, getDropColumnSQL, getDropForeignKeySQL, getDropIndexSQL, getDropPrimaryKeySQL, getDropTableSQL, getFloat, getFloatTypeName, getForeignKeyActionName, getForeignKeyConstraintSQL, getForUpdateClause, getFrom, getFullName, getFullName, getFullName, getGeneratedKeySequenceName, getInitializationSQL, getInt, getIntegerTypeName, getJavaObjectTypeName, getJDBCType, getJoinSyntax, getJoinSyntaxConstant, getLastGeneratedKeyQuery, getLastGeneratedKeyQuery, getLocale, getLong, getLongVarbinaryTypeName, getLongVarcharTypeName, getMaxCharacterFieldLength, getMaxCharactersInAutoIncrement, getMaxCharactersInTableName, getMaxColumnNameLength, getMaxForeignKeyNameLength, getMaxIndexesPerTable, getMaxIndexNameLength, getMaxKeyNameLength, getMaxPrimaryKeyNameLength, getMaxTableNameLength, getNullColumnName, getNullTableName, getNullTypeName, getNumericTypeName, getObject, getOrderings, getOtherTypeName, getPlatform, getPreferredType, getPrimaryKeyConstraintSQL, getPrimaryKeysFromBestRowIdentifier, getPrimaryKeysFromGetPrimaryKeys, getRealTypeName, getRef, getRefTypeName, getRequiresAliasForSubselect, getRequiresAutoCommitForMetadata, getReservedKeywords, getReservedWords, getSchemaCase, getSchemaNameForMetadata, getSelects, getShort, getSimulateLocking, getSizeClause, getSmallintTypeName, getStorageLimitationsFatal, getStoreCharsAsNumbers, getStoreLargeNumbersAsStrings, getString, getStructTypeName, getSupportsDeferredConstraints, getSupportsForeignKeys, getSupportsLockingWithDistinctClause, getSupportsLockingWithInnerJoin, getSupportsLockingWithMultipleTables, getSupportsLockingWithOrderClause, getSupportsLockingWithOuterJoin, getSupportsMultipleNontransactionalResultSets, getSupportsNullTableForGetColumns, getSupportsNullTableForGetImportedKeys, getSupportsNullTableForGetIndexInfo, getSupportsNullTableForGetPrimaryKeys, getSupportsQueryTimeout, getSupportsSchemaForGetColumns, getSupportsSchemaForGetTables, getSupportsSelectForUpdate, getSystemSchemas, getSystemTables, getTableForUpdateClause, getTableNameForMetadata, getTables, getTableTypes, getTime, getTimestamp, getTimestampTypeName, getTimeTypeName, getTinyintTypeName, getTypeName, getUseGetBestRowIdentifierForPrimaryKeys, getUseGetBytesForBlobs, getUseGetObjectForBlobs, getUseSchemaName, getUseSetBytesForBlobs, getUseStringsForClobs, getValidationSQL, getValidColumnName, getValidForeignKeyName, getValidIndexName, getValidPrimaryKeyName, getValidTableName, getVarbinaryTypeName, getVarcharTypeName, getWhere, isReserved, isSupported, isSystemIndex, isSystemTable, makeNameValid, maxKeyNameLength, newColumnInfo, newForeignKeyInfo, newIndexInfo, newPrimaryKeyInfo, newTableInfo, refSchemaComponents, replaceMapping, replaceSize, setArray, setAsciiStream, setAutoIncrementClause, setAutoIncrementTypeName, setBatchLimit, setBatchParameterLimit, setBigDecimal, setBigInteger, setBigintTypeName, setBinaryStream, setBinaryTypeName, setBitTypeName, setBlob, setBlobObject, setBlobTypeName, setBoolean, setByte, setBytes, setCatalogSeparator, setChar, setCharacterStream, setCharTypeName, setClob, setClobString, setClobTypeName, setConfiguration, setCreatePrimaryKeys, setDate, setDate, setDateTypeName, setDecimalTypeName, setDefaultSchemaName, setDistinctCountColumnSeparator, setDistinctTypeName, setDouble, setDoubleTypeName, setFloat, setFloatTypeName, setForUpdateClause, setInitializationSQL, setInt, setIntegerTypeName, setJavaObjectTypeName, setJoinSyntax, setJoinSyntaxConstant, setLastGeneratedKeyQuery, setLocale, setLong, setLongVarbinaryTypeName, setLongVarcharTypeName, setMaxCharactersInAutoIncrement, setMaxCharactersInTableName, setMaxIndexesPerTable, setMaxKeyNameLength, setNullColumnName, setNullTableName, setNullTypeName, setNumericTypeName, setObject, setOtherTypeName, setPlatform, setRealTypeName, setRef, setRefTypeName, setRequiresAliasForSubselect, setRequiresAutoCommitForMetadata, setReservedWords, setSchemaCase, setShort, setSimulateLocking, setSmallintTypeName, setStorageLimitationsFatal, setStoreCharsAsNumbers, setStoreLargeNumbersAsStrings, setString, setStructTypeName, setSupportsDeferredConstraints, setSupportsForeignKeys, setSupportsLockingWithDistinctClause, setSupportsLockingWithInnerJoin, setSupportsLockingWithMultipleTables, setSupportsLockingWithOrderClause, setSupportsLockingWithOuterJoin, setSupportsMultipleNontransactionalResultSets, setSupportsNullTableForGetColumns, setSupportsNullTableForGetImportedKeys, setSupportsNullTableForGetIndexInfo, setSupportsNullTableForGetPrimaryKeys, setSupportsQueryTimeout, setSupportsSchemaForGetColumns, setSupportsSchemaForGetTables, setSupportsSelectForUpdate, setSystemSchemas, setSystemTables, setTableForUpdateClause, setTableTypes, setTime, setTimestamp, setTimestampTypeName, setTimeTypeName, setTinyintTypeName, setUseGetBestRowIdentifierForPrimaryKeys, setUseGetBytesForBlobs, setUseGetObjectForBlobs, setUseSchemaName, setUseSetBytesForBlobs, setUseStringsForClobs, setValidationSQL, setVarbinaryTypeName, setVarcharTypeName, startConfiguration, storageWarning, supportsForeignKey, supportsRandomAccessResultSet, supportsSelectForUpdate, toSelect, toSelectCount, toSQL92Join, toTraditionalJoin, warnSupportedDictionary
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public OracleDictionary()
Method Detail


public void setDBMetaData(DBMetaData meta)
                   throws SQLException
Description copied from class: DBDictionary
Set the database metadata for this dictionary. This method will be called by the system.
setDBMetaData in class DBDictionary


public boolean canBatch(Column col)
Oracle cannot include LOBs in batch statements.
canBatch in class DBDictionary


public int getMaxEmbeddedBlobSize()
The maximum size (in bytes) of blobs that can be embedded in an insert/update prepared statement by the Oracle JDBC driver. Defaults to 4000.


public void setMaxEmbeddedBlobSize(int max)
The maximum size (in bytes) of blobs that can be embedded in an insert/update prepared statement by the Oracle JDBC driver. Defaults to 4000.


public int getMaxEmbeddedClobSize()
The maximum size (in characters) of clobs that can be embedded in an insert/update prepared statement by the Oracle JDBC driver. Defaults to 4000.


public void setMaxEmbeddedClobSize(int max)
The maximum size (in characters) of clobs that can be embedded in an insert/update prepared statement by the Oracle JDBC driver. Defaults to 4000.


public boolean supportsUpdateCountsForBatch()
Description copied from class: DBDictionary
Return true if the database returns meaningful update counts on batched statements. Returns true by default.
supportsUpdateCountsForBatch in class DBDictionary


public boolean supportsTotalCountsForBatch()
Description copied from class: DBDictionary
Returns true if Statement.executeBatch() will return an array with a single integer that represents the total number rows updated by the batch execution.
supportsTotalCountsForBatch in class DBDictionary


protected boolean supportsSizeInColumnDefinition(Column col,
                                                 String name)
Description copied from class: DBDictionary
Returns true if a schema definition statement supports appending the size after the column type. For example some databases allow FLOAT(20), but other databases disallow INT8(16).
supportsSizeInColumnDefinition in class DBDictionary


public void configureReflectedColumn(Column col,
                                     String typeName)
Description copied from class: DBDictionary
Configure the specified column with the typeName from the DatabaseMetaData.
configureReflectedColumn in class DBDictionary
Following copied from class: kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
col - the Column to configure
typeName - the TYPE_NAME as reported by the metadata


public SQLBuffer toNativeJoin(Join join)
Description copied from class: DBDictionary
Use the given join instance to create SQL joining its tables in the database's native syntax. Throws an exception by default.
toNativeJoin in class DBDictionary


public SQLBuffer toSelect(SQLBuffer select,
                          SQLBuffer tables,
                          SQLBuffer where,
                          SQLBuffer order,
                          boolean distinct,
                          boolean forUpdate)
Description copied from class: DBDictionary
Combine the given components into a SELECT statement.
toSelect in class DBDictionary


public void setNull(PreparedStatement stmnt,
                    int idx,
                    int colType)
             throws SQLException
Description copied from class: DBDictionary
Set the given value as a parameters to the statement. The column type will come from Types.
setNull in class DBDictionary


public byte[] serialize(Object val)
                 throws SQLException
Description copied from class: DBDictionary
Return the serialized bytes for the given object.
serialize in class DBDictionary


public String getClobString(ResultSet rs,
                            int column)
                     throws SQLException
Description copied from class: DBDictionary
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
getClobString in class DBDictionary


public PrimaryKeyInfo[] getPrimaryKeys(DatabaseMetaData meta,
                                       String catalog,
                                       String schemaName,
                                       String tableName,
                                       Connection conn)
                                throws SQLException
Description copied from class: DBDictionary
Return an array of PrimaryKeyInfo for the specified schema objects.
getPrimaryKeys in class DBDictionary


public IndexInfo[] getIndexInfo(DatabaseMetaData meta,
                                String catalog,
                                String schemaName,
                                String tableName,
                                boolean unique,
                                boolean approx,
                                Connection conn)
                         throws SQLException
Description copied from class: DBDictionary
Return a result set in the form expected by DatabaseMetaData.getIndexInfo(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean, boolean), though only the TABLE_SCHEM, TABLE_NAME, NON_UNIQUE, INDEX_NAME, COLUMN_NAME columns are required.
getIndexInfo in class DBDictionary


public ForeignKeyInfo[] getImportedKeys(DatabaseMetaData meta,
                                        String catalog,
                                        String schemaName,
                                        String tableName,
                                        Connection conn)
                                 throws SQLException
Description copied from class: DBDictionary
Return a result set in the form expected by DatabaseMetaData.getImportedKeys(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String), though only the PKTABLE_SCHEM, PKTABLE_NAME, PKCOLUMN_NAME, FKTABLE_SCHEM, FKTABLE_NAME, FKCOLUMN_NAME, KEY_SEQ, DELETE_RULE, FK_NAME, DEFERRABILITY columns are required.
getImportedKeys in class DBDictionary


public FieldMapping replaceMapping(FieldMapping mapping)
Description copied from class: DBDictionary
Replace the given mapping with one suited to this database, or return the original if no replacement is needed. Returns the original by default.
replaceMapping in class DBDictionary


public MappingFactory replaceMappingFactory(MappingFactory factory)
Description copied from class: DBDictionary
Replace the given factory with one suited to this database, or return the original if no replacement is needed. Returns the original by default.
replaceMappingFactory in class DBDictionary


public SchemaFactory replaceSchemaFactory(SchemaFactory factory)
Description copied from class: DBDictionary
Replace the given factory with one suited to this database, or return the original if no replacement is needed. Returns the original by default.
replaceSchemaFactory in class DBDictionary


public boolean supportsAutoIncrement()
Description copied from class: DBDictionary
Return true if this dictionary supports auto increment columns. Returns false by default.
supportsAutoIncrement in class DBDictionary


public String[] getCreateTableSQL(Table table)
Description copied from class: DBDictionary
Return a series of SQL statements to create the given table, complete with columns. Indexes and constraints will be created separately.
getCreateTableSQL in class DBDictionary


public long getGeneratedKey(Column col,
                            Connection conn)
                     throws SQLException
If we simulate auto-increment columns using triggers and sequences, then return the current value of the sequence returned from getAutoIncrementSequenceName(kodo.jdbc.schema.Column).
getGeneratedKey in class DBDictionary


public String getAutoIncrementSequenceName(Column col)
Returns the name of the sequence that should be used for simulating auto-increment behavior. The sequence name will either be the global name specified by getAutoIncrementSequenceName(kodo.jdbc.schema.Column), or else will be "SEQ_[table name]".


public String getAutoIncrementTriggerName(Column col)
Returns the name of the trigger that should be used for simulating auto-increment behavior. The default name will be the "TRIG_[table name]".


public void setAutoIncrementSequenceName(String autoIncrementSequenceName)
The global sequence name to use for autoincrement simulation.


public String getAutoIncrementSequenceName()
The global sequence name to use for autoincrement simulation.


public void setUseTriggersForAutoIncrement(boolean useTriggersForAutoIncrement)
If true, then simulate auto-increment in Oracle by using a trigger that inserts a sequence value into the primary key value when a row is inserted.


public boolean getUseTriggersForAutoIncrement()
If true, then simulate auto-increment in Oracle by using a trigger that inserts a sequence value into the primary key value when a row is inserted.


public void putBytes(Object blob,
                     byte[] data)
              throws SQLException
Invoke the oracle-specific putBytes method on the given BLOB object. Uses reflection in case the blob is wrapped in another vendor-specific class; for example Weblogic wraps oracle thin driver lobs in its own interfaces with the same methods.


public void putString(Object clob,
                      String data)
               throws SQLException
Invoke the oracle-specific putString method on the given CLOB object. Uses reflection in case the clob is wrapped in another vendor-specific class; for example Weblogic wraps oracle thin driver lobs in its own interfaces with the same methods.

SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.1.6 generated on August 25 2004

Copyright 2001,2002 SolarMetric, Inc. All Rights Reserved.