SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.1.6 generated on August 25 2004

Interface Proxy

All Known Subinterfaces:
LRSProxy, ProxyCollection, ProxyMap
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Proxy

Interface implemented by all proxy types to allow setting and nulling of their owning JDO instance.

All concrete proxy classes should be public and have publc no-args constructors so that tools that work via reflection on persistent instances can manipulate them.

Method Summary
 Object copy(Object orig)
          Return an unproxied copy of the given instance.
 ChangeTracker getChangeTracker()
          Return the change tracker for this proxy, or null if none.
 KodoStateManager getOwner()
          Return the owning object.
 int getOwnerField()
          Return the owning field index.
 void setOwner(KodoStateManager sm, int field)
          Reset the state of the proxy, and set the owning JDO instance of the proxy and the name of the field it is assigned to.

Method Detail


public void setOwner(KodoStateManager sm,
                     int field)
Reset the state of the proxy, and set the owning JDO instance of the proxy and the name of the field it is assigned to. Set to null to indicate that the proxy is no longer managed.


public KodoStateManager getOwner()
Return the owning object.


public int getOwnerField()
Return the owning field index.


public ChangeTracker getChangeTracker()
Return the change tracker for this proxy, or null if none.


public Object copy(Object orig)
Return an unproxied copy of the given instance. This method is used by proxy managers to create backup values for use in rollback.

SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.1.6 generated on August 25 2004

Copyright 2001,2002 SolarMetric, Inc. All Rights Reserved.