Chapter 1. Running and Configuring Kodo Development Workbench

1.1. Starting Kodo Development Workbench From the Command Line
1.2. Configuring Kodo Development Workbench

This chapter will demonstrate starting and configuring Kodo Workbench, including command line options and configuring the Kodo JDO core of Kodo Workbench.

1.1. Starting Kodo Development Workbench From the Command Line

Kodo Workbench can be started by using the kodoworkbench shell script or by directly running the Java class, kodo.jdbc.ide.meta.KodoWorkbench. On Windows, you can also start the Workbench by double-clicking on the workbench.exe executable.


Before running the Kodo Workbench from the command line, please ensure that your environment is set up correctly as described at Chapter 2, SolarMetric Kodo JDO Installation.

Below is a listing of configurable settings for Kodo Workbench. While all the settings are optional, specifying as many of these as possible will ensure that Kodo Workbench remembers your settings and behaves as you would prefer.

  • -storage/-s /path/to/storage: Configures where Kodo Workbench will store its persistent state. Kodo Workbench stores data in files with the ".storage" extension. If unspecified, this will default to the base directory setting listed below. We highly recommend specifying an absolute path to a dedicated directory so that you do not lose your settings.

  • -directory/-d /path/to/directory: This option configures the default directory for source files and output for generated files. A good setting would be to set it at the base of your source tree. This will default to System.getProperty ("user.home")/solarmetric.

  • -ui ui.classname: Optional parameter to control look and feel of Kodo Workbench. Takes a class name of a javax.swing.LookAndFeel implementation. Run com.solarmetric.ide.util.IdeUtils to get a listing of available LookAndFeel classes available on your platform. Note while some may be listed, they may not be available at runtime, namely Windows look and feel on non-Windows operating systems.

  • -properties/-p /path/to/ Optional parameter to explicitly use a specific configuration file instead of loading and configuring from Kodo Workbench itself.