SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.2.4 generated on January 7 2005

Interface Mapping

All Known Subinterfaces:
ClassMapping, FieldMapping
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractClassMapping, AbstractFieldMapping, Indicator

public interface Mapping

Interface implemented by all mappings.

Method Summary
 void addMappingInfoAttributes(Collection attrs)
          Add all mapping attributes names used by this mapping to the given collection.
 void delete(KodoStateManager sm, JDBCStoreManager store)
          Override this method to customize flushing this mapping.
 void delete(KodoStateManager sm, RowManager rm)
          Set the where values appropriately to delete the proper instance, and set all relations on non-secondary tables as updates.
 void fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo info, boolean adapt)
          Deserialize this mapping from a simple MappingInfo instance parsed from XML or some other format.
 MappingRepository getMappingRepository()
          Return the mapping's repository.
 String getMappingType()
          Return the abbreviated name of this mapping, or the full class name if it is a custom mapping.
 Table getTable()
          Return the mapping's primary data table.
 void insert(KodoStateManager sm, JDBCStoreManager store)
          Override this method to customize flushing this mapping.
 void insert(KodoStateManager sm, RowManager rm)
          Set values for the mapping into the proper rows.
 Boolean isCustomDelete(KodoStateManager sm)
          Return Boolean.FALSE if this mapping does not customize the delete process, Boolean.TRUE if it does, or null if it does customize the delete, but also relies on the standard delete method being called.
 Boolean isCustomInsert(KodoStateManager sm)
          Return Boolean.FALSE if this mapping does not customize the insert process, Boolean.TRUE if it does, or null if it does customize the insert, but also relies on the standard insert method being called.
 Boolean isCustomUpdate(KodoStateManager sm)
          Return Boolean.FALSE if this mapping does not customize the update process, Boolean.TRUE if it does, or null if it does customize the update, but also relies on the standard update method being called.
 boolean map()
          Map a new instance of this mapping type.
 void refSchemaComponents()
          Increment the reference count of all used schema components.
 void reverseMap(SchemaGroup schema, ReverseMappingTool tool)
          Create mappings from the schema, using the given tool.
 void toMappingInfo(MappingInfo info)
          Serialize this mapping to a simple MappingInfo instance for transfer to XML or some other format.
 void update(KodoStateManager sm, JDBCStoreManager store)
          Override this method to customize flushing this mapping.
 void update(KodoStateManager sm, RowManager rm)
          Set values for the mapping into the proper rows.

Method Detail


public MappingRepository getMappingRepository()
Return the mapping's repository.


public String getMappingType()
Return the abbreviated name of this mapping, or the full class name if it is a custom mapping.


public void toMappingInfo(MappingInfo info)
Serialize this mapping to a simple MappingInfo instance for transfer to XML or some other format.


public void fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo info,
                            boolean adapt)
Deserialize this mapping from a simple MappingInfo instance parsed from XML or some other format. If the info is incompatible and adapt is true, try to adapt to the new info. This method must validate the given mapping information using the SchemaGroup.findTable(kodo.jdbc.schema.Table) method to find any needed tables, the Table.getColumn(java.lang.String) method to retrieve columns from those tables, and the Column.isCompatible(int, int) method to check all column types. This validation is important, as some schema groups use these methods to build themselves up dynamically rather than reading schema information from the database.
MappingInfoNotFoundException - if the given info is invalid


public void addMappingInfoAttributes(Collection attrs)
Add all mapping attributes names used by this mapping to the given collection. For foreign key attributes, add the prefix.


public boolean map()
Map a new instance of this mapping type. If the underlying metadata cannot be mapped using this type, return false.


public void reverseMap(SchemaGroup schema,
                       ReverseMappingTool tool)
Create mappings from the schema, using the given tool. Implement this method if you want the class mapping to be a candidate when reverse-mapping a schema to java classes. Note that this method will be invoked on a template instance, so you cannot rely on the metadata or owning repository being set.


public Table getTable()
Return the mapping's primary data table.


public void refSchemaComponents()
Increment the reference count of all used schema components.


public void insert(KodoStateManager sm,
                   RowManager rm)
            throws SQLException
Set values for the mapping into the proper rows. For class mappings, this method will be called only after the corresponding method has been called for all fields of this mapping.


public void update(KodoStateManager sm,
                   RowManager rm)
            throws SQLException
Set values for the mapping into the proper rows.
See Also:
insert(kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager, kodo.jdbc.sql.RowManager)


public void delete(KodoStateManager sm,
                   RowManager rm)
            throws SQLException
Set the where values appropriately to delete the proper instance, and set all relations on non-secondary tables as updates. This allows foreign key analysis.
See Also:
insert(kodo.runtime.KodoStateManager, kodo.jdbc.sql.RowManager)


public Boolean isCustomInsert(KodoStateManager sm)
Return Boolean.FALSE if this mapping does not customize the insert process, Boolean.TRUE if it does, or null if it does customize the insert, but also relies on the standard insert method being called. Implement the #insert(KodoStateManager,JDBCStoreManager,Connection) method to implement the custom insertion behavior.


public Boolean isCustomUpdate(KodoStateManager sm)
Return Boolean.FALSE if this mapping does not customize the update process, Boolean.TRUE if it does, or null if it does customize the update, but also relies on the standard update method being called. Implement the #update(KodoStateManager,JDBCStoreManager,Connection) method to override the default update behavior.


public Boolean isCustomDelete(KodoStateManager sm)
Return Boolean.FALSE if this mapping does not customize the delete process, Boolean.TRUE if it does, or null if it does customize the delete, but also relies on the standard delete method being called. Implement the #delete(KodoStateManager,JDBCStoreManager,Connection) method to override the default deletion behavior.


public void insert(KodoStateManager sm,
                   JDBCStoreManager store)
            throws SQLException
Override this method to customize flushing this mapping. For classes, this method must also flush all fields. For fields, this method is called after the owning object is inserted, so if this field is in a row with other fields, that row will already exist.


public void update(KodoStateManager sm,
                   JDBCStoreManager store)
            throws SQLException
Override this method to customize flushing this mapping. For classes, this method must also flush all fields.


public void delete(KodoStateManager sm,
                   JDBCStoreManager store)
            throws SQLException
Override this method to customize flushing this mapping. For classes, this method must also flush all fields. For fields, this method will be called after the owning object is deleted.

SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.2.4 generated on January 7 2005

Copyright 2001,2002 SolarMetric, Inc. All Rights Reserved.