SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.2.4 generated on January 7 2005

Class DBDictionary

All Implemented Interfaces:
Configurable, ConnectionDecorator
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractSQLServerDictionary, AccessDictionary, CacheDictionary, DB2Dictionary, EmpressDictionary, FoxProDictionary, HSQLDictionary, InformixDictionary, InterbaseDictionary, JDataStoreDictionary, MySQLDictionary, OracleDictionary, PointbaseDictionary, PostgresDictionary

public class DBDictionary
extends Object
implements Configurable, ConnectionDecorator

Class which allows the creation of SQL dynamically, in a database agnostic fashion. Subclass for the nuances of different data stores.

Field Summary
 String arrayTypeName
 String autoIncrementClause
 String autoIncrementTypeName
 int batchLimit
 int batchParameterLimit
 String bigintTypeName
 String binaryTypeName
 String bitTypeName
 String blobTypeName
 String catalogSeparator
protected static int CENTI
 String charTypeName
 String clobTypeName
protected  JDBCConfiguration conf
protected  boolean connected
static String CONS_NAME_AFTER
static String CONS_NAME_BEFORE
static String CONS_NAME_MID
 String constraintNameMode
 boolean createPrimaryKeys
 int datePrecision
 String dateTypeName
protected static int DECI
 String decimalTypeName
 String defaultSchemaName
 String distinctCountColumnSeparator
 String distinctTypeName
 String doubleTypeName
 String driverVendor
protected  Set fixedSizeTypeNameSet
 String floatTypeName
 String forUpdateClause
 String initializationSQL
 String integerTypeName
 String javaObjectTypeName
 int joinSyntax
 String lastGeneratedKeyQuery
protected  Log log
 String longVarbinaryTypeName
 String longVarcharTypeName
 int maxAutoIncrementNameLength
 int maxCharacterFieldLength
 int maxColumnNameLength
 int maxForeignKeyNameLength
 int maxIndexesPerTable
 int maxIndexNameLength
 int maxPrimaryKeyNameLength
 int maxTableNameLength
protected static int MICRO
protected static int MILLI
protected static int NANO
 String nullTypeName
 String numericTypeName
 String otherTypeName
 String platform
 String realTypeName
 String refTypeName
 boolean requiresAliasForSubselect
 boolean requiresAutoCommitForMetadata
 String reservedWords
protected  Set reservedWordSet
 String schemaCase
protected static int SEC
 boolean simulateLocking
 String smallintTypeName
 boolean storageLimitationsFatal
 boolean storeCharsAsNumbers
 boolean storeLargeNumbersAsStrings
 String stringLengthFunction
 String structTypeName
 boolean supportsAlterTableWithAddColumn
 boolean supportsAlterTableWithDropColumn
 boolean supportsAutoIncrement
 boolean supportsCascadeDeleteAction
 boolean supportsDefaultDeleteAction
 boolean supportsDeferredConstraints
 boolean supportsForeignKeys
 boolean supportsHaving
 boolean supportsLockingWithDistinctClause
 boolean supportsLockingWithInnerJoin
 boolean supportsLockingWithMultipleTables
 boolean supportsLockingWithOrderClause
 boolean supportsLockingWithOuterJoin
 boolean supportsLockingWithSelectRange
 boolean supportsMultipleNontransactionalResultSets
 boolean supportsNullDeleteAction
 boolean supportsNullTableForGetColumns
 boolean supportsNullTableForGetImportedKeys
 boolean supportsNullTableForGetIndexInfo
 boolean supportsNullTableForGetPrimaryKeys
 boolean supportsQueryTimeout
 boolean supportsRestrictDeleteAction
 boolean supportsSchemaForGetColumns
 boolean supportsSchemaForGetTables
 boolean supportsSelectEndIndex
 boolean supportsSelectForUpdate
 boolean supportsSelectStartIndex
 boolean supportsSubselect
 boolean supportsTotalCountsForBatch
 boolean supportsUpdateCountsForBatch
 String systemSchemas
protected  Set systemSchemaSet
 String systemTables
protected  Set systemTableSet
 String tableForUpdateClause
 String tableTypes
 String timestampTypeName
 String timeTypeName
 String tinyintTypeName
 String toLowerCaseFunction
 String toUpperCaseFunction
 boolean useGetBestRowIdentifierForPrimaryKeys
 boolean useGetBytesForBlobs
 boolean useGetObjectForBlobs
 boolean useGetStringForClobs
 boolean useSchemaName
 boolean useSetBytesForBlobs
 boolean useSetStringForClobs
 String validationSQL
 String varbinaryTypeName
 String varcharTypeName
static String VENDOR_OTHER
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  void appendSelectPostRange(SQLBuffer buf, long start, long end)
          If this dictionary places range limits on select statements at the end, just before the FOR UPDATE clause, use this method to append the range SQL.
protected  void appendSelectPreRange(SQLBuffer buf, long start, long end)
          If this dictionary places range limits on select statements just after the SELECT keyword, use this method to append the range SQL.
protected  String appendSize(Column col, String typeName)
          Helper method to add size properties to the specified type.
 void assertSupport(boolean feature, String property)
          Assert that the given dictionary flag is true.
 boolean canBatch(Column col)
          Returns type if the specified column can be included in batch statements.
 boolean canOuterJoin(int syntax, ForeignKey fk)
          Returns if the given foreign key can be eagerly loaded using other joins.
 void connectedConfiguration(Connection conn)
          This method is called when the dictionary first sees any connection.
protected  String convertSchemaCase(String objectName)
          Convert the specified schema name to a name that the database will be able to understand.
 Connection decorate(Connection conn)
          Decorate the given connection if needed.
 void endConfiguration()
          Invoked upon completion of bean property configuration for this object.
 String[] getAddColumnSQL(Column column)
          Return a series of SQL statements to add the given column to its table.
 String[] getAddForeignKeySQL(ForeignKey fk)
          Return a series of SQL statements to add the given foreign key to its table.
 String[] getAddPrimaryKeySQL(PrimaryKey pk)
          Return a series of SQL statements to add the given primary key to its table.
 Array getArray(ResultSet rs, int column)
          Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
 InputStream getAsciiStream(ResultSet rs, int column)
          Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
 BigDecimal getBigDecimal(ResultSet rs, int column)
          Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
 BigInteger getBigInteger(ResultSet rs, int column)
          Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
 InputStream getBinaryStream(ResultSet rs, int column)
          Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
 Blob getBlob(ResultSet rs, int column)
          Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
 Object getBlobObject(ResultSet rs, int column)
          Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
 boolean getBoolean(ResultSet rs, int column)
          Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
 byte getByte(ResultSet rs, int column)
          Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
 byte[] getBytes(ResultSet rs, int column)
          Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
protected  String getCatalogNameForMetadata(String catalogName)
          Returns the catalog name that will be used for obtaining information from DatabaseMetaData.
 char getChar(ResultSet rs, int column)
          Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
 Reader getCharacterStream(ResultSet rs, int column)
          Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
 Clob getClob(ResultSet rs, int column)
          Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
 String getClobString(ResultSet rs, int column)
          Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
protected  String getColumnNameForMetadata(String columnName)
          Returns the column name that will be used for obtaining information from DatabaseMetaData.
 Column[] getColumns(DatabaseMetaData meta, String catalog, String schemaName, String tableName, String columnName, Connection conn)
          Reflect on the schema to find columns matching the given table and column patterns.
 String[] getCreateIndexSQL(Index index)
          Return a series of SQL statements to create the given index.
 String[] getCreateTableSQL(Table table)
          Return a series of SQL statements to create the given table, complete with columns.
 Date getDate(ResultSet rs, int column)
          Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
 Date getDate(ResultSet rs, int column, Calendar cal)
          Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
protected  String getDeclareColumnSQL(Column col, boolean alter)
          Return the declaration SQL for the given column.
 double getDouble(ResultSet rs, int column)
          Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
 String[] getDropColumnSQL(Column column)
          Return a series of SQL statements to drop the given column from its table.
 String[] getDropForeignKeySQL(ForeignKey fk)
          Return a series of SQL statements to drop the given foreign key from its table.
 String[] getDropIndexSQL(Index index)
          Return a series of SQL statements to drop the given index.
 String[] getDropPrimaryKeySQL(PrimaryKey pk)
          Return a series of SQL statements to drop the given primary key from its table.
 String[] getDropTableSQL(Table table)
          Return a series of SQL statements to drop the given table.
 float getFloat(ResultSet rs, int column)
          Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
protected  String getForeignKeyConstraintSQL(ForeignKey fk)
          Return the declaration SQL for the given foreign key, or null if it is not supported.
protected  SQLBuffer getFrom(Select sel, boolean forUpdate)
          Return the portion of the select statement between the FROM keyword and the WHERE keyword.
protected  SQLBuffer getFromSelect(Select sel, boolean forUpdate)
          Return the FROM clause for a select that selects from a tmp table created by an inner select.
 String getFullName(Index index)
          Returns the full name of the index, including the schema (delimited by the result of catalogSeparator).
 String getFullName(Table table, boolean logical)
          Returns the full name of the table, including the schema (delimited by '.' if logical, else catalogSeparator).
 long getGeneratedKey(Column col, Connection conn)
          Return the last inserted auto increment value for the given column.
protected  String getGeneratedKeySequenceName(Column col)
          Return the sequence name used by databases for the given autoincrement column.
 ForeignKey[] getImportedKeys(DatabaseMetaData meta, String catalog, String schemaName, String tableName, Connection conn)
          Reflect on the schema to return foreign keys imported by the given table pattern.
 Index[] getIndexInfo(DatabaseMetaData meta, String catalog, String schemaName, String tableName, boolean unique, boolean approx, Connection conn)
          Reflect on the schema to find indexes matching the given table pattern.
 int getInt(ResultSet rs, int column)
          Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
 int getJDBCType(int metaTypeCode, boolean lob)
          Return the preferred Types constant for the given JDBCTypes constant.
 Locale getLocale(ResultSet rs, int column)
          Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
 long getLong(ResultSet rs, int column)
          Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
 Object getObject(ResultSet rs, int column, Map map)
          Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
 int getPreferredType(int type)
          Return the preferred Types type for the given one.
protected  String getPrimaryKeyConstraintSQL(PrimaryKey pk)
          Return the declaration SQL for the given primary key.
 PrimaryKey[] getPrimaryKeys(DatabaseMetaData meta, String catalog, String schemaName, String tableName, Connection conn)
          Reflect on the schema to find primary keys for the given table pattern.
protected  PrimaryKey[] getPrimaryKeysFromBestRowIdentifier(DatabaseMetaData meta, String catalog, String schemaName, String tableName, Connection conn)
          Reflect on the schema to find primary keys for the given table pattern.
protected  PrimaryKey[] getPrimaryKeysFromGetPrimaryKeys(DatabaseMetaData meta, String catalog, String schemaName, String tableName, Connection conn)
          Reflect on the schema to find primary keys for the given table pattern.
 Ref getRef(ResultSet rs, int column, Map map)
          Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
protected  String getSchemaNameForMetadata(String schemaName)
          Returns the schema name that will be used for obtaining information from DatabaseMetaData.
protected  SQLBuffer getSelects(Select sel, boolean distinctIdentifiers, boolean forUpdate)
          Return the portion of the select statement between the SELECT keyword and the FROM keyword.
 short getShort(ResultSet rs, int column)
          Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
 String getString(ResultSet rs, int column)
          Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
protected  String getTableNameForMetadata(String tableName)
          Returns the table name that will be used for obtaining information from DatabaseMetaData.
 Table[] getTables(DatabaseMetaData meta, String catalog, String schemaName, String tableName, Connection conn)
          Reflect on the schema to find tables matching the given name pattern.
 Time getTime(ResultSet rs, int column, Calendar cal)
          Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
 Timestamp getTimestamp(ResultSet rs, int column, Calendar cal)
          Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.
protected  String getTypeName(Column col)
          Return the preferred database type name for the given column's type from Types.
 String getValidColumnName(String name, Table table)
          Make any necessary changes to the given column name to make it valid for the current DB.
 String getValidForeignKeyName(String name, Table table, Table toTable)
          Make any necessary changes to the given foreign key name to make it valid for the current DB.
 String getValidIndexName(String name, Table table)
          Make any necessary changes to the given index name to make it valid for the current DB.
 String getValidPrimaryKeyName(String name, Table table)
          Make any necessary changes to the given primary key name to make it valid for the current DB.
 String getValidTableName(String name, Schema schema)
          Make any necessary changes to the given table name to make it valid for the current DB.
protected  SQLBuffer getWhere(Select sel, boolean forUpdate)
          Return the WHERE portion of the select statement, or null if no where conditions.
 void indexOf(SQLBuffer buf, FilterValue str, FilterValue find, FilterValue start)
          Invoke this database's indexOf function.
 boolean isSystemIndex(String name, Table table)
          This method is used to filter system indexes from database metadata.
 boolean isSystemTable(String name, String schema, boolean targetSchema)
          This method is used to filter system tables from database metadata.
protected  String makeNameValid(String name, NameSet set, int maxLen)
          Shortens the given name to the given maximum length, then checks that it is not a reserved word.
protected  Column newColumn(ResultSet colMeta)
          Create a new column from the information in the schema metadata.
 JDOException newDataStoreException(String msg, SQLException[] causes, Object failed)
          Return a new JDO exception that wraps causes.
protected  ForeignKey newForeignKey(ResultSet fkMeta)
          Create a new foreign key from the information in the schema metadata.
protected  Index newIndex(ResultSet idxMeta)
          Create a new index from the information in the schema metadata.
protected  PrimaryKey newPrimaryKey(ResultSet pkMeta)
          Create a new primary key from the information in the schema metadata.
protected  Table newTable(ResultSet tableMeta)
          Create a new table from the information in the schema metadata.
 void refSchemaComponents(Table table)
          Increment the reference count of any table components that this dictionary adds that are not used by mappings.
 ClassMapping replaceMapping(ClassMapping mapping)
          Replace the given mapping with one suited to this database, or return the original if no replacement is needed.
 FieldMapping replaceMapping(FieldMapping mapping)
          Replace the given mapping with one suited to this database, or return the original if no replacement is needed.
 MappingFactory replaceMappingFactory(MappingFactory factory)
          Replace the given factory with one suited to this database, or return the original if no replacement is needed.
 SchemaFactory replaceSchemaFactory(SchemaFactory factory)
          Replace the given factory with one suited to this database, or return the original if no replacement is needed.
 byte[] serialize(Object val)
          Return the serialized bytes for the given object.
 void setArray(PreparedStatement stmnt, int idx, Array val)
          Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
 void setAsciiStream(PreparedStatement stmnt, int idx, InputStream val, int length)
          Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
 void setBigDecimal(PreparedStatement stmnt, int idx, BigDecimal val)
          Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
 void setBigInteger(PreparedStatement stmnt, int idx, BigInteger val)
          Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
 void setBinaryStream(PreparedStatement stmnt, int idx, InputStream val, int length)
          Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
 void setBlob(PreparedStatement stmnt, int idx, Blob val)
          Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
 void setBlobObject(PreparedStatement stmnt, int idx, Object val)
          Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
 void setBoolean(PreparedStatement stmnt, int idx, boolean val)
          Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
 void setByte(PreparedStatement stmnt, int idx, byte val)
          Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
 void setBytes(PreparedStatement stmnt, int idx, byte[] val)
          Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
 void setChar(PreparedStatement stmnt, int idx, char val)
          Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
 void setCharacterStream(PreparedStatement stmnt, int idx, Reader val, int length)
          Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
 void setClob(PreparedStatement stmnt, int idx, Clob val)
          Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
 void setClobString(PreparedStatement stmnt, int idx, String val)
          Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
 void setConfiguration(Configuration conf)
          Invoked prior to setting bean properties.
 void setDate(PreparedStatement stmnt, int idx, Date val)
          Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
 void setDate(PreparedStatement stmnt, int idx, Date val, Calendar cal)
          Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
 void setDouble(PreparedStatement stmnt, int idx, double val)
          Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
 void setFloat(PreparedStatement stmnt, int idx, float val)
          Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
 void setInt(PreparedStatement stmnt, int idx, int val)
          Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
 void setJoinSyntax(String syntax)
          Set the name of the join syntax to use: sql92, traditional, database
 void setLocale(PreparedStatement stmnt, int idx, Locale val)
          Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
 void setLong(PreparedStatement stmnt, int idx, long val)
          Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
 void setNull(PreparedStatement stmnt, int idx, int colType)
          Set the given value as a parameters to the statement.
 void setObject(PreparedStatement stmnt, int idx, Object val, int colType)
          Set the given value as a parameters to the statement.
 void setRef(PreparedStatement stmnt, int idx, Ref val)
          Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
 void setShort(PreparedStatement stmnt, int idx, short val)
          Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
 void setString(PreparedStatement stmnt, int idx, String val)
          Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
 void setTime(PreparedStatement stmnt, int idx, Time val, Calendar cal)
          Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
 void setTimestamp(PreparedStatement stmnt, int idx, Timestamp val, Calendar cal)
          Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
 void setUnknown(PreparedStatement stmnt, int idx, Object val)
          Set a completely unknown parameter into a prepared statement.
 void startConfiguration()
          Invoked before bean property configuration is begun on this object.
protected  void storageWarning(Object orig, Object converted)
          Warn that a particular value could not be stored precisely.
 void substring(SQLBuffer buf, FilterValue str, FilterValue start, FilterValue end)
          Invoke this database's substring function.
 boolean supportsLocking(Select sel)
          Returns true if a "FOR UPDATE" clause can be used for the specified Select object.
 boolean supportsRandomAccessResultSet(Select sel, boolean forUpdate)
          Return false if the given select requires a forward-only result set.
 SQLBuffer toNativeJoin(Join join)
          Use the given join instance to create SQL joining its tables in the database's native syntax.
 SQLBuffer toSelect(Select sel, boolean forUpdate)
          Create a SELECT statement in the proper join syntax for the given instance.
 SQLBuffer toSelect(SQLBuffer selects, SQLBuffer from, SQLBuffer where, SQLBuffer group, SQLBuffer having, SQLBuffer order, boolean distinct, boolean forUpdate, long start, long end)
          Combine the given components into a SELECT statement.
 SQLBuffer toSelectCount(Select sel)
          Create a SELECT COUNT statement in the proper join syntax for the given instance.
 SQLBuffer toSQL92Join(Join join, boolean forUpdate, boolean first)
          Use the given join instance to create SQL joining its tables in the SQL92 style.
 SQLBuffer toTraditionalJoin(Join join)
          Use the given join instance to create SQL joining its tables in the traditional style.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String VENDOR_OTHER


public static final String VENDOR_DATADIRECT


public static final String SCHEMA_CASE_UPPER


public static final String SCHEMA_CASE_LOWER


public static final String SCHEMA_CASE_PRESERVE


public static final String CONS_NAME_BEFORE


public static final String CONS_NAME_MID


public static final String CONS_NAME_AFTER


protected static final int NANO


protected static final int MICRO


protected static final int MILLI


protected static final int CENTI


protected static final int DECI


protected static final int SEC


public String platform


public String driverVendor


public String catalogSeparator


public boolean createPrimaryKeys


public String constraintNameMode


public int maxTableNameLength


public int maxColumnNameLength


public int maxPrimaryKeyNameLength


public int maxForeignKeyNameLength


public int maxIndexNameLength


public int maxAutoIncrementNameLength


public int maxIndexesPerTable


public boolean supportsForeignKeys


public boolean supportsDeferredConstraints


public boolean supportsRestrictDeleteAction


public boolean supportsCascadeDeleteAction


public boolean supportsNullDeleteAction


public boolean supportsDefaultDeleteAction


public boolean supportsAlterTableWithAddColumn


public boolean supportsAlterTableWithDropColumn


public String reservedWords


public String systemSchemas


public String systemTables


public String schemaCase


public String validationSQL


public String initializationSQL


public int joinSyntax


public String forUpdateClause


public String tableForUpdateClause


public String toLowerCaseFunction


public String toUpperCaseFunction


public String stringLengthFunction


public String distinctCountColumnSeparator


public boolean supportsSelectForUpdate


public boolean supportsLockingWithDistinctClause


public boolean supportsLockingWithMultipleTables


public boolean supportsLockingWithOrderClause


public boolean supportsLockingWithOuterJoin


public boolean supportsLockingWithInnerJoin


public boolean supportsLockingWithSelectRange


public boolean supportsQueryTimeout


public boolean simulateLocking


public boolean supportsSubselect


public boolean supportsHaving


public boolean supportsSelectStartIndex


public boolean supportsSelectEndIndex


public boolean requiresAliasForSubselect


public int batchLimit


public int batchParameterLimit


public boolean supportsUpdateCountsForBatch


public boolean supportsTotalCountsForBatch


public boolean supportsMultipleNontransactionalResultSets


public boolean storageLimitationsFatal


public boolean storeLargeNumbersAsStrings


public boolean storeCharsAsNumbers


public boolean useGetBytesForBlobs


public boolean useSetBytesForBlobs


public boolean useGetObjectForBlobs


public boolean useGetStringForClobs


public boolean useSetStringForClobs


public int datePrecision


public int maxCharacterFieldLength


public String arrayTypeName


public String bigintTypeName


public String binaryTypeName


public String bitTypeName


public String blobTypeName


public String charTypeName


public String clobTypeName


public String dateTypeName


public String decimalTypeName


public String distinctTypeName


public String doubleTypeName


public String floatTypeName


public String integerTypeName


public String javaObjectTypeName


public String longVarbinaryTypeName


public String longVarcharTypeName


public String nullTypeName


public String numericTypeName


public String otherTypeName


public String realTypeName


public String refTypeName


public String smallintTypeName


public String structTypeName


public String timeTypeName


public String timestampTypeName


public String tinyintTypeName


public String varbinaryTypeName


public String varcharTypeName


public boolean useSchemaName


public String defaultSchemaName


public String tableTypes


public boolean supportsSchemaForGetTables


public boolean supportsSchemaForGetColumns


public boolean supportsNullTableForGetColumns


public boolean supportsNullTableForGetPrimaryKeys


public boolean supportsNullTableForGetIndexInfo


public boolean supportsNullTableForGetImportedKeys


public boolean useGetBestRowIdentifierForPrimaryKeys


public boolean requiresAutoCommitForMetadata


public String autoIncrementClause


public String autoIncrementTypeName


public boolean supportsAutoIncrement


public String lastGeneratedKeyQuery


protected JDBCConfiguration conf


protected Log log


protected boolean connected


protected final Set reservedWordSet


protected final Set systemSchemaSet


protected final Set systemTableSet


protected final Set fixedSizeTypeNameSet
Constructor Detail


public DBDictionary()
Method Detail


public void connectedConfiguration(Connection conn)
                            throws SQLException
This method is called when the dictionary first sees any connection. It is used to initialize dictionary metadata if needed. If you override this method, be sure to call super.connectedConfiguration.


public Array getArray(ResultSet rs,
                      int column)
               throws SQLException
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.


public InputStream getAsciiStream(ResultSet rs,
                                  int column)
                           throws SQLException
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.


public BigDecimal getBigDecimal(ResultSet rs,
                                int column)
                         throws SQLException
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.


public BigInteger getBigInteger(ResultSet rs,
                                int column)
                         throws SQLException
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.


public InputStream getBinaryStream(ResultSet rs,
                                   int column)
                            throws SQLException
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.


public Blob getBlob(ResultSet rs,
                    int column)
             throws SQLException
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.


public Object getBlobObject(ResultSet rs,
                            int column)
                     throws SQLException
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.


public boolean getBoolean(ResultSet rs,
                          int column)
                   throws SQLException
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.


public byte getByte(ResultSet rs,
                    int column)
             throws SQLException
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.


public byte[] getBytes(ResultSet rs,
                       int column)
                throws SQLException
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.


public char getChar(ResultSet rs,
                    int column)
             throws SQLException
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.


public Reader getCharacterStream(ResultSet rs,
                                 int column)
                          throws SQLException
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.


public Clob getClob(ResultSet rs,
                    int column)
             throws SQLException
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.


public String getClobString(ResultSet rs,
                            int column)
                     throws SQLException
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.


public Date getDate(ResultSet rs,
                    int column)
             throws SQLException
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type. Converts the date from a Timestamp by default.


public Date getDate(ResultSet rs,
                    int column,
                    Calendar cal)
             throws SQLException
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.


public double getDouble(ResultSet rs,
                        int column)
                 throws SQLException
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.


public float getFloat(ResultSet rs,
                      int column)
               throws SQLException
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.


public int getInt(ResultSet rs,
                  int column)
           throws SQLException
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.


public Locale getLocale(ResultSet rs,
                        int column)
                 throws SQLException
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.


public long getLong(ResultSet rs,
                    int column)
             throws SQLException
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.


public Object getObject(ResultSet rs,
                        int column,
                        Map map)
                 throws SQLException
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.


public Ref getRef(ResultSet rs,
                  int column,
                  Map map)
           throws SQLException
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.


public short getShort(ResultSet rs,
                      int column)
               throws SQLException
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.


public String getString(ResultSet rs,
                        int column)
                 throws SQLException
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.


public Time getTime(ResultSet rs,
                    int column,
                    Calendar cal)
             throws SQLException
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.


public Timestamp getTimestamp(ResultSet rs,
                              int column,
                              Calendar cal)
                       throws SQLException
Convert the specified column of the SQL ResultSet to the proper java type.


public void setArray(PreparedStatement stmnt,
                     int idx,
                     Array val)
              throws SQLException
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.


public void setAsciiStream(PreparedStatement stmnt,
                           int idx,
                           InputStream val,
                           int length)
                    throws SQLException
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.


public void setBigDecimal(PreparedStatement stmnt,
                          int idx,
                          BigDecimal val)
                   throws SQLException
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.


public void setBigInteger(PreparedStatement stmnt,
                          int idx,
                          BigInteger val)
                   throws SQLException
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.


public void setBinaryStream(PreparedStatement stmnt,
                            int idx,
                            InputStream val,
                            int length)
                     throws SQLException
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.


public void setBlob(PreparedStatement stmnt,
                    int idx,
                    Blob val)
             throws SQLException
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.


public void setBlobObject(PreparedStatement stmnt,
                          int idx,
                          Object val)
                   throws SQLException
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement. Uses the serialize(java.lang.Object) method to serialize the value.


public byte[] serialize(Object val)
                 throws SQLException
Return the serialized bytes for the given object.


public void setBoolean(PreparedStatement stmnt,
                       int idx,
                       boolean val)
                throws SQLException
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.


public void setByte(PreparedStatement stmnt,
                    int idx,
                    byte val)
             throws SQLException
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.


public void setBytes(PreparedStatement stmnt,
                     int idx,
                     byte[] val)
              throws SQLException
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.


public void setChar(PreparedStatement stmnt,
                    int idx,
                    char val)
             throws SQLException
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.


public void setCharacterStream(PreparedStatement stmnt,
                               int idx,
                               Reader val,
                               int length)
                        throws SQLException
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.


public void setClob(PreparedStatement stmnt,
                    int idx,
                    Clob val)
             throws SQLException
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.


public void setClobString(PreparedStatement stmnt,
                          int idx,
                          String val)
                   throws SQLException
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.


public void setDate(PreparedStatement stmnt,
                    int idx,
                    Date val)
             throws SQLException
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement. Translates the date to a Timestamp by default.


public void setDate(PreparedStatement stmnt,
                    int idx,
                    Date val,
                    Calendar cal)
             throws SQLException
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.


public void setDouble(PreparedStatement stmnt,
                      int idx,
                      double val)
               throws SQLException
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.


public void setFloat(PreparedStatement stmnt,
                     int idx,
                     float val)
              throws SQLException
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.


public void setInt(PreparedStatement stmnt,
                   int idx,
                   int val)
            throws SQLException
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.


public void setLong(PreparedStatement stmnt,
                    int idx,
                    long val)
             throws SQLException
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.


public void setLocale(PreparedStatement stmnt,
                      int idx,
                      Locale val)
               throws SQLException
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.


public void setNull(PreparedStatement stmnt,
                    int idx,
                    int colType)
             throws SQLException
Set the given value as a parameters to the statement. The column type will come from Types.


public void setObject(PreparedStatement stmnt,
                      int idx,
                      Object val,
                      int colType)
               throws SQLException
Set the given value as a parameters to the statement. The column type will come from Types.


public void setRef(PreparedStatement stmnt,
                   int idx,
                   Ref val)
            throws SQLException
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.


public void setShort(PreparedStatement stmnt,
                     int idx,
                     short val)
              throws SQLException
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.


public void setString(PreparedStatement stmnt,
                      int idx,
                      String val)
               throws SQLException
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.


public void setTime(PreparedStatement stmnt,
                    int idx,
                    Time val,
                    Calendar cal)
             throws SQLException
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.


public void setTimestamp(PreparedStatement stmnt,
                         int idx,
                         Timestamp val,
                         Calendar cal)
                  throws SQLException
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.


public void setUnknown(PreparedStatement stmnt,
                       int idx,
                       Object val)
                throws SQLException
Set a completely unknown parameter into a prepared statement.


protected void storageWarning(Object orig,
                              Object converted)
Warn that a particular value could not be stored precisely. After the first warning for a particular type, messages will be turned into trace messages.


public int getJDBCType(int metaTypeCode,
                       boolean lob)
Return the preferred Types constant for the given JDBCTypes constant.


public int getPreferredType(int type)
Return the preferred Types type for the given one. Returns the given type by default.


protected String getTypeName(Column col)
Return the preferred database type name for the given column's type from Types.


protected String appendSize(Column col,
                            String typeName)
Helper method to add size properties to the specified type. If present, the string "{0}" will be replaced with the size definition; otherwise the size definition will be appended to the type name. If your database has column types that don't allow size definitions, override this method to return the unaltered type name for columns of those types (or add the type names to the fixedSizeTypeNameSet).


public boolean canBatch(Column col)
Returns type if the specified column can be included in batch statements.


public void setJoinSyntax(String syntax)
Set the name of the join syntax to use: sql92, traditional, database


public SQLBuffer toSelectCount(Select sel)
Create a SELECT COUNT statement in the proper join syntax for the given instance.


public SQLBuffer toSelect(Select sel,
                          boolean forUpdate)
Create a SELECT statement in the proper join syntax for the given instance.


protected SQLBuffer getFrom(Select sel,
                            boolean forUpdate)
Return the portion of the select statement between the FROM keyword and the WHERE keyword.


protected SQLBuffer getFromSelect(Select sel,
                                  boolean forUpdate)
Return the FROM clause for a select that selects from a tmp table created by an inner select.


protected SQLBuffer getWhere(Select sel,
                             boolean forUpdate)
Return the WHERE portion of the select statement, or null if no where conditions.


public SQLBuffer toTraditionalJoin(Join join)
Use the given join instance to create SQL joining its tables in the traditional style.


public SQLBuffer toSQL92Join(Join join,
                             boolean forUpdate,
                             boolean first)
Use the given join instance to create SQL joining its tables in the SQL92 style.


public SQLBuffer toNativeJoin(Join join)
Use the given join instance to create SQL joining its tables in the database's native syntax. Throws an exception by default.


public boolean canOuterJoin(int syntax,
                            ForeignKey fk)
Returns if the given foreign key can be eagerly loaded using other joins.


public SQLBuffer toSelect(SQLBuffer selects,
                          SQLBuffer from,
                          SQLBuffer where,
                          SQLBuffer group,
                          SQLBuffer having,
                          SQLBuffer order,
                          boolean distinct,
                          boolean forUpdate,
                          long start,
                          long end)
Combine the given components into a SELECT statement.


protected void appendSelectPreRange(SQLBuffer buf,
                                    long start,
                                    long end)
If this dictionary places range limits on select statements just after the SELECT keyword, use this method to append the range SQL.


protected void appendSelectPostRange(SQLBuffer buf,
                                     long start,
                                     long end)
If this dictionary places range limits on select statements at the end, just before the FOR UPDATE clause, use this method to append the range SQL.


protected SQLBuffer getSelects(Select sel,
                               boolean distinctIdentifiers,
                               boolean forUpdate)
Return the portion of the select statement between the SELECT keyword and the FROM keyword.


public boolean supportsLocking(Select sel)
Returns true if a "FOR UPDATE" clause can be used for the specified Select object.


public boolean supportsRandomAccessResultSet(Select sel,
                                             boolean forUpdate)
Return false if the given select requires a forward-only result set.


public void assertSupport(boolean feature,
                          String property)
Assert that the given dictionary flag is true. If it is not true, throw an error saying that the given setting needs to return true for the current operation to work.


public void substring(SQLBuffer buf,
                      FilterValue str,
                      FilterValue start,
                      FilterValue end)
Invoke this database's substring function.
buf - the SQL buffer to write the substring invocation to
str - a query value representing the target string
start - a query value representing the start index
end - a query value representing the end index, or null for none


public void indexOf(SQLBuffer buf,
                    FilterValue str,
                    FilterValue find,
                    FilterValue start)
Invoke this database's indexOf function.
buf - the SQL buffer to write the indexOf invocation to
str - a query value representing the target string
search - a query value representing the search string
start - a query value representing the start index, or null to start at the beginning


public void refSchemaComponents(Table table)
Increment the reference count of any table components that this dictionary adds that are not used by mappings. Does nothing by default.


public String getFullName(Table table,
                          boolean logical)
Returns the full name of the table, including the schema (delimited by '.' if logical, else catalogSeparator).


public String getFullName(Index index)
Returns the full name of the index, including the schema (delimited by the result of catalogSeparator).


public String getValidTableName(String name,
                                Schema schema)
Make any necessary changes to the given table name to make it valid for the current DB.


public String getValidColumnName(String name,
                                 Table table)
Make any necessary changes to the given column name to make it valid for the current DB.


public String getValidPrimaryKeyName(String name,
                                     Table table)
Make any necessary changes to the given primary key name to make it valid for the current DB.


public String getValidForeignKeyName(String name,
                                     Table table,
                                     Table toTable)
Make any necessary changes to the given foreign key name to make it valid for the current DB.


public String getValidIndexName(String name,
                                Table table)
Make any necessary changes to the given index name to make it valid for the current DB.


protected String makeNameValid(String name,
                               NameSet set,
                               int maxLen)
Shortens the given name to the given maximum length, then checks that it is not a reserved word. If it is reserved, appends a "0". If the name conflicts with an existing schema component, the last character is replace with '0', then '1', etc. Note that the given max len may be 0 if the database metadata is incomplete.


public String[] getCreateTableSQL(Table table)
Return a series of SQL statements to create the given table, complete with columns. Indexes and constraints will be created separately.


public String[] getDropTableSQL(Table table)
Return a series of SQL statements to drop the given table. Indexes will be dropped separately. Returns DROP TABLE <table name> by default.


public String[] getCreateIndexSQL(Index index)
Return a series of SQL statements to create the given index. Returns CREATE [UNIQUE] INDEX <index name> ON <table name> (<col list>) by default.


public String[] getDropIndexSQL(Index index)
Return a series of SQL statements to drop the given index. Returns DROP INDEX <index name> by default.


public String[] getAddColumnSQL(Column column)
Return a series of SQL statements to add the given column to its table. Return an empty array if operation not supported. The DBMetaData is checked for support automatically. Returns ALTER TABLE <table name> ADD (<col dec>) by default.


public String[] getDropColumnSQL(Column column)
Return a series of SQL statements to drop the given column from its table. Return an empty array if operation not supported. The DBMetaData is checked for support automatically. Returns ALTER TABLE <table name> DROP COLUMN <col name> by default.


public String[] getAddPrimaryKeySQL(PrimaryKey pk)
Return a series of SQL statements to add the given primary key to its table. Return an empty array if operation not supported. Returns ALTER TABLE <table name> ADD <pk cons sql > by default.


public String[] getDropPrimaryKeySQL(PrimaryKey pk)
Return a series of SQL statements to drop the given primary key from its table. Return an empty array if operation not supported. Returns ALTER TABLE <table name> DROP CONSTRAINT <pk name> by default.


public String[] getAddForeignKeySQL(ForeignKey fk)
Return a series of SQL statements to add the given foreign key to its table. Return an empty array if operation not supported. Returns ALTER TABLE <table name> ADD <fk cons sql > by default.


public String[] getDropForeignKeySQL(ForeignKey fk)
Return a series of SQL statements to drop the given foreign key from its table. Return an empty array if operation not supported. Returns ALTER TABLE <table name> DROP CONSTRAINT <fk name> by default.


protected String getDeclareColumnSQL(Column col,
                                     boolean alter)
Return the declaration SQL for the given column. This method is used for each column from within getCreateTableSQL(kodo.jdbc.schema.Table) and getAddColumnSQL(kodo.jdbc.schema.Column).


protected String getPrimaryKeyConstraintSQL(PrimaryKey pk)
Return the declaration SQL for the given primary key. This method is used from within getCreateTableSQL(kodo.jdbc.schema.Table) and getAddPrimaryKeySQL(kodo.jdbc.schema.PrimaryKey). Returns CONSTRAINT <pk name> PRIMARY KEY (<col list>) by default.


protected String getForeignKeyConstraintSQL(ForeignKey fk)
Return the declaration SQL for the given foreign key, or null if it is not supported. This method is used from within getCreateTableSQL(kodo.jdbc.schema.Table) and getAddForeignKeySQL(kodo.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey). Returns CONSTRAINT <cons name> FOREIGN KEY (<col list>) REFERENCES <foreign table> (<col list>) [ON DELETE <action>] by default.


public boolean isSystemTable(String name,
                             String schema,
                             boolean targetSchema)
This method is used to filter system tables from database metadata. Return true if the given table name represents a system table that should not appear in the schema definition. By default, returns true only if the given table is in the internal list of system tables, or if the given schema is in the list of system schemas and is not the target schema.
name - the table name
schema - the table schema; may be null
targetSchema - if true, then the given schema was listed by the user as one of his JDO schemas


public boolean isSystemIndex(String name,
                             Table table)
This method is used to filter system indexes from database metadata. Return true if the given index name represents a system index that should not appear in the schema definition. Returns false by default.
name - the index name
table - the index table


public Table[] getTables(DatabaseMetaData meta,
                         String catalog,
                         String schemaName,
                         String tableName,
                         Connection conn)
                  throws SQLException
Reflect on the schema to find tables matching the given name pattern.


protected Table newTable(ResultSet tableMeta)
                  throws SQLException
Create a new table from the information in the schema metadata.


public Column[] getColumns(DatabaseMetaData meta,
                           String catalog,
                           String schemaName,
                           String tableName,
                           String columnName,
                           Connection conn)
                    throws SQLException
Reflect on the schema to find columns matching the given table and column patterns.


protected Column newColumn(ResultSet colMeta)
                    throws SQLException
Create a new column from the information in the schema metadata.


public PrimaryKey[] getPrimaryKeys(DatabaseMetaData meta,
                                   String catalog,
                                   String schemaName,
                                   String tableName,
                                   Connection conn)
                            throws SQLException
Reflect on the schema to find primary keys for the given table pattern.


protected PrimaryKey[] getPrimaryKeysFromGetPrimaryKeys(DatabaseMetaData meta,
                                                        String catalog,
                                                        String schemaName,
                                                        String tableName,
                                                        Connection conn)
                                                 throws SQLException
Reflect on the schema to find primary keys for the given table pattern.


protected PrimaryKey newPrimaryKey(ResultSet pkMeta)
                            throws SQLException
Create a new primary key from the information in the schema metadata.


protected PrimaryKey[] getPrimaryKeysFromBestRowIdentifier(DatabaseMetaData meta,
                                                           String catalog,
                                                           String schemaName,
                                                           String tableName,
                                                           Connection conn)
                                                    throws SQLException
Reflect on the schema to find primary keys for the given table pattern.


public Index[] getIndexInfo(DatabaseMetaData meta,
                            String catalog,
                            String schemaName,
                            String tableName,
                            boolean unique,
                            boolean approx,
                            Connection conn)
                     throws SQLException
Reflect on the schema to find indexes matching the given table pattern.


protected Index newIndex(ResultSet idxMeta)
                  throws SQLException
Create a new index from the information in the schema metadata.


public ForeignKey[] getImportedKeys(DatabaseMetaData meta,
                                    String catalog,
                                    String schemaName,
                                    String tableName,
                                    Connection conn)
                             throws SQLException
Reflect on the schema to return foreign keys imported by the given table pattern.


protected ForeignKey newForeignKey(ResultSet fkMeta)
                            throws SQLException
Create a new foreign key from the information in the schema metadata.


protected String getTableNameForMetadata(String tableName)
Returns the table name that will be used for obtaining information from DatabaseMetaData.


protected String getSchemaNameForMetadata(String schemaName)
Returns the schema name that will be used for obtaining information from DatabaseMetaData.


protected String getCatalogNameForMetadata(String catalogName)
Returns the catalog name that will be used for obtaining information from DatabaseMetaData.


protected String getColumnNameForMetadata(String columnName)
Returns the column name that will be used for obtaining information from DatabaseMetaData.


protected String convertSchemaCase(String objectName)
Convert the specified schema name to a name that the database will be able to understand.


public long getGeneratedKey(Column col,
                            Connection conn)
                     throws SQLException
Return the last inserted auto increment value for the given column. Throws an exception by default if lastGeneratedKeyQuery is null.


protected String getGeneratedKeySequenceName(Column col)
Return the sequence name used by databases for the given autoincrement column. This is only used by databases that require an explicit name to be used for auto-increment support.


public ClassMapping replaceMapping(ClassMapping mapping)
Replace the given mapping with one suited to this database, or return the original if no replacement is needed. Returns the original by default.


public FieldMapping replaceMapping(FieldMapping mapping)
Replace the given mapping with one suited to this database, or return the original if no replacement is needed. Returns the original by default.


public MappingFactory replaceMappingFactory(MappingFactory factory)
Replace the given factory with one suited to this database, or return the original if no replacement is needed. Returns the original by default.


public SchemaFactory replaceSchemaFactory(SchemaFactory factory)
Replace the given factory with one suited to this database, or return the original if no replacement is needed. Returns the original by default.


public void setConfiguration(Configuration conf)
Description copied from interface: Configurable
Invoked prior to setting bean properties.
Specified by:
setConfiguration in interface Configurable


public void startConfiguration()
Description copied from interface: Configurable
Invoked before bean property configuration is begun on this object.
Specified by:
startConfiguration in interface Configurable


public void endConfiguration()
Description copied from interface: Configurable
Invoked upon completion of bean property configuration for this object.
Specified by:
endConfiguration in interface Configurable


public Connection decorate(Connection conn)
                    throws SQLException
Decorate the given connection if needed. Some databases require special handling for JDBC bugs. This implementation issues any initializationSQL that has been set for the dictionary but does not decoreate the connection.
Specified by:
decorate in interface ConnectionDecorator


public JDOException newDataStoreException(String msg,
                                          SQLException[] causes,
                                          Object failed)
Return a new JDO exception that wraps causes. However, the details of exactly what type of exception is returned can be determined by the implementation. This may take into account DB-specific exception information in causes.

SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.2.4 generated on January 7 2005

Copyright 2001,2002 SolarMetric, Inc. All Rights Reserved.