SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.2.4 generated on January 7 2005

Interface KodoPersistenceManagerFactory

All Superinterfaces:
com.solarmetric.util.Closeable, PersistenceManagerFactory, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
extends PersistenceManagerFactory, com.solarmetric.util.Closeable

Interface implemented by Kodo persistence manager factories.

Method Summary
 JDOConfiguration getConfiguration()
          Return the configuration for this factory.
 KodoPersistenceManager getPersistenceManager(boolean managed, int connRetainMode)
          Return a persistence manager in the given transaction and connection retain mode.
 KodoPersistenceManager getPersistenceManager(String user, String pass, boolean managed, int connRetainMode)
          Return a persistence manager in the given transaction and connection retain mode.
 boolean isPersistenceManagerServerRunning()
          Return true if a persistence manager server is running.
 boolean joinPersistenceManagerServer()
          Join the thread running the persistence manager server for this factory.
 boolean startPersistenceManagerServer()
          Start the persistence manager server.
 boolean stopPersistenceManagerServer()
          Stop the persistence manager server.
Methods inherited from interface javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactory
close, getConnectionDriverName, getConnectionFactory, getConnectionFactory2, getConnectionFactory2Name, getConnectionFactoryName, getConnectionURL, getConnectionUserName, getIgnoreCache, getMultithreaded, getNontransactionalRead, getNontransactionalWrite, getOptimistic, getPersistenceManager, getPersistenceManager, getProperties, getRestoreValues, getRetainValues, setConnectionDriverName, setConnectionFactory, setConnectionFactory2, setConnectionFactory2Name, setConnectionFactoryName, setConnectionPassword, setConnectionURL, setConnectionUserName, setIgnoreCache, setMultithreaded, setNontransactionalRead, setNontransactionalWrite, setOptimistic, setRestoreValues, setRetainValues, supportedOptions
Methods inherited from interface com.solarmetric.util.Closeable

Method Detail


public JDOConfiguration getConfiguration()
Return the configuration for this factory.


public KodoPersistenceManager getPersistenceManager(boolean managed,
                                                    int connRetainMode)
Return a persistence manager in the given transaction and connection retain mode. The connection mode constants are defined in KodoPersistenceManager.


public KodoPersistenceManager getPersistenceManager(String user,
                                                    String pass,
                                                    boolean managed,
                                                    int connRetainMode)
Return a persistence manager in the given transaction and connection retain mode. The mode connection mode constants are defined in KodoPersistenceManager.


public boolean startPersistenceManagerServer()
Start the persistence manager server. This typically happens automatically when a factory with a configured server is obtained.
false if there is no server configured, true otherwise


public boolean joinPersistenceManagerServer()
Join the thread running the persistence manager server for this factory.
false if no server is running, true otherwise


public boolean stopPersistenceManagerServer()
Stop the persistence manager server.
false if the server was not running, true otherwise


public boolean isPersistenceManagerServerRunning()
Return true if a persistence manager server is running.

SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.2.4 generated on January 7 2005

Copyright 2001,2002 SolarMetric, Inc. All Rights Reserved.