SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.3.5 generated on August 31 2005

Class JDOEnhancer


public class JDOEnhancer
extends Object

Bytecode enhancer used to create PersistenceCapable classes from JDO metadata. The bytecode modifications made by this enhancer are consistent with the description of the reference enhancer in the JDO 1.0 Specification.

The enhancer must be invoked on all persistence-capable and persistence aware classes before running any application that uses JDO. Additionally, before the enhancer can be invoked, JDO metadata must be available for all persistence-capable types.

Field Summary
static int ENHANCE_AWARE
static int ENHANCE_NONE
static int ENHANCE_PC
Constructor Summary
JDOEnhancer(JDOConfiguration conf, serp.bytecode.BCClass type, JDOMetaDataRepository repos)
JDOEnhancer(JDOConfiguration conf, Class type)
JDOEnhancer(JDOConfiguration conf, ClassMetaData type)
Method Summary
 int enhance()
          Perform bytecode enhancements.
 boolean getAddDefaultConstructor()
          A boolean indicating whether the enhancer should add a no-args constructor if one is not already present in the class.
 serp.bytecode.BCClass getBytecode()
          Return the bytecode representation of the class being enhanced.
 com.solarmetric.util.BytecodeWriter getBytecodeWriter()
          Return the current BytecodeWriter to write to or null if none.
 ClassMetaData getClassMetaData()
          Return the ClassMetaData object for this class, or null if not persistence capable.
 File getDirectory()
          The base build directory to generate code to.
 ClassMetaData getMetaData()
          Return the metadata for the class being enhanced.
 Class getType()
          Return the type being enhanced.
 boolean isPersistenceCapable()
          Return true if the class being enhanced is a PersistenceCapable type.
static void main(String[] args)
          Usage: java kodo.enhance.JDOEnhancer [option]* <class name | .java file | .class file | .jdo file>+
static boolean run(JDOConfiguration conf, String[] args, JDOMetaDataRepository repos, File dir, ClassLoader loader, com.solarmetric.util.BytecodeWriter writer, boolean defCons, boolean tmpLoad)
          Enhance the given class.
static boolean run(JDOConfiguration conf, String[] args, serp.util.Options opts)
          Run the tool.
 void setAddDefaultConstructor(boolean addDefaultConstructor)
          A boolean indicating whether the enhancer should add a no-args constructor if one is not already present in the class.
 void setBytecodeWriter(com.solarmetric.util.BytecodeWriter writer)
          Set the BytecodeWriter to write the bytecode to or null if none.
 void setDirectory(File dir)
          The base build directory to generate code to.
 void writeBytecode()
          Write the generated bytecode.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int ENHANCE_NONE


public static final int ENHANCE_AWARE


public static final int ENHANCE_PC
Constructor Detail


public JDOEnhancer(JDOConfiguration conf,
                   Class type)
Constructor. Supply configuration and type to enhance.


public JDOEnhancer(JDOConfiguration conf,
                   ClassMetaData type)
Constructor. Supply configuration and type to enhance.


public JDOEnhancer(JDOConfiguration conf,
                   serp.bytecode.BCClass type,
                   JDOMetaDataRepository repos)
Constructor. Supply configuration.
type - the bytecode representation fo the type to enhance; this can be created from any stream or file
repos - A metadata repository to use for metadata access, or null to create a new reporitory; the repository from the given configuration isn't used by default because the configuration might be an implementation-specific subclass whose metadata required more than just base JDO metadata files
Method Detail


public File getDirectory()
The base build directory to generate code to. The proper package structure will be created beneath this directory. Defaults to overwriting the existing class file if null.


public void setDirectory(File dir)
The base build directory to generate code to. The proper package structure will be creaed beneath this directory. Defaults to overwriting the existing class file if null.


public boolean getAddDefaultConstructor()
A boolean indicating whether the enhancer should add a no-args constructor if one is not already present in the class. The JDO specification requires that a no-arg constructor (whether created by the compiler or by the user) be present in a PC.


public void setAddDefaultConstructor(boolean addDefaultConstructor)
A boolean indicating whether the enhancer should add a no-args constructor if one is not already present in the class. The JDO specification requires that a no-arg constructor (whether created by the compiler or by the user) be present in a PC.


public serp.bytecode.BCClass getBytecode()
Return the bytecode representation of the class being enhanced. The returned bytecode can be written to any file or stream.


public Class getType()
Return the type being enhanced.


public ClassMetaData getMetaData()
Return the metadata for the class being enhanced.


public boolean isPersistenceCapable()
Return true if the class being enhanced is a PersistenceCapable type.


public ClassMetaData getClassMetaData()
Return the ClassMetaData object for this class, or null if not persistence capable.


public com.solarmetric.util.BytecodeWriter getBytecodeWriter()
Return the current BytecodeWriter to write to or null if none.


public void setBytecodeWriter(com.solarmetric.util.BytecodeWriter writer)
Set the BytecodeWriter to write the bytecode to or null if none.


public int enhance()
Perform bytecode enhancements.
true if enhancement was performed, false otherwise


public void writeBytecode()
                   throws IOException
Write the generated bytecode.


public static void main(String[] args)
                 throws IOException

Usage: java kodo.enhance.JDOEnhancer [option]* <class name | .java file | .class file | .jdo file>+

Where the following options are recognized.

Each additional argument can be either the full class name of the type to enhance, the path to the .java file for the type, the path to the .class file for the type, or the path to a .jdo file listing one or more types to enhance. If the type being enhanced has JDO metadata, it will be enhanced as a persistence capable class. If not, it will be considered a persistence aware class, and all access to fields of persistence capable classes will be replaced by the appropriate get/set method. If the type explicitly declares the PersistenceCapable interface, it will not be enhanced. Thus, it is safe to invoke the enhancer on classes that are already enhanced.


public static boolean run(JDOConfiguration conf,
                          String[] args,
                          serp.util.Options opts)
                   throws IOException
Run the tool. Returns false if invalid options given.


public static boolean run(JDOConfiguration conf,
                          String[] args,
                          JDOMetaDataRepository repos,
                          File dir,
                          ClassLoader loader,
                          com.solarmetric.util.BytecodeWriter writer,
                          boolean defCons,
                          boolean tmpLoad)
                   throws IOException
Enhance the given class.
conf - configuration containing license key information, logging information, etc.
args - the arguments to parse for classes to enhance
repos - a metadata repository to use for metadata access, or null to create a new repository; the repository from the given configuration isn't used by default because the configuration might be an implementation-specific subclass whose function requires more than just base JDO metadata files
dir - the output directory, or null to overwrite original class file
defCons - indicates whether or not to add a no-args constructor to a PC if one is not present
tmpLoad - indicates whether or not to use a temporary class loader
false if invalid option given
IOException - if unable to save enhanced bytecode

SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.3.5 generated on August 31 2005

Copyright 2001,2002 SolarMetric, Inc. All Rights Reserved.