15.10. Version

15.10.1. none
15.10.2. version-number
15.10.3. date-time
15.10.4. state-comparison
15.10.5. Putting it All Together

Section 9.1, “Transaction Types” introduced optimistic transactions. In order to prevent one optimistic transaction from blindly overwriting the changes made by a concurrent transaction, JDOR versions your objects. The version element dictates what form this versioning takes.

The version element appears just after the inheritance element in a mapping document. Only the least-derived mapped classes in an inheritance hierarchy use the version element. The element has the following attributes:

15.10.1. none

As its name implies, the none version strategy performs no versioning at all. Using concurrent optimistic transactions under this strategy is dangerous.

15.10.2. version-number

The version-number strategy stores a monotonically increasing version number in the column indicated by the column attribute/element. When a dirty object's database record is being updated, the JDOR implementation checks its in-memory version number against the database version number. If the database version is higher, the implementation knows that another transaction has modified the object since the current PersistenceManager last read its state, and it aborts the transaction to preserve data integrity. If the version number is the same, on the other hand, the implementation increments the number and proceeds with the flush.

The version-number strategy is the fastest, most efficient, and most accurate version strategy. Its only drawback is that it requires a dedicated database column. If you are mapping to legacy tables you might not be able to use it.

15.10.3. date-time

The date-time strategy is exactly like the version-number strategy, but it timestamps each update rather than storing an increasing integer. This strategy is mainly present to support existing tables that use time-based versioning. We do not recommend it for new schemas, since it is theoretically possible for two updates to happen so close together that they have the same timestamp. The version-number strategy is a better choice. In addition to being slightly more efficient, it does not suffer from these sorts of timing failures.

15.10.4. state-comparison

The state-comparison version strategy does not require a database column. It works by comparing the last-read values of your object with the database on flush. If any values in the database don't match the recorded last-read value, then some other transaction must have concurrently modified the data, and the flush is aborted.

Unfortunately, the state-image strategy is much more memory-hungry than other strategies, because the JDOR runtime has to store the last-read values of all modified fields. It also results in more complex UPDATE SQL statements as the JDOR implementation verifies that no column has been changed by a concurrent transaction. Finally, it suffers from the following limitations:

  • Only simple, exact field values can be used in state comparisons. If a commit only changes a float or Collection field, subsequent commits will not detect any difference in the object's version, because these fields are not compared. Thus it is possible for one transaction to unknowingly overwrite another.

  • If two concurrent transactions make changes to fields that reside in a disjoint set of tables, the second transaction may overwrite the first. For example, if one transaction modifies a TrialSubscription instance by only changing fields mapped to CNTRCT.SUB, and a concurrent transaction modifies the same instance but only changes fields mapped to CNTRCT.TRIAL_SUB, one transaction might overwrite the other.

Due to these shortcomings, we only recommend using the state-comparison strategy when performing optimistic transactions on legacy tables without a version column.

15.10.5. Putting it All Together

Here is our model with version columns added:

And here is our updated mapping data. We made sure that all version strategies are represented for illustrative purposes. Note that as an unmapped subclass-table type, Contract does not declare a version. Its direct subclasses Subscription and LineItem, however, each define version mappings. TrialSubscription does not declare an additional version on its CNTRCT.TRIAL_SUB table, because it joins down to its superclass table. We have also continued to consolidate our mappings; this document leaves out default inheritance and discriminator mappings.

Example 15.10. Version Mapping

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <package name="org.mag">
        <sequence name="ArticleSeq" datastore-sequence="ART_SEQ"/> 
        <class name="Magazine" table="MAG">
            <version column="VERS" strategy="version-number"/>
            <field name="isbn">
                <column name="ISBN" jdbc-type="char" length="15"/>
            <field name="title" column="TITLE"/>
        <class name="Article" table="ART">
            <version column="UPD" strategy="date-time"/>
            <field name="id" column="ID"/>
    <package name="org.mag.pub">
        <sequence name="AuthorSeq" factory-class="Author$SequenceFactory"/>
        <class name="Company" table="COMP">
            <datastore-identity column="CID" strategy="autoassign"/>
            <version strategy="none"/>
        <class name="Author" table="AUTH">
            <datastore-identity sequence="AuthorSeq">
                <column name="AID" sql-type="INTEGER64"/>
                <discriminator column="CLS" strategy="class-name"/>
            <version strategy="state-comparison"/>
    <package name="org.mag.subscribe">
        <sequence name="ContractSeq" strategy="transactional"/> 
        <class name="Contract">
            <inheritance strategy="subclass-table"/>
        <class name="Subscription" table="CNTRCT.SUB">
                <discriminator value="1">
                    <column name="TYPE" jdbc-type="tinyint"/>
            <version column="VERS" strategy="version-number"/>
            <field name="Contract.id" column="ID"/>
        <class name="LifetimeSubscription">
                <discriminator value="2"/>
        <class name="TrialSubscription" table="CNTRCT.TRIAL_SUB">
            <inheritance strategy="new-table">
                <join column="ID"/>
                <discriminator value="3"/>
        <class name="Subscription$LineItem" table="CNTRCT.LINE_ITEM">
            <version column="VERS" strategy="version-number"/>
            <field name="Contract.id" column="ID"/>