Chapter 8. PersistenceManager

8.1. User Object Association
8.2. Configuration Properties
8.3. Transaction Association
8.4. FetchPlan Association
8.5. Persistence-Capable Lifecycle Management
8.6. Lifecycle Examples
8.7. Detach and Attach Functionality
8.8. JDO Identity Management
8.9. Cache Management
8.10. Extent Factory
8.11. Query Factory
8.12. Sequence Factory
8.13. Connection Access
8.14. Closing

The diagram above presents an overview of the PersistenceManager interface. For a complete treatment of the PersistenceManager API, see the Javadoc documentation. Methods whose parameter signatures consist of an ellipsis (...) are overloaded to take multiple parameter types.


Kodo extends the standard PersistenceManager interface with the KodoPersistenceManager interface to provide additional functionality.

The PersistenceManager is the primary interface to the JDO runtime. Each PersistenceManager manages a cache of persistent and transactional objects, and has an association with a single Transaction.

We divide the methods of the PersistenceManager into the following functional categories:

8.1. User Object Association

public Object getUserObject ();
public void setUserObject (Object obj);
public Object putUserObject (Object key, Object obj);
public Object getUserObject (Object key);
public Object removeUserObject (Object key);

The PersistenceManager's user objects allow you to associate arbitrary objects with each PersistenceManager. The given objects are not used in any way by the JDO implementation.

The getUserObject and setUserObject methods associate a primary user object with the PersistenceManager. The putUserObject, getUserObject, and removeUserObject methods, on the other hand, delegate to an internal map of secondary user objects. As in the java.util.Map APIs, the put and remove operations return the object formerly stored under the given key.