Kodo 4.1.4 generated on June 22 2007

Class TimeWatch

  extended by com.solarmetric.manage.TimeWatch
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TimeWatch
extends Object
implements Watchable

A TimeWatch allows for marking code blocks and recording execution time statistics.

An example use would be:

TimeWatch tw = new TimeWatch (manager, "MyTimeWatch");

TimeWatch.Token token = tw.createToken ("namedBlock");

// do stuff to be timed.

token.stop ();

A more common use in Kodo would be:

KodoPersistenceManager kpm = ...;

TimeWatch tw = KodoTimeWatchManager.getTimeWatch (kpm);

TimeWatch.Token token = tw.createToken ("namedBlock");

// do stuff to be timed.

token.stop ();

Another typical use would be for timing iterations:

KodoPersistenceManager kpm = ...;

TimeWatch tw = KodoTimeWatchManager.getTimeWatch (kpm);

TimeWatch.Token token = tw.createToken ("namedBlock");

while (...)


// do stuff to be timed.

token.stop ();


Another typical use when timing iterations:

KodoPersistenceManager kpm = ...;

TimeWatch tw = KodoTimeWatchManager.getTimeWatch (kpm);

TimeWatch.Token token = tw.createToken ("namedBlock");

while (...)


// do stuff not to be timed.

token.restart ();

// do stuff to be timed.

token.stop ();


Nested Class Summary
static class TimeWatch.Token
          A timer token.
Constructor Summary
          Create a new TimeWatch Watchable with the passed name.
Method Summary
 boolean addListener(WatchableListener listener)
          Add a listener.
 void clearListeners()
          Clear all listeners.
 TimeWatch.Token createToken(String name)
          Create a timer token.
 Collection getStatistics()
          Get a collection of available statistics.
 boolean removeListener(WatchableListener listener)
          Remove a listener.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TimeWatch()
Create a new TimeWatch Watchable with the passed name.

Method Detail


public TimeWatch.Token createToken(String name)
Create a timer token.


public boolean addListener(WatchableListener listener)
Add a listener.

Specified by:
addListener in interface Watchable


public boolean removeListener(WatchableListener listener)
Remove a listener.

Specified by:
removeListener in interface Watchable


public void clearListeners()
Clear all listeners.

Specified by:
clearListeners in interface Watchable


public Collection getStatistics()
Get a collection of available statistics. Items are of type Statistic.

Specified by:
getStatistics in interface Watchable

Kodo 4.1.4 generated on June 22 2007

Copyright 2001-2006 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.