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Building Queries and Data Views

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Date and Time Functions

Date and Time functions extract all or part of a dateTime expression and use it in a query. The following date and time functions are available:


Adds the number of days specified by Parameter2 to the date specified by Parameter1. The value of Parameter2 may be negative.

Data Types


If Parameter1 has a timezone, it remains unchanged. The returned value is always normalized into a correct Gregorian calendar date. If either parameter is an empty list, the function returns an empty list.

XQuery Specification Compliance

Conforms to the current specification.




Returns the current date and time.

Data Types

No parameters required.

Returned data type: xs:dateTime


The function returns the current date and time in the current timezone.

If the function is called multiple times during the execution of a query, it returns the same value each time.

XQuery Specification Compliance

Liquid Data returns the time zone where the Liquid Data Server is running.


xf:current-dateTime() can return a dateTime value such as 2002-07-25T01:00:38.812-08:00, which represents July 25th, 2002 at 1:00:38 and 812 thousandths of a second in a time zone that is offset by -8 hours from GMT (UTC).



Returns a date from a source value, which must contain a date in one of these formats:


Data Types


The representation for date is the leftmost representation for dateTime: YYYY-MM-DD+hh:mm with an optional following time zone indicator (Z).

Liquid Data supports this year range: 0000-9999.

XQuery Specification Compliance

Conforms to the current specification.




Returns the leftmost date portion of a dateTime value.

Data Types


This is an extended function. It has an xfext: prefix identifier (namespace), which is the extension to the standard XQuery function namespace (xf:). For more information about extended functions, see Naming Conventions. For more information about valid formats for dateTime, see xf:dateTime.

XQuery Specification Compliance

Liquid Data supports date-from-dateTime as an extended function.




Returns the right-most date portion of a dateTime value according to the pattern specified by Parameter1. For more information, see Date and Time Patterns.

Data Types


This is an extended function. It has an xfext: prefix identifier (namespace), which is the extension to the standard XQuery function namespace (xf:). For more information about extended functions, see Naming Conventions.

XQuery Specification Compliance

Liquid Data supports date-from-string-with-format as an extended function.




Returns a dateTime value from a source value, which must contain a date and time in one of these formats:

where the following is true:

Data Types


Returns a date and time in YYYY-MM-DDT+hh:mm:ss format.

This expression can be preceded by an optional leading minus (-) sign to indicate a negative number. If the sign is omitted, positive (+) is assumed.

Use additional digits to increase the precision of fractional seconds if desired. The format with any number of digits after the decimal point is supported. Fractional seconds are optional.

Liquid Data supports this year range: 0000-9999.

XQuery Specification Compliance

Conforms to the current specification.




Returns a new dateTime value from a string source value according to the pattern specified by Parameter1.

Data Types


This is an extended function. It has an xfext: prefix identifier (namespace), which is the extension to the standard XQuery function namespace (xf:).

For more information about extended functions, see Naming Conventions, and see Date and Time Patterns.

XQuery Specification Compliance

Liquid Data supports dateTime-from-string-with-format as an extended function.




Returns an integer value representing the hour identified in dateTime.

Data Types


The hour value ranges from 0 to 23.

If the source value is an empty list, the function returns an empty list.

XQuery Specification Compliance

Conforms to the current specification.




Returns an integer representing the hour identified in time.

Data Types


The hour value ranges from 0 to 23, inclusive.

If the source value is an empty list, the function returns an empty list.

XQuery Specification Compliance

Conforms to the current specification.




Returns an integer value representing the minutes identified in dateTime.

Data Types


Returns an integer value representing the minute identified in the source value. The minute value ranges from 0 to 59, inclusive.

If the source value is an empty list, the function returns the empty list.

XQuery Specification Compliance

Conforms to the current specification.




Returns an integer value representing the minutes identified in time.

Data Types


The minute value ranges from 0 to 59.

If the source value is an empty list, the function returns an empty list.

XQuery Specification Compliance

Conforms to the current specification.




Returns an integer value representing the seconds identified in dateTime.

Data Types


The seconds value ranges from 0 to 60.999. The precision (number of digits) of fractional seconds depends on the relevant facet of the argument.

The value can be greater than 60 seconds to accommodate occasional leap seconds used to keep human time synchronized with the rotation of the planet.

If the source value is an empty list, the function returns an empty list.

XQuery Specification Compliance

Conforms to the current specification.




Returns an integer value representing the seconds identified in time.

Data Types:


The seconds value ranges from 0 to 60.999. The precision (number of digits) of fractional seconds depends on the relevant facet of the argument.

The value can be greater than 60 seconds to accommodate occasional leap seconds used to keep human time synchronized with the rotation of the planet.

If the source value is an empty list, the function returns an empty list.

XQuery Specification Compliance

Conforms to the current specification.




Returns a tine from a source value, which must contain the time in one of these formats:

where the following is true:

Data Types


Liquid Data generates an error if it cannot parse the string successfully.

XQuery Specification Compliance

Conforms to the current specification.




Returns the time from dateTime.

Data Types


This is an extended function. It has an xfext: prefix identifier (namespace), which is the extension to the standard XQuery function namespace (xf:). For more information about extended functions, see Naming Conventions. For more information about valid formats for dateTime, see xf:dateTime.

XQuery Specification Compliance

Liquid Data supports time-from-dateTime as an extended function.




Returns a new time value from a string source value according to the pattern specified by Parameter1.

Data Types


This is an extended function. It has an xfext: prefix identifier (namespace), which is the extension to the standard XQuery function namespace (xf:).

For more information about extended functions, see Naming Conventions, and see Date and Time Patterns.

XQuery Specification Compliance

Liquid Data supports time-from-string-with-format as an extended function.




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