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Building Queries and Data Views

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Understanding Data Views

In Liquid Data a stored query and a target schema comprise a data view.

Figure 6-1 Components of a Data View


To create a data view from a query:

To create a virtual data source in this way, you must first create a query and save it to the Liquid Data server repository, then configure a data view data source description for the query in the WebLogic Administration Console. It is recommended that you create the query and save it to the repository using the Data View Builder, but it is also possible to use hard-coded queries in generally the same way.

The following sections explain what a data view is and how to use a data view data source with the assumption that you are using the Data View builder to construct the query. Also included is a clarification of the relationship between a query and a a data view.

Functionally, a data view extends the power of a stored query through its association with a target schema that describes the data. This combination allows a data view to be identified in the Data View Builder as a data source for additional queries.

The following sections describe in detail how to create Liquid Data data views and use such views as data sources. Also included is a discussion of the relationship between a query and a data view.

A Data View Use Case

eWorld Co, a company that through multiple mergers and acquisitions has 50,000 employees, also has multiple payroll systems. Using Liquid Data, information in each of these systems can be accessed. The company also has two relational databases from separate vendors for tracking incentive bonuses. Human Resources very frequently gets questions about when such bonus payments will show up in affected employee's paychecks.

The benefits of this approach are significant:

Simple and Parameterized Data Views

The difference between a simple and a parameterized data view is that a parameterized data view has one or more input parameters. Specifically views that centrally contain functional sources such as an application view, web service, custom function, or stored procedure often require an input parameter.

Using Data Views as Data Sources

From the Data View Builder, you access a data view as you would any other data source. There is no limit to the number of data views that can be used in creating a new query, although currently there may be performance implications to nesting data views. A data view can reference on another data view.


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