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Building Queries and Data Views

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Working With Projects

It is a good practice to save the project file immediately once you have chosen and set up a target schema, and started creating conditions and mappings for a query. Save frequently or after you make a significant change to avoid losing your work. To save the project for the first time.

To save a project choose File—>Save Project or File—>Save Project As from the menus (or click the "Save the project" toolbar button). Data View Builder projects are saved with a .qpr filename extension. (For a complete description of options available for handling projects, see Table  2-1 in 1. Menu Bar for the Design Tab.

To Make a Project Portable, Save Target Schema to Repository

For the project to be portable so that other users can open the project and use it, the target schema must be saved to the Liquid Data server repository on the server where the project will be used.

Saving a Project is Not the Same as Saving a Query

Please keep in mind that "saving a project" is not the same as "saving a query". Saving a project creates a Data View Builder .qpr file that includes the conditions and mappings for source and target schemas used in a particular query. You can re-open any project in the Data View Builder, modify the conditions and mappings on the XML schemas, and re-optimize or re-run the query from within the Builder tool.

However, saving a project does not make the query in that project available as a stored query in Liquid Data. To create a stored query, you need to use the Save Query option on the Test tab. For more information on saving a query, see Saving a Query in Testing Queries.

Using Schemas Saved With Projects

When you save a project, the schema definitions of all source and target schemas that you mapped in the project are saved. When you reopen the project, Data View Builder first looks for the schema definitions in the Liquid Data repository.

If a schema definition is unavailable, the schema definition saved in the project file is used. Data View Builder adds the schema to the list of available resources, but flags it as offline by putting a red mark over the schema name. A warning is also generated in the Administration Console log that queries using this schema will not run.

Offline resources are available only to the previously associated project.


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