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Installation Guide

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Post-Installation Tasks

After you install BEA Liquid Data for WebLogic, we suggest that you do the following:

For convenience, this topic also describes Liquid Data Windows Shortcuts and UNIX Paths. Finally, if you need to uninstall Liquid Data for any reason, follow the instructions in Uninstalling Liquid Data.


Verify the Installation by Running the Samples and Starting Data View Builder

After you install Liquid Data, you can verify that your installation was successful by starting the Sample server. We suggest that you also take the time to bring up the Data View Builder and connect to the running Samples server. These sections walk you through both tasks:

Set Up and Run the Samples

If you did not load samples during the initial installation, you can do so manually after you have installed Liquid Data. Follow these steps:

  1. Run the Samples server.

On Windows two command windows should open:

  1. Run the sample application. This is described in Running the Retail Sample Application in Liquid Data by Example.

Liquid Data by Example contains many other samples and examples.

Start Data View Builder and Connect to the Samples Server

Once you have the Samples server running, you can test the Data View Builder client connection by bringing up the Data View Builder and connecting to the running Samples server.

Note: If you have a client-only installation of the Data View Builder you will need to modify its start script to point to weblogic.jar before you can start the Data View Builder. For instructions on how to do this, see Modifying Data View Builder Start Script for Client-Only Installations.

To start the Data View Builder and connect to the Samples server, do the following:

  1. Start the Data View Builder.
  2. The Data View Builder graphical user interface (GUI) starts up and a login window appears.

  3. Connect to your Samples server.
    1. Enter the following address in the Server URI field on the Login window. (No username or password is required here. Leave those fields blank.)
    2. t3://localhost:7001
    3. Click the Login button.

    The Data View Builder desktop and tools are displayed. Relational Databases (RDBMS) is selected on the left navigation panel. The RDBMS data sources are shown. These are the PointBase RDBMS data sources used by the Samples. You can double-click on any of these data sources in the left panel to display their source XML schemas in the Data View Builder workspace.


Modifying Data View Builder Start Script for Client-Only Installations

Data View Builder startup requires the following:

In a Liquid Data Client-Only installation that includes only Data View Builder, the user must specify these settings manually. (Whereas for install set options that include the Liquid Data server, these are taken care of automatically at install time.)

To configure a client-only system for Data View Builder startup, do the following after install:

Ensure that weblogic.jar is Available on the Client System

If you have not already done so, copy WebLogic Server weblogic.jar file onto the system where you installed Data View Builder or make a remote instance of this file available to your local machine by mapping a drive to its location and path.

Modify Data View Builder Start Script for weblogic.jar

To modify the weblogic.jar start script, do the following:

  1. Find the Data View Builder start script on the system where you installed the Data View Builder.


  1. Edit the Data View Builder start script to provide appropriate path for the weblogic.jar.
  2. The following code listing (Listing 4-1) shows the user configuration section of the Data View Builder start script (lines you need to modify are shown in bold).

    Modify the setting for the CLASSPATH variable so that it points to the local instance of weblogic.jar. (The default value provided for CLASSPATH will not work for your Client-Only install because <WL_HOME> probably does not exist.)

Verify that the Liquid Data Client is Using Same Version of JDK as Server

Note that apart from the requirement for the JDK for use by installer (as detailed in Client Installation Prerequisites), once it is installed the Data View Builder must use the same version of the JDK that the Liquid Data server uses. For the current release, the Liquid Data server uses JDK141_03. For example if Liquid Data server is using:


then the Data View Builder must use this same Java Home.

Listing 4-1 Data View Builder Start Script: User Configuration Section

@echo off

set BEA_HOME=d:\bea
set JAVA_HOME=d:\bea\jdk141_03
set LD_HOME=d:\bea\weblogic81\liquiddata

set WLS_HOME=d:\bea\weblogic81 // remove or comment out this line
SET CLASSPATH=%WLS_HOME%\server\lib\weblogic.jar // edit this line to point to the
// correct version of weblogic.jar

set MAIN_CLASS=com.enosysmarkets.querybuilder.gui.Application
set MAIN_JAR=DataViewBuilder.jar
set JVM_PARAMS=-Xmx200M

if defined JAVA goto javaset
if not defined BEA_HOME goto javadefault
set JAVA=%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java
goto javaset
set JAVA=java
goto javaset

: Main jar file (including path)
set MAIN_JAR_FILE=%LD_HOME%\DataViewBuilder\lib\%MAIN_JAR%

: Set the classpath

: Run program

  1. Save the modified Data View Builder start script file.
  2. You are now ready to start the Data View Builder as a client-only system. (See Start Data View Builder and Connect to the Samples Server.) Remember that you must have the Liquid Data server running before you start the Data View Builder.


Work Through the Quick Start Steps

Work through the steps in Getting Started, which include:


Start Developing Your Own Data Integration Solution

Developing your own data integration solution consists of a design phase and an implementation phase. If you want help stepping through the end-to-end process, including design of a business solution, configuration, query construction, JSP presentation, deployment, and using Liquid Data with other BEA products, refer to Liquid Data Product Overview for an in-depth look at the data integration process and features.


Liquid Data Windows Shortcuts and UNIX Paths

When installing Liquid Data on a Windows system, the installer program uses the BEA WebLogic Platform home directory (<WL_HOME>) as the parent folder for WebLogic Server and BEA Liquid Data. However, on the Start menu BEA Liquid Data shows up under Programs as follows:

Start->Programs->BEA WebLogic Platform 8.1->Liquid Data for WebLogic 8.1

The Liquid Data folder contains the following shortcuts:


Uninstalling Liquid Data

You can remove the Liquid Data program using the Liquid Data uninstaller and then manually remove the extra files such as installed samples or other user-created files that are not removed automatically removed by the uninstaller.

In cases where you have added Liquid Data to another domain, when you uninstall you must also undeploy before you uninstall. For information on undeploying, see the topic Undeploying Deployed Applications in the WebLogic Server documentation.

Note: The <WL_HOME> directory into which you install a new version of Liquid Data should not contain any files from a previously installed version of Liquid Data.

To uninstall Liquid Data:

  1. Run the Liquid Data uninstaller according to the following instructions:


Start->Programs->BEA WebLogic Platform 8.1->Liquid Data for WebLogic 8.1->uninstall

or run the following command:



Run the following command:


(Use this uninstall option if you installed via GUI mode as described in Installing Liquid Data Using GUI Mode.)


<WL_HOME>/<LD_HOME>/uninstaller/uninstall -i CONSOLE

(Use this uninstall option with "-i CONSOLE" if you installed via Console mode as described in Installing Liquid Data Using Console or Silent Mode.)

Note: When the uninstall is complete you will likely be notified that some files that could not be removed by the automated uninstall. This could be a result of new files that were generated or user-created after Liquid Data was installed. For example if you added new target schemas, stored queries, Web services, and so on to the Liquid Data repository, the uninstaller will not remove these files. If you need these files, be sure to save them elsewhere before proceeding to the next step.

  1. To remove leftover files, manually delete the Liquid Data domain directory. To do this, remove the following directories:


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