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Getting Started

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Getting Started with Liquid Data

You can use this 10-step tutorial guide to learn how to:


From Multiple Data Sources to a Web Application in 60 Minutes (or Less)

This chapter illustrates how you can use Liquid Data to create a query that treats multiple disparate data sources as a single data source. It assumes a large Internet company that has grown through mergers or acquisitions and, as a consequence, finds that its real-time order data must be accessed from two very separate data sources: Wireless order data from an RDBMS system; BroadBand order data via an XML document.

As you work through this Order Report example, keep in mind that each action you take generates source code, in some cases significant amounts. When you are done, you will find that your application contains nearly 500 lines of Java code, 97% of which was automatically generated. (For details see Generated Files and Code on page 54.)

Getting Started contains numerous illustrations in the form of screen captures. The goal is to enable you to create a query accessing multiple data sources and use that query when building and running a simple but complete web application — in less than 60 minutes!

The 10 steps in building up the Order Report web application are:

Example directories

Examples used in this chapter assume that the Liquid Data 8.1 sample domain is located at:


where WL_HOME is the root location of the WebLogic Server 8.1.

You can find many other examples and samples in Liquid Data by Example, including the Avitek Customer Self-Service Sample Application which also combines the back-end data retrieval capabilities of Liquid Data with WebLogic Workshop to create a more fully-functional customer self-service web application.


Step 1. Start the Liquid Data Samples Server

The Liquid Data Samples server is simply a WebLogic Server 8.1 that contains Liquid Data samples, including a Liquid Data repository. It can be started from Windows or UNIX.


To start the Liquid Data samples server under Windows choose the following menu option:

Start > Programs > BEA WebLogic Platform 8.1 > 
BEA Liquid Data for WebLogic 8.1 SP2
> Liquid Data Samples > Samples Server

A terminal window called Samples Server will appear. When the Samples server is ready, you will see Server started in RUNNING mode.


To start the Liquid Data samples server under UNIX run the shell command in the following domain:


When the Samples server is ready you will see Server started in RUNNING mode.

Note: For more information on setting up and starting the Samples server, see Post-Installation Tasks in the Liquid Data Installation Guide. For more information on starting Liquid Data servers in the various preconfigured domains, see Starting and Stopping the Server in the Liquid Data Administration Guide.


Step 2. Start the WebLogic Administration Console

The Liquid Data repository is managed and configured through the Liquid Data node of the WebLogic Administration Console. It is here that data sources are defined, security policies established, and so forth.

Starting the Console

The WebLogic Administration Console can be accessed from Windows or UNIX.


To start the WebLogic Administration Console under Windows choose the following menu option:

Start > Programs > BEA WebLogic Platform 8.1 > BEA Liquid Data for WebLogic 8.1 SP2 > Liquid Data Samples > Admin Console


To start the WebLogic Administration Console for the Liquid Data Samples server running on your local machine, enter the following URL in a web browser:


Logging Into the Administration Console

Log in to the console by providing the following default username and password for the Samples server:

Table 1 User Name and Password required by the Liquid Data node of the WebLogic Administration Console








Figure 1 Entering WebLogic Administration Console Login Information

Entering WebLogic Administration Console Login Information


After you log in, the Console home page is displayed. Note that Liquid Data is the bottom element in the left pane (Figure 2).

Figure 2 WebLogic Administration Console

WebLogic Administration Console


Note: For more information on using the Liquid Data node of the WebLogic Administration Console, see the Liquid Data Administration Guide.


Step 3. Configure Data Sources

This section describes how to use the WebLogic Administration Console to configure the two sample data sources used in the tutorial customer order report:

Configuring a Relational Data Source Description

A first step in making a data source available to Liquid Data is to register your data source with the Administration Console. To add a description of your RDBMS data source to the Liquid Data Server registry follow these steps:

  1. In the left pane, click the Liquid Data node (bottom icon in the left pane; see Figure 2).
  2. In the right pane, click the Data Sources tab (under Configuration).
  3. Click the Relational Databases tab.
  4. Click the Configure a New Relational Database Data Source Description link to display the Configure tab (Figure 4).
  5. Figure 3 Creating a New Relational Database Data Source

    Creating a New Relational Database Data Source

  6. Fill in the fields for your data source as described in Table 2:
  7. Table 2 Liquid Data Source Description for PB-WL Data Source


    Value to Enter



    This is the logical name of the data source. (For this example, it is highly recommended that you use suggested names.)

    Data Source Name


    This is the data source name; it matches a JNDI name for a JDBC data source in the Samples server.



    The schema name must match the name of a schema stored in your data source. In this case, we are using the WIRELESS schema provided in the Samples database.

    Namespace URI

    Not needed for this basic example.

  8. Click Create. If you look in the list of relational database sources, you will find your newly created data source definition. (For additional information see Configuring Access to Relational Databases in the Liquid Data Administration Guide.)
  9. Figure 4 A Relational Database Data Source Defined

    A Relational Database Data Source Defined


Configure an XML File Data Source Description

To create a description of your XML data source, follow these steps:

  1. In the left pane, click the Liquid Data node.
  2. Click the XML Files tab (next to Relational Databases).
  3. Click the Configure a New XML Data Source Description link to access the Configure dialog box (Figure 5).
  4. Figure 5 Defining a XML Data Source Definition

    Defining a XML Data Source Definition

  5. Fill in the fields for your XML data source as described in Table 3.
  6. Table 3 Liquid Data Data Source Description for My-PB-WL Data Source


    Value to Enter



    This is the name of the data source description used to register the XML data source with the Liquid Data server.

    Data File


    This is the XML data file name. It must correspond to an XML data file located in the Liquid Data server repository. (The example file name provided above resides in the Samples server repository.)

    Schema File


    Schema associated with the XML file. The schema you specify here must be in the Liquid Data server repository.

    Namespace URI

    Not needed for this basic example.

  7. Click Create. If you look in the list of XML data sources, you will find your newly created data source definition. (For additional information see Configuring Access to XML Files in the Liquid Data Administration Guide.)


Step 4. Start Data View Builder and Verify Data Sources

Next, you are ready to start the Windows-based Data View Builder. This is where you will create and test your query. You can start the Data View Builder two ways:

  1. Choose:
Start> Programs > BEA WebLogic Platform 8.1 > BEA Liquid Data for WebLogic 8.1 SP2 > Data View Builder
  1. Or you can start the Data View Builder by double-clicking on the file:
  2. <WL_HOME>\liquiddata\DataViewBuilder\bin\DVBuilder.cmd

If you are not already connected to the Liquid Data Samples server, enter the following address in the Server URL field in the Welcome... dialog box (Figure 6).


No username or password is needed; leave those fields blank.

Figure 6 Data View Builder Login Dialog

Data View Builder Login Dialog

  1. Click the Login button.
  2. The Data View Builder workspace and tools appear. You can click on the buttons on the left Navigation panel to view the various data sources available from the Liquid Data server to which the Data View Builder is connected.

    Figure 7 Initial View of Data View Builder Workspace

    Initial View of Data View Builder Workspace




  3. Once configured, your data sources are immediately available. In the Sources area:


Step 5. Construct Your Query

The Data View Builder allows you to build queries (and data views) through graphical representations of your data and any query conditions.

You first define your query by dragging and dropping (mapping) elements from source to target schemas. Constants, parameters, and functions are available to fully express a query statement.

The customer order report query you are building assumes that you have customer orders stored in two data sources (Wireless in a relational database and BroadBand in an XML file). The query will return the order information for any particular customer.

To construct the example customer order report query, you need to:

View a Demo

Constructing the "Order Query" Demo... If you are looking at this documentation online, you can click the Demo button to view an animated demonstration of how to build up the conditions and create the mappings that are similar to this example. With minor variations, the Order Query demo previews Steps 1-7 of this chapter.

Open Relevant Data Source Schemas

To start building a query, first select the schemas for the data sources you need.

  1. Open the data source schemas from the Builder toolbar as follows:
  2. The schemas for the each of the data sources appear.

Note: Move data sources around on the workspace as needed.

Select a Target Schema From the Sample Liquid Data Repository

A target schema represents a structure of your query results. (For additional information on target schemas see "Understanding Target Schemas" in the Schemas and Namespaces in Liquid Data chapter of Building Queries and Data Views.)

For this example, use customerOrderReport.xsd as your target schema.

To add the target schema:

  1. Choose the menu command File —> Set Target Schema. This brings up the Liquid Data file browser.
  2. Scroll to the Liquid Data Repository, the topmost item in the scroll list.
  3. Figure 8 Selecting a Target Schema from the Liquid Data Repository

    Selecting a Target Schema from the Liquid Data Repository

  4. Select customerOrderReport.xsd and click Open to set this as your target schema.
  5. In the target schema panel of the Data View Builder right-click on the topmost node of the target schema (CustomerOrderReport) and choose Expand to display all the schema elements (Figure 9).

Note: Schemas are located in the following Liquid Data repository directory:


Figure 9 Data View Builder Showing Source and Target Schemas

Data View Builder Showing Source and Target Schemas



At this point, your work area contains two data source schemas and a target schema.

Map Source Elements to the Target Schema

The Data View Builder generates queries based on your mapping of source elements to your target schema.

The CustomerOrderReport target schema includes a CUSTOMER_ORDER node for both Wireless and BroadBand. Map CUSTOMER_ORDER elements from each data source to the corresponding CUSTOMER_ORDER elements in the target schema as follows:

In both cases, you mapped the sub-elements: ORDER_DATE, ORDER_ID, CUSTOMER_ID, SHIP_METHOD, and TOTAL_ORDER_AMOUNT to corresponding elements in your target schema.

Note: As you map elements from source to target, descriptions appear in the lower part of the workspace (Figure 13). If you need to delete an incorrect mapping, click in the Mapping ID field to highlight the row you wish to delete. Then click the Trash icon on your lower left.

Use the Wireless data source schema to populate the CUSTOMER element in the target schema.

Define Query Conditions

The purpose of the query is to retrieve BroadBand and Wireless transactions for a specified customer. The following sections describe how to define conditions for the project you are building:

Create a Join Between Wireless : CUSTOMER and Wireless : CUSTOMER_ORDER

In the Wireless data source drag and drop the element CUSTOMER : CUSTOMER_ID to CUSTOMER_ORDER : CUSTOMER_ID to create a join between CUSTOMER and CUSTOMER_ORDER:

Join Element

Join Element



The syntax of this join appears on the first row of the Conditions tab.

Note: Whenever you create a query condition, the Conditions tab is automatically displayed in the lower part of the workspace (Figure 14).

Create a Join between Wireless : CUSTOMER_ID and Broadband : CUSTOMER_ID

Drag and drop the Wireless element CUSTOMER : CUSTOMER_ID onto the BroadBand data source element CUSTOMER_ORDER : CUSTOMER_ID:

Join Element

Join Element



The syntax of this join is displayed on the next row on the Conditions tab.

Figure 14 Query Conditions After Selection of Two Joins

Query Conditions After Selection of Two Joins


Note: If you run the query at this point, your results retrieve information on all customers in your customer database.

Create a Query Parameter

Although you could use a constant to "hard-code" your query for a particular customer, creating a query parameter is a more flexible approach. Using a query parameter, you can retrieve information on any customer in your data set.

  1. On the Builder Toolbar (left navigation panel) click the Toolbox tab.
  2. Select Query Parameters.
  3. You need to name the parameter and specify a type. In this example, use myCustomer as the name and select string from the Type pulldown menu (see Figure 14).
  4. Click Create.
  5. Figure 15 Creating a New Parameter of Type String

    Creating a New Parameter of Type String

  6. Next you need to associate your new query parameter with a data element. Do this by dragging the myCustomer query parameter to the CUSTOMER : CUSTOMER_ID element of MyWirelessLD-DS database schema:

    Join Element

    Join Element

    [Query Parameter] myCustomer


  7. Figure 16 Mapping a Parameter to a Source Schema Element

    Mapping a Parameter to a Source Schema Element


You have now set up all the source conditions needed for your query.

Figure 17 Complete Set of Conditions

Complete Set of Conditions


Set the Target Namespace

Although not necessary in all cases, it is good practice to set a namespace for your target schema. See "Understanding XML Namespaces" in the Overview and Key Concepts chapter of Building Queries and Data Views.

To set a target namespace for the customerOrderReport target schema follow these steps:

  1. Click on the top node of the target schema (CustomerOrderReport).
  2. Select Target Namespace from the Data View Builder Query menu (Query —> Target Namespace).
  3. Figure 18 Specifying a Target Namespace

    Specifying a Target Namespace

  4. Enter values shown in Table 4 for the sample target namespace prefix and URI (Figure 18).
  5. Table 4 Namespace Prefix and URI Values







  6. Click Ok. Your new target namespace setting will appear in the topmost node of your target schema (Figure 19).
  7. Figure 19 Target Schema with New Namespace

    Target Schema with New Namespace

  8. Using the File —> Save Target Schema command, navigate to the Liquid Data Server repository directory and save your schema to the new filename: custOrdRpt.xsd


Step 6. View and Test Your Query

At this point you have assembled all the query elements. Specifically you have mapped data source elements to your target schema, you have created the necessary joins, and you have specified a query parameter functioning similarly to a SQL WHERE clause.

Entering Test Mode

When you enter Test mode, your query is automatically generated.

Click the Test tab at the top of the workspace (Figure 20). After a few moments your query will automatically appear.

Figure 20 Supplying a Query Parameter

Supplying a Query Parameter


The Automatically Generated Query

The automatically generated XQuery is shown in Listing 5.

Listing 5 Generated customerOrderReport Query

namespace custorder = "urn:schemas-bea-com:ld-custorder"

for $MyWireless_LD_DS.CUSTOMER_1 in document("MyWireless-LD-DS")/db/CUSTOMER
where ($#myCustomer of type xs:string eq $MyWireless_LD_DS.CUSTOMER_1/CUSTOMER_ID)
<STATE>{ xf:data($MyWireless_LD_DS.CUSTOMER_1/STATE) }</STATE>
for $MyWireless_LD_DS.CUSTOMER_ORDER_2 in document("MyWireless-LD-DS")/db/CUSTOMER_ORDER
for $MyBroadBand_LD_DS.CUSTOMER_ORDER_3 in document("MyBroadBand-LD-DS")/db/CUSTOMER_ORDER

Testing Your Query

Once generated, your query is ready to be tested. However, you need to supply the customer ID parameter you set up in Create a Query Parameter on page 19.

Click in the Value field next to myCustomer and directly enter CUSTOMER_1, as (see Figure 20).

Note: Query parameters are case sensitive.

Running Your Query

When you are ready to run the query, click the Run query button on the toolbar in the upper left (Figure 21).

Figure 21 Run Query Button

Run Query Button


The Liquid Data server processes the query and returns results. Right-click —> Expand on the top line of the generated results (customerOrder) to view your data in an outline-like arrangement.

Figure 22 Test Mode Displaying Query and Result in Tree Format

Test Mode Displaying Query and Result in Tree Format


If you click the View as XML checkbox in the lower part of the Test view area of the Data View Builder, query results are displayed in XML (see Listing 6).

Listing 6 Query Result in XML

<prefix1:CustomerOrderReport xmlns:prefix1="urn:schemas-bea-com:ld-custorder">


You have successfully built and run a query using Liquid Data.

Note: To switch back to Data View Builder Design mode, click the Design View tab on the toolbar.


Step 7. Save Your Liquid Data Project

Now that you have successfully built and run a query, you can save your Data View Builder project. The next time you need to run or modify your query or Data View, you can simply reopen the project.

To save your project:

  1. Choose the menu option File —> Save Project.
  2. Navigate to the directory where you want to save your project. Enter customerReport in the File name field.
  3. Click Save.
  4. The file is saved with a .qpr extension.

See "Working With Projects" in the Starting the Builder and Touring the GUI chapter of Building Queries and Data Views.


Step 8. Deploy Your Query

To use of the results of your query in an application such as WebLogic Workshop, you first need to associate a saved query with a saved target schema. This is known as deploying a query and provides the metadata necessary to create an XMLBean that provides data access services in Workshop. (See "Deploying a Query" in the Testing Queries chapter of Building Queries and Data Views.)

Follow these steps to deploy your query:

  1. In Test mode, select Deploy Query from the Query menu (Query —> Deploy Query). A dialog box appears where you can choose to save your current schema to the Liquid Data repository.
  2. Figure 23 Deploy Query Save Target Schema Dialog Box

    Deploy Query Save Target Schema Dialog Box

  3. Choose Yes. When the repository file browser appears you can use the supplied target schema name of custOrdRpt.xsd
  4. Figure 24 Deploy Query Save Target Schema Dialog Box

    Deploy Query Save Target Schema Dialog Box

  5. Next, you will be asked if you want to save the current query. Again select Yes.
  6. Figure 25 Deploy Query Save Current Query Dialog Box

    Deploy Query Save Current Query Dialog Box

  7. Save your query to the name custOrdRpt.
  8. Figure 26 Creating a Stored Query

    Creating a Stored Query

  9. The Deploy Stored Query dialog box appears, populated with the name of your query and target schema.
  10. Figure 27 Deploying custOrdRpt Query with custOrdRpt Schema

    Deploying custOrdRpt Query with custOrdRpt Schema

  11. Click Deploy. You should see a Deployment Successful! message.


Step 9. Creating a Liquid Data Control in WebLogic Workshop

Once you have deployed a query, you can quickly make it available to WebLogic Workshop. (For details see "Using WebLogic Workshop Controls to Develop Liquid Data Applications" in the Application Developer's Guide.)

In the following two sections you will undertake:

Creating a Liquid Data Control

A Liquid Data control provides access from WebLogic Workshop to queries that have been deployed to a Liquid Data server.

  1. Open WebLogic Workshop from the Windows Start menu:
  2. Start —> Programs —> BEA WebLogic Platform 8.1 —> WebLogic Workshop 8.1

  3. Create a new WebLogic Workshop application (File —> New —> Application). Use custOrdRpt as the application name. Notice that the selected application type is Default Application.
  4. Figure 28 Creating a New WebLogic Workshop Application

    Creating a New WebLogic Workshop Application


When you create a default application, a project of type Web Project is automatically built using the name of the application plus Web. In this case the project is custOrdRptWeb.

Figure 29 Creating a Web Project Within the New Application

Creating a Web Project Within the New Application

  1. Right click on custOrdRptWeb, then select New —> Folder. Name your new folder custOrdRpt. Click Ok.
  2. Right-click on the custOrdRpt folder and select New —> Java Control.
  3. Figure 30 Creating a New Java Control

    Creating a New Java Control

  4. Select Liquid Data from the list of available Java control extensions.
  5. Enter custOrdRpt as the filename for the control (Figure 31). The Liquid Data control enables you to turn Liquid Data queries into XML Beans which can be used by a WebLogic Workshop application.

    Figure 31 Selecting and Naming a Liquid Data Control

    Selecting and Naming a Liquid Data Control

  6. Click Next. If your server is remote, you will need to enter remote connection information. However, most likely Liquid Data samples are running on your local system; if so, select Local, the default option.
  7. Figure 32 Creating a New Java Control Dialog

    Creating a New Java Control Dialog

  8. Click Create.
  9. From the list of available queries select custOrdRpt.
  10. Figure 33 Adding a Deployed Query to a Liquid Data Control

    Adding a Deployed Query to a Liquid Data Control

  11. Click the Add button.
  12. When the query moves to the right-hand column, click Finish. A graphical depiction of the newly created Liquid Data control is shown in Figure 34.
  13. Figure 34 Design View of Liquid Data Control

    Design View of Liquid Data Control


The final section takes you through the steps required to build a web application that display query results in automatically-generated java server pages (JSP).


Step 10. Creating a Liquid Data-Powered Web Application

Once a Liquid Data Control is available, its query elements can be built into JSP pages through creation of a WebLogic Workshop application.

Generating a Page Flow File

WebLogic Workshop applications are driven by a single page flow file, identified by its .jpf extension. When you generate a page flow, WebLogic Workshop creates the page flow file and several other files. (For details see "Generating a Page Flow From a Control" in the chapter Using Workshop Controls to Develop Liquid Data Applications in the Application Developer's Guide.)

Perform the following steps to generate a page file (custOrdRpt.jpf) from a Liquid Data java control.

  1. Right-click on the custOrdRpt.jcx file.
  2. Select Generate Page Flow (Figure 35).
  3. Figure 35 Generating a Page Flow Document From a Liquid Data Java Control

    Generating a Page Flow Document From a Liquid Data Java Control

  4. In the Page Flow Wizard, enter custOrdRpt as the page flow name.
  5. Click Next.
  6. In the Page Flow Wizard - Select Actions dialog box check the query methods you want available to your new application. In the case of custOrdReport, there only one method. Click the checkbox to the left of the method (Figure 36).
  7. Select Create.
  8. Figure 36 Identifying the Liquid Data Methods for the Page Flow

    Identifying the Liquid Data Methods for the Page Flow


    WebLogic Workshop generates:

The application Flow View graphically depicts the relationship between the various pages of your application.

  1. Delete the success link that connects the begin element to index.jsp by selecting the link (click on it) and then choose Right-click —> Delete (Figure 38). The change is needed because index.jsp will not be the application's start-up page.
  2. Figure 38 Removing a Page Flow Link

    Removing a Page Flow Link

  3. Create a new link from begin to custOrdRpt.jsp; click adjacent to begin. Then, holding your mouse button down, draw a link to custOrdRpt.jsp (Figure 39). It will automatically be labeled success.
  4. Based on the XMLBean that was created from the custOrdRpt deployed query, a customer ID parameter is required by the web application. In WebLogic Workshop the new initial application page (custOrdRpt.jsp) requests a Customer ID. (See Create a Query Parameter on page 19.)

    Figure 39 Creating a New Page Flow Link

    Creating a New Page Flow Link


Obtaining Preliminary Query Results

You can now test your application for data access.

  1. From the WebLogic Workshop menu Choose Debug —> Start Without Debugging.
  2. After some moments the custOrdRptController page appears. Enter a query parameter such as CUSTOMER_3 (Figure 40).
  3. Note: Case matters; customer_3 will not succeed.

    Figure 40 Supplying a Query Parameter From the New Application

    Supplying a Query Parameter From the New Application

  4. Click Submit to test your query. After a few moments raw results such as is shown in Figure 41 appears.
  5. Figure 41 Raw Query Results

    Raw Query Results


Modifying Page Flow Source

While the application's Java Page Flow (JPF) file is automatically generated, a few lines of Java code are needed to add XMLBean variables to your page flow. (For details see the topics "Adding XMLBean Variables to the Page Flow" and "To Initialize the Variable in the Page Flow" in the chapter Using Workshop Controls to Develop Liquid Data Applications in the Application Developer's Guide.)

Follow these steps to copy several lines of Java code into the correct section of custOrdRptController.jpf:

  1. Open the custOrdRptController.jpf file in WebLogic Workshop.
  2. Click the Source View tab in WebLogic Workshop.
  3. Immediately after the following line (near the beginning of the file):
  4. private custOrdRpt myControl;

    insert the following three lines of java code:

public schemasBeaComLdCustorder.CustomerOrderReportDocument.CustomerOrderReport.CustomerOrder.BroadbandOrders.CUSTOMERORDER[] BroadBand;
public schemasBeaComLdCustorder.CustomerOrderReportDocument.CustomerOrderReport.CustomerOrder.WirelessOrders.CUSTOMERORDER[] Wireless;
public schemasBeaComLdCustorder.CustomerOrderReportDocument.CustomerOrderReport.CustomerOrder Customers;

These instructions create three variables. Two represent the CUSTOMERORDER[] arrays for BroadBandOrders and WirelessOrders data sources, respectively. The third, Customers, represents data associated with a particular customer.

  1. A few lines down locate the section of code that ties the query to the custOrdRpt form. An easy way to do this is to search. From the WebLogic Workshop menu select Edit —> Find (or Control-F). Search for a section of code beginning with the string:
  2. Forward custOrdRpt

    After the line:

    getRequest().setAttribute( "results", var )

    enter (or copy/paste) the following:

Wireless = var.getCustomerOrderReport().getCustomerOrderArray(0).getWirelessOrders().getCUSTOMERORDERArray() ;

BroadBand = var.getCustomerOrderReport().getCustomerOrderArray(0).getBroadbandOrders().getCUSTOMERORDERArray() ;

Customers = var.getCustomerOrderReport().getCustomerOrderArray(0);

These instructions make the three public variables available to the application. The relevant code is shown in Figure 7 (newly entered lines are in boldface).

Listing 7 CustOrdRpt Page Flow File (custOrdRptController.jpf).

package custOrdRpt;
import com.bea.wlw.netui.pageflow.FormData;
import com.bea.wlw.netui.pageflow.Forward;
import com.bea.wlw.netui.pageflow.PageFlowController;

import custOrdRpt.custOrdRpt;


public class custOrdRptController extends PageFlowController
* This is the control used to generate this pageflow
* @common:control
private custOrdRpt myControl;

public schemasBeaComLdCustorder.CustomerOrderReportDocument.CustomerOrderReport.CustomerOrder.BroadbandOrders.CUSTOMERORDER[] BroadBand;

public schemasBeaComLdCustorder.CustomerOrderReportDocument.CustomerOrderReport.CustomerOrder.WirelessOrders.CUSTOMERORDER[] Wireless;

schemasBeaComLdCustorder.CustomerOrderReportDocument.CustomerOrderReport.CustomerOrder Customers;

// Uncomment this declaration to access
// protected global.Global globalApp;

// For an example of page flow exception handling see the example "catch" and "exception-handler"
// annotations in {project}/WEB-INF/src/global/

* This method represents the point of entry into the pageflow
* @jpf:action
protected Forward begin()
return new Forward( "success" );

* Action encapsulating the control method :custOrdRpt
* @jpf:action
* @jpf:forward name="success" path="index.jsp"
* @jpf:catch method="exceptionHandler" type="Exception"
public Forward custOrdRpt( CustOrdRptForm aForm )
throws Exception
schemasBeaComLdCustorder.CustomerOrderReportDocument var = myControl.custOrdRpt( aForm.myCustomer );
getRequest().setAttribute( "results", var );

Wireless = var.getCustomerOrderReport().getCustomerOrderArray(0).getWirelessOrders().getCUSTOMERORDERArray() ;
BroadBand = var.getCustomerOrderReport().getCustomerOrderArray(0).getBroadbandOrders().getCUSTOMERORDERArray() ;
Customers = var.getCustomerOrderReport().getCustomerOrderArray(0);

return new Forward( "success" );

* @jpf:action
* @jpf:forward name="success" path="custOrdRpt.jsp"
public Forward custOrdRptLink()
throws Exception
return new Forward( "success" );

* @jpf:exception-handler
* @jpf:forward name="errorPage" path="/error.jsp"
protected Forward exceptionHandler( Exception ex, String actionName, String message, FormData form )
String displayMessage = "An exception occurred in the action " + actionName;
getRequest().setAttribute( "errorMessage", displayMessage );
return new Forward( "errorPage" );

* FormData class CustOrdRptForm
* FormData get and set methods may be overwritten by the Form Bean editor.
public static class CustOrdRptForm extends FormData
private java.lang.String myCustomer;
public void setMyCustomer( java.lang.String myCustomer )
this.myCustomer = myCustomer;
public java.lang.String getMyCustomer()
return myCustomer;

Adding Data to the Application

Now that variables are available to hold query results, the last step is to modify index.jsp to display your results. In the custOrdRpt folder double-click on index.jsp (Figure 42).

Figure 42 WebLogic Workshop Design View of index.jsp

WebLogic Workshop Design View of index.jsp


Three things need to be added to index.jsp:

The following sections walk you through the index.jsp editing process.

Adding Field Labels

First, several labels need to be added to index.jsp.

Go to the source view. Open the index.jsp file. Near the end of that file find and replace the long line beginning with:

<%Object res = request.getAttribute ...

With the following:

<b>BroadBand Orders</b>
<b>Wireless Orders</b>

Adding Data Fields

Next, a HTML table needs to be added to the page to hold customer information (in an RDBMS application, customer information would represent the master and customer orders the detail).

  1. Return to Design View.
  2. Using your mouse, click on CUSTOMER (Figure 43).
  3. Figure 43 Java Server Page (index.jsp) After Adding Field Labels

    Java Server Page (index.jsp) After Adding Field Labels

  4. From the WebLogic Workshop menu select Insert —> HTML —> Table.
  5. When the TableWizard appears, set the number of rows to 4 and the number of columns to 2.
  6. Figure 44 Creating a HTML Table in WebLogic Workshop

    Creating a HTML Table in WebLogic Workshop

  7. Click Ok. Notice that the table is placed in the Results Area below the CUSTOMER label.
  8. Double-click in the upper-left field of the generated grid (Figure 45). This will open to the relevant section of index.jsp in Source View.
  9. Figure 45 Selecting a Cell in WebLogic Workshop Table Grid

    Selecting a Cell in WebLogic Workshop Table Grid

  10. Replace the first table detail of each row with the following descriptions: First name, Last name, Customer ID, and Email Address. Replacement text is highlighted (Figure 48).
  11. <table border="1">
    <td>First Name</td>
    <td>Last Name</td>
    <td>Customer ID</td>
    <td>Email Address</td>
  12. Switch back to Design View.
  13. In the WebLogic Workshop Data Palette, expand PageFlow —> Properties —> Customers—>CUSTOMER to see the available Customer elements (Figure 46).
  14. Figure 46 Data Palette Page Flow Data Components

    Data Palette Page Flow Data Components

  15. Drag-and-drop data elements to their corresponding text labels (Figure 47).
  16. Figure 47 Populating WebLogic Workshop HTML Table with Customer Data Element

    Populating WebLogic Workshop HTML Table with Customer Data Element


Figure 48 shows a fully configured customer information table.

Figure 48 Design View of Customer ID Table in index.jsp

Design View of Customer ID Table in index.jsp


Add Repeater Fields For Order Arrays

WebLogic Workshop repeater fields make it very easy to insert arrays of data such as Wireless and BroadBand order information. (For details see the topic "To Add a Repeater to a JSP File" in the chapter Using Workshop Controls to Develop Liquid Data Applications in the Application Developer's Guide.)

Using your cursor, highlight the return after BroadBand (Figure 49).

  1. From the Data Palette, just above the Public Controls section, drag the BroadBand array symbol to the highlighted area (also Figure 49).
  2. Figure 49 Populating a JSP With an Array Containing BroadBand Order Data Elements

    Populating a JSP With an Array Containing BroadBand Order Data Elements

  3. Accept the defaults (meaning all the elements in the array) by clicking Next. No title is needed.
  4. Figure 50 Selecting Fields for NetUI Repeater Element

    Selecting Fields for NetUI Repeater Element

  5. Click Create to accept the default repeater data format of Table.
  6. Figure 51 Setting Format for NetUI Repeater Element

    Setting Format for NetUI Repeater Element

  7. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for Wireless, dragging the Wireless
  8. array icon just to the right of the Wireless label. As necessary, drag-and-drop text labels so they appear in the right location.

Testing Your Results

Congratulations. Your application is completed. To test it:

  1. Run your application using the Start Without Debugging command.
  2. When the initial screen appears enter, in uppercase, a valid customer ID such as CUSTOMER_3.

When finished, your results page contain the same data as is shown in Figure 52.

Figure 52 Results Page After Query is Run

Results Page After Query is Run



This concludes the Liquid Data Quick Start tutorial. If you followed along with the instructions, you successfully:

Generated Files and Code

All the files associated with the Liquid Data query and web application are generated automatically. Table 8 provides some details. Notice that of the nearly 500 lines of code required to produce this rather simple application, only 13 lines were created by hand.

Table 8 Statistics on Generated Files and Code Used to Create the custOrdRpt Web Application

Generated File

Source / Purpose

Total lines of code

Hand coded


Data View Builder




Liquid Data control, includes target schema




WebLogic Workshop Page Flow Control File




Web application home page




Web application input parameter page






Topics of Further Interest

Now that you are somewhat familiar with the basics of creating Liquid Data queries using the Data View Builder, the following may be of increased interest:


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