Installation Guide

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Quickstart Overview

This chapter provides brief, high level instructions for the installation and upgrade of Pathways. It is intended to quickly guide experienced administrators through the installation procedure. It covers installing the Pathways components, scripting the databases, and starting and verifying the installation.

This chapter is divided into two major sections:



Before you install Pathways:

  1. Verify that you have completed the pre-installation steps. For details, see Installation Prerequisites.
  2. Ensure that you have installed BEA AquaLogic Interaction 6.5, including the following AquaLogic Interaction components:
    • BEA AL Notification Service
    • BEA ALI Remote Portlet Service

Installing Pathways Components

This section discusses how to install Pathways components.

For details on installing and configuring the Auto-Tag external operation, see Administrator Guide for BEA AquaLogic Pathways.

Launching the Pathways Installer

To launch the Pathways installer:

  1. Log in to the remote server host computer as the local administrator (on Windows) or a user with directory write privileges (on UNIX/Linux).
  2. Copy the installer to the disk location from which you plan to launch it.
  3. Launch the Pathways installer:
    • On a UNIX/Linux host, run ALPathways_v1-5_mp1.
    • On a Windows host, run ALPathways_v1-5_mp1.exe.

Completing the Installer Wizard Pages

The installer wizard pages that appear vary according to the selections you choose.

When the Launch Configuration Manager installation wizard page appears, do not launch Configuration Manager. Instead, create and configure the Pathways, Rank Engine, and ALUI Security databases, as described in:

After you have created and configured the Pathways, Rank Engine, and ALUI Security databases, access Configuration Manager and configure all settings for the Pathways and Pathways Rank Engine applications.

For more complete details on performing this task, see Completing the Installer Wizard Pages.

Redeploying Portal.war and Portal.ear

After installing Pathways, redeploy the portal application:

Creating the Pathways Database

This section describes how to create the Pathways database on SQL Server and Oracle. For more complete details on performing this task, see Creating the Pathways Database.

Creating the Pathways Database on SQL Server

To create the Pathways database on SQL Server:

  1. Copy the scripts from install_dir\pathways\1.5\sql\mssql to the database host computer.
  2. In SQL Server Management Studio, configure the database engine to use SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode.
  3. Restart the database engine.
  4. Create the Pathways database user, configuring the Pathways database user to use SQL Server Authentication.
  5. Create the Pathways database, assigning the Pathways database as the default database for the Pathways database user.
  6. Grant the Pathways database user the db_owner role for the Pathways database.
  7. As the Pathways database user, run the create_pathways_schema.sql script for the Pathways database.
  8. As the Pathways database user, run the install_pathways_seeddata.sql script for the Pathways database.

Creating the Pathways Database on Oracle

  1. Copy the oracle directory from install_dir\pathways\1.5\sql\oracle\windows or install_dir/pathways/1.5/sql/oracle/unix to the Pathways database’s host computer.
  2. Log on to the host computer for the Pathways database as owner of the Oracle system files.
  3. Run the following scripts against your Oracle database as the system user:
    1. Run the script create_pathways_tablespaces.sql for your platform. This file is located in a platform specific subdirectory within the oracle directory that you copied in Step 1.
    2. Note: Before running the script, determine the name of the SID used in your portal database. If necessary, edit the script so that all SID name instances in the script match the SID name used for the portal database.
    3. Run the script create_pathways_user.sql.
  4. Execute the following steps as the pathways user, which you just created. The scripts that you run are located in the oracle directory that you copied in Step 1.
    1. Run the script create_pathways_schema.sql.
    2. Run the script install_pathways_seeddata.sql.
  5. Run your database’s analysis tool on the portal database to increase the efficiency of the database.

Creating the Rank Engine Database

This section describes how to create the Rank Engine database on SQL Server and Oracle. For more complete details on performing this task, see Creating the Rank Engine Database.

Creating the Rank Engine Database on SQL Server

To create the Rank Engine database on SQL Server:

  1. Copy the scripts from install_dir\rankengine\1.5\sql\mssql to the database host computer.
  2. In SQL Server Management Studio, configure the database engine to use SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode.
  3. Restart the database engine.
  4. Create the Rank Engine database user. Configure the Rank Engine database user to use SQL Server Authentication.
  5. Create the Rank Engine database, assigning the Rank Engine database as the default database for the Rank Engine database user.
  6. Grant the Rank Engine database user the db_owner role for the Rank Engine database.
  7. As the Rank Engine database user, run the create_rankengine_schema.sql script for the Rank Engine database.

Creating the Rank Engine Database on Oracle

To create the Rank Engine database on Oracle:

  1. Copy the oracle directory from install_dir\rankengine\1.5\sql\oracle\windows or install_dir/rankengine/1.5/sql/oracle/unix to the Rank Engine database’s host computer.
  2. Log on to the host computer for the Rank Engine database as owner of the Oracle system files.
  3. Execute the following steps as the system user in your Oracle database:
    1. Run the create_rankengine_tablespaces.sql script.
    2. Note: Before running the script, determine the name of the SID used in your portal database. If necessary, edit the script so that all SID name instances in the script match the SID name used for the portal database.
    3. Run the create_rankengine_user.sql script.
    4. When running this script, you will be prompted to create the username and password for the Rank Engine database user. You need to enter these values into Configuration Manager when configuring Rank Engine database settings.

  4. Run the script create_rankengine_schema.sql as the Rank Engine database user that you just created.
  5. Run your database’s analysis tool on the portal database to increase the efficiency of the database.

Creating the ALUI Security Database

(Optional) This section describes how to set up the ALUI Security database. For more complete details on performing this task, see Creating the ALUI Security Database.

Note: You do not need to perform this procedure if Analytics 2.5 is installed. Installing Analytics 2.5 requires creating the ALUI Security database.

Creating and Setting Up the ALUI Security Database on Microsoft SQL Server

(Optional) This section describes how to set up the ALUI Security database on Microsoft SQL Server.

Note: You do not need to perform this procedure if Analytics 2.5 is installed. Installing Analytics 2.5 requires creating the ALUI Security database.

To create and set up the ALUI Security database on Microsoft SQL Server:

  1. On the computer to which you installed the BEA AL Pathways service, copy the scripts from install_dir\pathways\1.5\sql\mssql to the ALUI Security database host computer.
  2. In SQL Server Management Studio, configure the database engine to use SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode.
  3. Restart the database engine.
  4. Create the ALUI Security database user, configuring the ALUI Security database user to use SQL Server Authentication.
  5. Create the ALUI Security database.
  6. Change the default database for the ALUI Security database user to the ALUI Security database.
  7. Grant the ALUI Security database user the db_owner role for the ALUI Security database.
  8. Create the ALUI Security database schema. Specify the ALUI Security database user as the schema owner.
  9. Grant the ALUI Security database user the sysadmin server role.
  10. Connect to the ALUI Security database as the ALUI Security database user, using SQL Server Authentication.
  11. Run the create_security_tables.sql script, located in the folder that you copied in Step 1.

Creating and Setting Up the ALUI Security Database on Oracle

(Optional) This section describes how to set up the ALUI Security database on Oracle.

Note: You do not need to perform this procedure if Analytics 2.5 is installed. Installing Analytics 2.5 requires creating the ALUI Security database.

To create and set up the ALUI Security database on Oracle:

  1. On the computer on which you installed the BEA AL Pathways service, copy the oracle directory from install_dir\pathways\1.5\sql to the ALUI Security database’s host computer.
  2. Log on to the host computer for the ALUI Security database as owner of the Oracle system files.
  3. Create the ALUI Security database tablespace.
  4. Create the ALUI Security database user.
  5. Connect to the ALUI Security database as the ALUI Security database user.
  6. Run the create_security_tables.sql script, located in the folder that you copied in Step 1.
  7. Run your database’s analysis tool on the ALUI Security database to the efficiency of the database.

Importing the Pathways Migration Package

Import the pathways.pte file, which is located in the following location on the Pathways host computer:

For details, see Importing the Pathways Migration Package.

Starting Pathways

This section provides information on verifying AquaLogic Interaction services and starting Pathways-related services. For more complete details on performing this task, see Starting Pathways.

Verifying AquaLogic Interaction Services

To verify AquaLogic Interaction services, confirm that the following AquaLogic Interaction services are started:

For details on starting AquaLogic Interaction services -- including the order in which you should start AquaLogic Interaction services -- see Installation Guide for BEA AquaLogic Interaction.

Starting Pathways Services

This section describes how to start Pathways services on UNIX/Linux and Windows.

Starting Pathways Services on UNIX/Linux

To start Pathways services on UNIX/Linux:

  1. Start the Search Service used by Pathways:
    1. cd to /opt/bea/alui/searchservice/1.1/bin
    2. run ./ start
  2. On the computer on which you installed the Pathways Web UI component, start the Pathways application:
    1. cd to /opt/bea/alui/pathways/1.5/bin
    2. run ./ start
  3. On the computer on which you installed the Rank Engine component, start the Rank Engine:
    1. cd to /opt/bea/alui/rankengine/1.5/bin
    2. run ./ start
Starting Pathways Services Windows

To start the Pathways services on Windows:

  1. Perform the following on the computer on which you installed the Pathways Web UI component:
    1. Click Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
    2. Start BEA ALI Search Service.
    3. Start BEA AL Pathways.
  2. Perform the following on the computer on which you installed the Rank Engine component:
    1. Click Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
    2. Start BEA AL Pathways Rank Engine.

Seeding the ALUI Security Database

To seed the ALUI Security database, access Pathways Administration as the portal administrator.



This section describes how to upgrade from Pathways 1.5 to 1.5 MP1.

Note: If you are upgrading from Pathways 1.0 or Pathways 1.0 MP1, refer to Upgrading from Pathways 1.0 or 1.0 MP1 to Pathways 1.5.

To upgrade from Pathways 1.5 to Pathways 1.5 MP1:

  1. Run the Pathways 1.5 MP1 installer on the same computer on which Pathways 1.5 and the ALI Security and Directory Service are installed. For details, see Running the Installer During Upgrade.
  2. Start Pathways. For details, see Starting Pathways.

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