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Introducing WebLogic Platform

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Introduction to WebLogic Platform

Components of WebLogic Platform

WebLogic Server—Foundation for the Platform

WebLogic Workshop—Development and Run-Time Framework

WebLogic Portal—Window into Data and Applications

WebLogic Integration—Connecting Enterprise Solutions

WebLogic JRockit—High-Performance JVM

Benefits of WebLogic Platform

Common Application Infrastructure

Common Development Paradigm

Applications You Can Create in Workshop

WebLogic Server Programming Support

Solutions You Can Implement with WebLogic Platform

About the End-to-End WebLogic Platform Tour

Developing the Intranet Portal Using WebLogic Portal

Controlling the User Path Using Page Flows

Using a Web Service to Invoke Business Processes

Developing the Order Management System Using WebLogic Integration

Using a WebLogic Workshop Enterprise Java Bean Control to Track Orders

End-to-End WebLogic Platform Tour Online Demos

For More Information About WebLogic Platform

Contact Us!


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