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7.0 Supported Configurations: HP OpenVMS 7.3, 7.3-1 on Alpha

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HP OpenVMS 7.3, 7.3-1 on Alpha with WebLogic Server 7.0 SP1

Provides full support for WebLogic Server. WebLogic Workshop, WebLogic Integration, and WebLogic Portal are not supported. See below for Design and Development Tools support.


This section provides the following information:

Related Information


Configuration Requirements

Table 1-1 Requirements for WebLogic Server 7.0 SP1 on HP OpenVMS 7.3, 7.3-1 on Alpha

Operating System Version and Patches

HP OpenVMS 7.3 or 7.3-1

Chip Architecture and Minimum Processor Speed

HP Alpha processor (433 MHz) with a non-system disk that can be converted or initialized to ODS-5

Note: The disk must not contain page or swap files.


HP Fast VM 1.3.1-5 JDK 1.3.1
JavaTM 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition Fast VM (build 1.3.1-5, build J2SDK.v.1.3.1:11/21/2002-13:37, native threads, jit_131)

Design and Development Tools

Supports WebLogic Server development tools.


512 MB required; 1 GB recommended

Disk Space

For any components of WebLogic Platform or for the full WebLogic Platform product, see Disk Space Requirements.

Performance Pack


Node Manager


BEA jDrivers for Oracle




Known Issues

This release does not support any WebLogic Server native libraries other than Apache plug-ins. For example, there is no WebLogic Server jDriver or pollmuxer support.

For more information about known issues with this release of WebLogic Server, see the WebLogic Server 7.0 Release Notes:


Download and Installation Instructions

This section provides instructions for the following tasks:

Review all the instructions before proceeding. An ODS-5 disk is required.

Preparing Your System

This section provides instructions for the following tasks:

Verifying the Prerequisites on Your System

Obtain and install any necessary patches (ECOs) described on the SDK v 1.3.1 patch installation page, which is located at:

Setting Up a Disk, Directory, and Account to Run WebLogic Server

Before starting the WebLogic Server installation process, set up your ODS-5 disk, directory, and account as follows:

  1. Log in to the SYSTEM account.
  2. Create an account called bea and set its default device and directory to wldisk:[bea], which you will create in the following steps.
  3. The bea account should have the following minimum quotas:

  1. Create or convert an ODS-5 disk and define a system logical called wldisk pointing to this disk.

    $ initialize/structure_level=5 DKA100: wldisk
    $ define/system/exec wldisk DKA100:

    Note: Include this command in sys$, too.

  3. On the ODS-5 disk, create a directory called wldisk:[bea] and specify the bea account as the owner:
  4. $ create/dir/own=bea/ver=0 wldisk:[bea]

  5. On the same disk, create an additional directory in which downloaded kits can be held, such as wldisk:[kits]. Specify the bea account as the owner. Enter a command line such as the following:
  6. $ create/dir/own=bea/ver=0 wldisk:[kits]

Note: The following steps are based on the assumption that the system already includes installations of the Java SDK, Java Fast VM, and any required service packs or system ECOs. If this assumption is not true, install all required items now and reboot the system.

  1. From the SYSTEM account, execute the following commands:
  2. $ set default wldisk:[bea]
    $ set process/parse_style=extended !long filenames and case sensitivity
    $ define decc$argv_parse_style enable !preserve argv case from DCL
    $ define decc$efs_case_preserve enable !enable ODS-5 names when you 'unjar' the kit
    $ @sys$common:[java$]java$ fast
    $ define decc$readdir_dropdotnotype enable
    $ define decc$efs_charset enable
    $ define java$filename_controls "8" !map mix of UNIX and VMS filenames into UNIX-style file names
    $ define decc$efs_case_special enable !convert filename to lowercase when reporting name in UNIX style
    $ define java$classpath []

  3. Before you start running Weblogic Server, verify that the time zone is set correctly in OpenVMS. For details, see Section 6.1, "Setting Correct Time Zone Information on Your System," in OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.

Downloading WebLogic Server

    Find the listings for WebLogic Server 7.0 SP1 in the section WebLogic Server Package Installer.

  1. Select HP OpenVMS.
  2. Download the WebLogic Server installer and BEA's supplemental JAR file for OpenVMS configurations.
  3. BEA's supplemental JAR file for OpenVMS, wls70sp1_OpenVMS_supp.jar, is available for download with WebLogic Server. The files delivered in this JAR contain customized commands and settings for OpenVMS. They are copied to the proper directories, automatically, at download time.

    The supplemtnal JAR file contains the following files:, configEnvVMS_template.dat,,,,, mod_wl.exe, mod_wl_ssl.exe, parseNodeManager.exe,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, _java.policy

  4. Transfer the installer and the supplemental JAR file to a convenient location, such as wldisk:[kits], using either of two methods:

Installing the WebLogic Server Kit and Latest Service Pack

From the SYSTEM account, install the WebLogic Server kit as follows:

  1. Set attributes for the downloaded and supplemental JAR files to stream LF. For example:
  2. $ set file/attr=(rfm=stmlf) wldisk:[kits]pj_server701_generic.jar
    $ set file/attr=(rfm=stmlf) wldisk:[kits]wls70sp1_OpenVMS_supp.jar

  3. Install the WebLogic Server kit by setting the default to wldisk:[bea] and using the java command to unpack the archive:
  4. $ set default wldisk:[bea]
    $ java -DJAVA_HOME=/sys$common/java$131 -Djdk.check.override=true -jar wldisk:[kits]pj_server701_generic.jar

    These commands are based on the assumption that the JAR file resides in the wldisk:[kits] directory. If you put the JAR file in a different directory, modify the java command line as necessary.

Note: This command creates the WebLogic Server directory structure, starting with the WebLogic Server directory [bea.weblogic700]. Depending on the speed of the machine, this command may run for more than 20 minutes.

  1. While the BEA installer is running, note the pathnames for two directories: the BEA Home directory and the Product Installation directory.
  2. While the Configuration Wizard is running, note the pathname for the "domain directory."
  3. After the installer and Configuration Wizard finish running, you must run This program prompts you to enter the names of the directories noted in steps 3 and 4, as input for the configuration of the WebLogic Server environment on OpenVMS.
  4. The following listing shows an example of the input and output displayed during a console-mode installation. User responses are highlighted in bold. To select Next, simply press Enter.

Listing 1-1 Sample Console-Mode Installation of WebLogic Server 7.0 SP1

Unable to instantiate GUI, defaulting to console mode.
Extracting 0%.....................................................100%

<------------- BEA Installer - WebLogic Platform ------------->


This installer will guide you through the installation of
WebLogic Platform Type "Next" or enter to proceed to
the next prompt. If you want to change data entered
previously, type "Previous". You may quit the installer at
any time by typing "Exit".

Enter [Exit][Next]>

<------------- BEA Installer - WebLogic Platform ------------->
BEA Systems License Agreement:


NOTE: Please read the license agreement.

Enter [Yes][No][Exit][Previous][More]>

<------------- BEA Installer - WebLogic Platform ------------->
Choose BEA Home Directory:
BEA Home = [/sys$sysroot/sysmgr/bea]
Input new BEA Home Directory OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 

NOTE: Record the BEA Home directory for reference later.

<------------- BEA Installer - WebLogic Platform ------------->

Choose BEA Home Directory:

BEA home choice

->1| Yes, Use this BEA home directory [/wldisk/bea]
2| No, return to BEA home directory selection

Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 1

<------------- BEA Installer - WebLogic Platform ------------->

Choose Install Type:

->1| Typical Installation (Install all software components, including program files and examples.)
2| Custom Installation (Choose software components to install and optionally create custom application domains. Recommended for advanced users.)

Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>

<------------- BEA Installer - WebLogic Platform ------------->

Choose Components:

|_____WebLogic Server [0] x
|_____Server [0.0] x
|_____Workshop [0.1] x
|_____Server Examples [0.2] x

Enter number exactly as it appears in brackets to toggle selection OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>

<------------- BEA Installer - WebLogic Platform ------------->

Choose Components:

->1| Yes, use these component selections
2| No, return to component selection

Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>

<------- WebLogic Platform Installer - WebLogic Platform ------------->

Choose Product Directory:

Product Installation Directory = [/wldisk/bea/weblogic700]

Input new Product Installation Directory OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>

<------- WebLogic Platform Installer - WebLogic Platform ------------->

Choose Product Directory:

->1| Yes, use this product directory [/wldisk/bea/weblogic700]
2| No, select another product directory

NOTE: Record the Product Installation directory for reference later.

Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>

<------ WebLogic Platform Installer - WebLogic Platform ------------->

Copying files.

0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
(NOTE: You may notice a delay at this point. Do not abort.)
Copying JDK....

<------ WebLogic Platform Installer - WebLogic Platform ------------->

Run Configuration Wizard

->1 - Yes, run Configuration Wizard to create my application domain
2 - No, skip Configuration Wizard

Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>

<--------- BEA Configuration Wizard - WebLogic Platform ------------->

Choose Domain Type

->1 - WLS Examples
2 - WLS Petstore
3 - WLS Domain
4 - WebLogic Workshop

Enter a number or [Exit][Previous][Next]>

<--------- BEA Configuration Wizard - WebLogic Platform ------------->

Choose Server Type

->1 - Single Server (Standalone Server)
2 - Admin Server with Managed Server(s)
3 - Admin Server with Clustered Managed Server(s)
4 - Managed Server (with owning Admin Server configuration)

Enter a number or [Exit][Previous][Next]>

<--------- BEA Configuration Wizard - WebLogic Platform ------------->

Choose Domain Name

1 - Modify current selection(mydomain)
->2 - Use current name

Enter a number or [Exit][Previous][Next]>

<--------- BEA Configuration Wizard - WebLogic Platform ------------->

Configure Single Server

1- Modify Server Name (myserver)
2- Modify Server Listen Address ()
3- Modify Server Listen Port (7001)
4- Modify Server SSL Listen Port (7002)

Enter a number or [Exit][Previous][Next]>

<-------- BEA Configuration Wizard - WebLogic Platform ------------->

Choose Location to Create Domain

1 - Modify current selection
->2 - Use current directory

The domain directory will be located at:

NOTE: Record domain directory for reference later.

Enter a number or [Exit][Previous][Next]>

<--------- BEA Configuration Wizard - WebLogic Platform ------------->

Enter User Name or [Exit][Previous][Next]>

Enter Password or [Exit][Previous][Next]>

Enter Verify Password or [Exit][Previous][Next]>

<--------- BEA Configuration Wizard - WebLogic Platform ------------->

Configuration Summary

Domain Name: mydomain
Server Type: Single Server (Standalone Server)
Domain Template Name: WLS Domain
Install Directory:
Listen Address: localhost and primary IP address
Listen Port: 7001
SSL Listen Port: 7002
User Name: system
Password: ********

Enter [Exit][Previous][Create]>

<--------- BEA Configuration Wizard - WebLogic Platform ------------->

Domain Configuration Wizard has successfully created "mydomain" domain

Enter [Exit][Next]>

<--------- BEA Configuration Wizard - WebLogic Platform ------------->

Configuration Wizard Complete

1 - Run Configuration Wizard again.
->2 - End Configuration Wizard.

Enter [Exit][Previous][Next]>

<--------- BEA Configuration Wizard - WebLogic Platform ------------->

Install Complete

Congratulations! WebLogic Platform
has been successfully installed to

Press any key to continue OR [Exit]>

<--------- BEA Configuration Wizard - WebLogic Platform ------------->

Clean up process in progress ...
  1. (optional) In the current directory, delete all the temporary directories with names similar that contain special characters, such as bea16107^.tmp.DIR;1. These directories were created during the installation process; they are no longer needed by WebLogic Server.
  2. If you plan to run WebLogic Server clusters before rebooting your system, set the quotas required by the Administration Server and Managed Servers by running the following commands:
  3. $ tcpip set protocol udp/quota=send:32768
    $ tcpip set protocol udp/quota=receive:32768

    If you want these commands to be executed automatically the next time the system is booted, add them to SYS$STARTUP:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM.

  4. A 30-day evaluation license is provided with your download and a normal installation. To continue using WebLogic Server after the initial 30-day period expires, you must obtain a new license from BEA and complete the following procedure:
    1. Copy your new BEA license to wldisk:[bea.weblogic700].
    2. Set the default to wldisk:[bea.weblogic700]
    3. Use the java command to run LicenseMerger, which installs the new WebLogic Server license. For example:
    4. $ copy *new_license_filename* to wldisk:[bea.weblogic700]
      $ set default wldisk:[bea]
      $ java -cp [.utils]utils.jar com.bea.installer.registry.LicenseMerger license.bea wldisk:[bea.weblogic700]*new_license_filename*

  5. Now use the jar command to unpack the contents of wls70sp1_OpenVMS_supp.jar, the file that contains OpenVMS command procedures, which you copied to a convenient location, such as wldisk:[kits], earlier. For example:
  6. $ set default wldisk:[kits]
    $ jar xf wldisk:[kits]wls70sp1_OpenVMS_supp.jar

  7. Log out of the SYSTEM account.
  8. Log in to the bea account and configure your WebLogic Server environment on OpenVMS by running a command procedure, such as the following script.

Listing 1-2 Sample Configuration of a WebLogic Server Environment

$ set default wldisk:[kits]
$ @configEnvVMS

Configure BEA WebLogic Server Environment

Enter the BEA Home location (e.g., WLDISK:[BEA]?

Enter the BEA WebLogic Product location (e.g.,WLDISK:[BEA.WEBLOGIC700]?

Creating WLDISK:[kit] . . .
Create complete

Install OpenVMS Command Procedure Files.

If modifications were made to installed command procedure
files on this system please save them in an alternate
directory previous to running this install.

Install OpenVMS Command Procedure Files (Y/N)?
Installing OpenVMS Command Procedure Files...
OpenVMS Command Procedure Files installed.

The BEA Configuration Wizard configures a WebLogic Server Domain.
There are additional OpenVMS Command Procedures related to this
domain that can be installed.

Has a WebLogic Server Domain been configured (Y/N)? Y

Enter the BEA WebLogic domain location
(e.g., WLDISK:[BEA.USER_PROJECTS.MYDOMAIN]? wldisk:[bea.user_projects.mydomain]

Copy command procedures to wldisk:[bea.user_projects.mydomain] (Y/N)? Y

Domain related command procedures installed.
  1. Log out of the bea account.

Your installation and configuration are now complete.


Instructions for Startup, Shutdown, Configuration, and Building Examples with Ant

This section provides instructions for the following tasks:

Starting WebLogic Server, the PetStore Example, or Other Examples

To start WebLogic Server, complete the following procedure:

  1. Log in to the bea account.
  2. Note: At startup time, WebLogic Server 7.0 automatically updates the config.xml file, based on your current config.xml and dynamic environment. If you want to preserve your config.xml file, make a copy of it (for example, config.xml_backup) and copy it to config.xml before starting the server. Currently WebLogic Server 7.0 does not provide a way to turn off this feature.

  3. Choose one of the following operations:

Shutting Down WebLogic Server

To shut down WebLogic Server, run the following command:

$ @wldisk:[bea.weblogic700] port user password proceed

Replace the arguments shown in italic with the values described.

For this argument ...

Specify this value ...


The appropriate port number


Your WebLogic Server username, which is case-sensitive.


Your WebLogic Server password, which is case-sensitive.


Whether you are ready to proceed. If you are ready, enter Yes or Y; if not, enter No or N.


If you do not specify these arguments on the command line, you are prompted to provide them after you launch the command.

Because the username and password are case sensitive, you must specify these two arguments within double quotes when providing them interactively. For example:

7001 "username" "Password" Y

The use of double quotes ensures that the use of lowercase and uppercase in the enclosed arguments is preserved and interpreted correctly.

Using the Configuration Wizard

If you want to set up your domains by running the Configuration Wizard, you must set the default to the [.common.lib] subdirectory of the WebLogic Server installation directory. For example:

$ set def wldisk:[bea.weblogic700.common.lib]
$ java -jar dmwiz.jar

To run in console mode:

$ set def wldisk:[bea.weblogic700.common.lib]
$ java -jar dmwiz.jar -mode=console

Note: The Configuration Wizard does not create DCL scripts to start and stop WebLogic Server. You may want to create start/stop server scripts, based on the sample scripts available in the petstore example or the examples directories.

Configuring the WebLogic Server Node Manager

Note: For an overview of the WebLogic Server Node Manager, see "Managing Server Availability with Node Manager" at

If your deployment of WebLogic Server requires the starting and stopping of Managed Servers from the Administration Server Console, be sure to complete the following procedure:

  1. Log in to the bea account.
  2. Edit WL_HOME:[server.bin] and modify the weblogic.ListenAddress with the IP address of the system on which the Node Manager will run. For example:
  3. $ WRITE COMMAND "-Dweblogic.ListenAddress="

  4. Open the WL_HOME:[common.nodemanager.config]nodemanager.hosts file and add the IP address of the Admin Server to the end of the file. For example:
  5. # localhost, loopback

  6. Start the Node Manager to create a process named WLS_NODEMANAGER on port 5555:
  7. $ SET DEFAULT WL_HOME:[server.bin]
    $ @startNodeManagerProcess

  8. While the Node Manager process is running:
    1. Invoke the Admin Server Console.
    2. Complete the instructions provided in Configure a Machine to Use Node Manager.
    3. Complete the instructions provided in Configure Startup Arguments for Managed Servers.

You can now use the Node Manager to start and stop Managed Servers from the Admin Server Console.

Using Ant to Build Examples

  1. Log in to the bea account.
  2. Set up the Examples environment:
$ @wldisk:[bea.weblogic700.samples.server.config.examples]
$ SET DEFAULT wldisk:[bea.weblogic700.samples.server.src.examples.jndi]
  1. To build the example, enter the following command:
  2. $ java


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