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8.1 Supported Configurations: IBM AIX 5.2 on pSeries

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IBM AIX 5.2 on pSeries with WebLogic Platform 8.1

Provides full support for WebLogic Server and run-time support for WebLogic Workshop, WebLogic Integration, and WebLogic Portal. For Design and Development Tools support, see the


Note: Support of IBM AIX 5.2 is no longer available. For additional information, please refer to the AIX 5.2 End of Support Announcement.

Note: WebLogic Platform 8.1 includes WebLogic Server 8.1 Service Pack 1 (SP1).

This section provides the following information:

Related Information


Configuration Requirements

Table 6-1 Requirements for WebLogic Platform 8.1 on IBM AIX 5.2 on pSeries 

Operating System Version and Patches

AIX 5L v5.2 with Recommended Maintenance Package AIX 5200-01; APAR IY39795 and any later compatible level

Chip Architecture and Minimum Processor Speed

  • POWER3 (450 MHz)

  • POWER4 (1 GHz)


IBM SDK 1.4.1 32-bit (IY47536) JavaTM 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.1) Classic VM (build 1.4.1, J2RE 1.4.1 IBM AIX build ca141-20030703a (JIT enabled: jitc))

Download the IBM SDK from the IBM Web site and install it, manually, before installing WebLogic Server. For instructions, see Download and Installation Instructions.

Use of JVM debug mode with the IBM JVM significantly degrades application performance and debugging effectiveness. The JVM debug mode is enabled by default on WebLogic Platform; BEA strongly recommends that you manually disable it when running WebLogic Platform on AIX. For instructions, see JVM Debug Mode Impact.

Design and Development Tools

The WebLogic Workshop IDE and WebLogic Integration Format Builder are not supported on IBM AIX systems. IBM AIX is supported for the production deployment of applications developed in the WebLogic Workshop IDE. Debugging of applications developed in the WebLogic Workshop IDE, for deployment on AIX, should be accomplished to the extent possible on the Workshop development system; use of JVM debug mode with the IBM JVM significantly degrades application performance and debugging effectiveness. IBM AIX is also supported for the development and production deployment of WebLogic Server applications developed with other tools.


512 MB required; 1 GB recommended

Performance Pack



Node Manager



BEA jDrivers for Oracle

For this Oracle client version:

The following shared libraries are provided:

Oracle 8.1.7

  • lib/aix/oci817_8/

  • lib/aix/oci817_8/

Oracle 9.2.0

  • lib/aix/oci920_8/

  • lib/aix/oci920_8/



Known Issues

This section provides workarounds for the following issues:

For more information about known issues with any components of this release, see the appropriate Release Notes document. For a complete list of Release Notes supporting WebLogic Platform 8.1, see:

IBM JVM Updates For DST

IBM has released a Timezone Update Utility to update DST data without the need to upgrade Java. See IBM Time Zone Update Utility for JavaTM.

IIOP Thin Client Not Supported

The IIOP thin client is not supported on AIX due to dependencies on the JVM. Only thin-client applications are affected by this issue.

To work around this issue, run WebLogic Server on AIX and your thin client on another operating system.

Insufficient Buffer Size for UDP_SENDSPACE

The default buffer size for UDP_SENDSPACE is 9216 (9 KB), but WebLogic Server sends fragments up to 32 KB [to UDP_SENDSPACE]. As a result, use of a buffer smaller than 32 KB may cause an I/O exception.

To prevent I/O exceptions due to insufficient space in the UDP_SENDSPACE buffer:

  1. Set the buffer size to 32 KB:
  2. no -o udp_sendspace=32768

  3. Reboot WebLogic Server.

JVM Debug Mode Impact

Use of JVM debug mode with the IBM JVM significantly degrades application performance and debugging effectiveness. Therefore, whenever you run WebLogic Platform on an AIX configuration, BEA strongly recommends that you disable the JVM debug mode (which, by default, is enabled by WebLogic Platform). Disabling debug mode is recommended for all domains, both existing ones and domains created using the Configuration Wizard.

To disable JVM debug mode:

  1. Go to the target domain directory.
  2. In the file, find the first occurrence of debugFlag=true.
  3. Change it to: debugFlag=false.
  4. If you are going to use QuickStart, repeat steps 2 and 3 in the file.

Note: If you are going to perform this procedure, you must do so before launching QuickStart.

JAXP Incompatibility Causes Problems with Using the SDK Built-in XML Parsers on WebLogic Platform 8.1

Note: This limitation is reported, in CR112245, in the "Known Limitations" section of the WebLogic Platform 8.1 Release Notes.

WebLogic Platform 8.1 is based on JAXP 1.1, and IBM SDK is based on JAXP 1.2. This incompatibility causes problems with using the SDK built-in XML parsers.

To compensate for this incompatibility:

  1. Open the following file in a text editor:
  2. $BEA_HOME/weblogic81/common/bin/

  3. Append the following line:
export IBM_JAVA_OPTIONS="$IBM_JAVA_OPTIONS -Djavax.xml.parsers.SAXParser
BuilderFactory=weblogic.xml.jaxp.RegistryDocumentBuilderFactory -Djavax.xml.

Database Cannot Be Loaded on AIX

Using the Configuration Wizard on an AIX platform, you can perform all but one of the steps necessary to configure a domain. The exception is the task of loading the database. This task must be performed on an operating system other than AIX. The remainder of this section provides instructions for doing so.

Note: The alternative procedure for loading the database must be performed for any template in which WebLogic Portal and/or WebLogic Integration functionality is included. If you are using a custom template, this procedure is necessary only if your template includes a script that initializes the database. Keep in mind that a template may not provide all the connection pools required for your domain or application.

Before you begin . . .

  1. On your AIX system, open the Configuration Wizard.
  2. Select the Create a new WebLogic configuration option.
  3. Configure your new domain by completing all the necessary steps except one: do not load the database.
  4. When the "Test JDBC Connection Pools and Setup JDBC Database" window is displayed, proceed to the next window without clicking Load Database.

Now load your database by completing the following steps:

  1. On an operating system other than AIX, open the Configuration Wizard.
  2. Select the Create a new WebLogic configuration option. The Select a Configuration Template window is displayed.
  3. Select the same template you used to create a new domain on your AIX system. Click Next. The Choose Express or Custom Configuration window is displayed.
  4. Select Custom and click Next. The Configure the Administration Server window is displayed.
  5. Click Next. The Managed Servers, Clusters, and Machines Options window is displayed.
  6. Select No and click Next. The Database (JDBC) Options window is displayed.
  7. Select Yes and click Next. The Configure JDBC Connection Pools window is displayed.
  8. For each connection pool listed, enter the information about your database.
  9. Note: If multiple connection pools reference the same database, perform this step for only one of them.

    After you finish configuring all connection pools, click Next. The Configure JDBC MultiPools window is displayed.

  10. Click Next. The Configure JDBC Data Sources window is displayed.
  11. Click Next. The Test JDBC Connection Pools and Setup JDBC Database window is displayed.
  12. For each connection pool:
    1. Test the connection for the pool.
    2. Select a database from the drop-down menu in the DB Version field.
    3. Click Load Database.

    When all the desired databases are loaded, click Exit.

Now all your databases are loaded. You can return to the domain that you created initially, on your AIX system, and start running it with the fully populated databases.

Problem in getClass.getResourceAsStream()

A problem in getClass.getResourceAsStream(), IBM PMR 16136,004, prevents installation of some examples and turns off the execution bit for all run scripts upon completion of the installation.

To avoid these limitations, download and apply the vendor fix APAR IY46206.

Running xbean.jar with the JIT Enabled May Cause Problem

Sometimes the JVM crashes when the xbean.jar is run while the JIT is enabled (IBM PMR 19060,004).

To work around this issue, run either of the following commands:


Download and Installation Instructions

This section provides instructions for the following tasks:

Downloading and Installing the IBM SDK

Before you can run WebLogic Platform 8.1 on IBM AIX, you must have an SDK at the following level: IBM SDK 1.4.1 32-bit PTF: ca141-20030703a. Because this SDK is not delivered with WebLogic Platform, you must download and install it manually before installing WebLogic Platform.

Note: You cannot use an older version of the IBM SDK, even if one is already installed on your system. You must download and install IBM SDK 1.4.1 32-bit PTF with APAR IY43555, APAR IY46206, and APAR IY47536.

To download IBM SDK 1.4.1 32-bit PTF: ca141-20030703a, complete the following procedure:

  1. Go to the following IBM download site:

  3. Set the search criteria to the following:
  4. Following the instructions and/or prompts displayed on the screen, make the selections required for your configuration and proceed to the next step.

  5. When a list of filesets is displayed, download and install the following filesets:
  6. Repeat steps 1-3 with the following changes:
  7. Repeat steps 1-3 with the following changes:
  8. After all packages are installed, verify that all of them are also applied. To do so, run the following commands:
  9. $ instfix -ivqk IY43555
    $ instfix -ivqk IY46206
    $ instfix -ivqk IY47536

  10. To verify that the required SDK fixes are now installed on your system, run the following command:
  11. /usr/java14/bin/java -version

    Make sure that the output contains the following string:

    IBM AIX build ca141-20030703a

Downloading and Installing WebLogic Platform 8.1

Complete the following procedure:

  1. From the BEA download site (, download:
  2. Run the installer:
  3. java -jar filename.jar

    Note: For details, see Installing BEA WebLogic Platform at the following URL:

  4. Rename the aix_supplement.jar file as weblogic_knex_patch.jar, and save the file in $BEA_HOME/weblogic81/server/lib.
  5. Go to $BEA_HOME/weblogic81/server/lib and run the ln command to create a link to the weblogic_knex_patch.jar file. The link must be called weblogic_sp.jar. For example:
  6. ln weblogic_knex_patch.jar weblogic_sp.jar

  7. In your CLASSPATH definition, specify the aix_supplement.jar file before the weblogic.jar and knex.jar files.


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