Installing WebLogic RFID Edge Server

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Preparing for Your Installation

The following sections provide information that you need to know before installing your BEA WebLogic RFID Edge Server software:


Installation Overview

The WebLogic RFID Edge Server installation program provides a complete framework for the installation and uninstallation of the RFID Edge Server software product.

When you install the software on Windows and Linux 32-bit platforms, two JDKs are installed on your system: the JRockit JDK, optimized for server-side applications, and the Sun Java 2 JDK (including the Hotspot Client and Hotspot Server JVMs), provided for optional use by both client-side and server-side applications.

The WebLogic RFID Edge Server installation program can be used in the following modes:


Product Installation Components

Using the complete installation program, you install the following components on your system:


Product Distribution Methods

Your BEA software is distributed on both the BEA Web site and CD-ROM.

Web Distribution

You can download your software from the BEA Web site at

CD-ROM Distribution

If you purchased your software from your local sales representative, you will find the following items in the product box:


Installation Prerequisites

Make sure you meet the following requirements before installing the RFID Edge Server software:

System Requirements

The system requirements for your installation are given in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1 System Requirements 
Platform configuration
A supported configuration of hardware and operating system is required. See Supported Configurations at:
1-GHz CPU recommended.
Hard disk drive
A complete installation requires approximately 235 MB of disk space (Windows) or 270 MB of disk space (UNIX).
1 GB of RAM minimum.
Color bit depth display and size
For graphical user interface (GUI) mode installation, 8-bit color depth (256 colors) is required.
For console-mode installation, there is no color bit depth requirement.
The BEA Products installation program requires a Java run-time environment (JRE) to run. A JRE is bundled in the Windows installation program and in some Linux installation programs (those with filenames ending in .bin).
For other Linux platforms, the installation program does not install a JDK. Filenames for these installation programs end in .jar. To run the .jar installation programs, you must have the appropriate version of the JDK installed on your system, and include the bin directory of the JDK at the beginning of the PATH variable definition. It is important that you use a JDK because the installation process assigns values to JAVA_HOME and related variables to point to the JDK directory.

Temporary Disk Space Requirements

The BEA installation program uses a temporary directory into which it extracts the files necessary to install the software on the target system. The extracted files are deleted from the temporary directory at the end of the installation process.

By default, the installation program uses the following temporary directories:

Note: If you do not have enough temporary space to run the installation program, you are prompted to specify an alternate directory or exit the installation program.

To make sure that you have adequate temporary space, you can allocate an alternate directory for this purpose, as indicated in Table 2-2.

Table 2-2 Allocating Alternate Directory to Meet Temporary Disk Space Requirements
Operating System
Windows (requires approximately 205 MB of temporary disk space)
Do one of the following:
  • Set the TMP system variable to a directory of your choice.
  • If starting the installation program from the command line, include the option, replacing tmpdirpath with the full path of the directory that you want to designate as a temporary storage area for the BEA Products installation program. For example:
rfid_edge200_win32.exe -mode=console\Temp
Linux (requires approximately 220 MB of temporary disk space)
Enter the following option on the command line when you start the installation program:
Here, tmpdirpath is the full path of the directory that you want to designate as a temporary storage area for the BEA installation program.

Administrator Privileges (Windows)

On Windows systems, Administrator privileges are required to create Start menu shortcuts in the All Users folder.

When you install the software as a user with Administrator privileges, you have the option to create the Start menu shortcuts in the All Users folder, or in the Local user's Start menu folder. Table 2-3 describes the options available.

Table 2-3 User Access Options (Windows)
If you select . . .
The following occurs . . .
All Users
All users registered on the machine are provided with access to the installed software. Subsequently, if users without Administrator privileges use the Configuration Wizard from this installation to create domains, Start menu shortcuts to the domains are not created. In this case, users can manually create shortcuts in their local Start menu folders, if desired.
Local user
Other users registered on this machine will not have access to the Start menu entries for this installation.

If a user without Administrator privileges installs the software, the Start menu entries are created in the user's local Start menu folder.

Licensing Requirements

Your BEA software cannot be used without a valid license. When you install your software, the installation program installs an evaluation license (license.bea) into the BEA Home directory, to allow you to start using the product immediately.

To use your software in a full-scale production environment, you must purchase a production license (either express or premium). To find out how to do so, make contact with your sales representative or visit the BEA corporate Web site at

For more information about evaluation and production licenses, see About BEA Product Licenses.

Customers who have installed a pre-2.0 version of the WebLogic RFID Edge Server software (marketed as RFTagAware™) can call BEA customer support for assistance in upgrading to the current version. Mention that you are an existing RFTagAware customer who is upgrading to WebLogic RFID Edge Server; doing so will help ensure that your request for assistance is routed to the correct people within customer support.

Supported RFID Readers

You need one or more RFID readers to use WebLogic RFID Edge Server. A list of supported readers is provided in the RFID Reader Reference. Some readers may require specific configuration prior to use with WebLogic RFID Edge Server. The RFID Reader Reference also provides some configuration details for supported readers. Also see Configuring Readers.

If you do not have an RFID reader, you can use the reader simulator provided with RFID Edge Server. The reader simulator runs on any workstation. Out of the box, it provides a minimal simulation of a ThingMagic Mercury4 reader; with minor configuration it can provide a minimal simulation of a Printronix printer. The reader simulator is useful for software evaluation, application development, and debugging. For information about the default configuration of the Reader Simulator, see Reader Simulator Configuration; for information about configuring and using the reader simulator, see Using the Reader Simulator.


Selecting Directories for Your Installation

During the installation process, you need to specify locations for the following directories:

Choosing a BEA Home Directory

When you install your BEA software, you are prompted to specify a BEA Home directory. This directory serves as a repository for common files that are used by multiple BEA products installed on the same machine. For this reason, the BEA Home directory can be considered a central support directory for all the BEA products installed on your system.

The files in the BEA Home directory are essential to ensuring that BEA software operates correctly on your system. They perform the following types of functions:

Although the default location for the product installation directory is within the BEA Home directory, you can select a different location outside the BEA Home directory.

During installation of your BEA software, you are prompted to choose an existing BEA Home directory or specify a path to create a new BEA Home directory. If you choose to create a new directory, the installation program automatically creates it for you.

Note: You can install only one instance of each version of a BEA product in a single BEA Home directory. For example, you can install only one instance of WebLogic Server 9.1 in a BEA Home directory, but that BEA Home directory may also contain an instance of WebLogic Server 9.0.

Understanding the Functions of the BEA Home Directory

Table 2-4 describes the files and directories in the BEA Home directory.

Table 2-4 BEA Home Directory Description 
jdkxxx directory
Contains the software for the Sun JDK if it is installed with your software. The JDK provides the Java run-time environment (JRE) and tools for compiling and debugging Java applications. In this directory name, xxx indicates the version of the Sun JDK installed on your system, for example jdk150_06.
jrockit90_xxx directory
(Windows and Linux only)
Contains the software for the BEA JRockit JDK if it is installed with your software. The JDK provides the Java run-time environment (JRE) and tools for compiling and debugging Java applications. In this directory name, xxx indicates the version of the JRockit JDK installed on your system, such as jrockit90_150_04.
license.bea file
An XML file that contains the license keys for all the BEA products installed in the BEA Home directory.
Licenses are release-specific.
To update your license.bea file for additional features, see Updating Your license.bea File.

Note: Do not edit the license.bea file manually. Doing so may cause operating problems for the currently installed BEA products, or result in problems later when BEA products are installed for maintenance upgrades.

logs directory
Contains a history file of installation and uninstallation for the BEA Home directory.
registry.xml file
A registry file that contains a persistent record of all BEA products installed on the target system. This registry contains product-related information, such as version number, service pack number, and location of the installation directory.

Note: Do not edit this file manually. Doing so may cause operating problems for the currently installed BEA products, or result in installation problems when future BEA products or maintenance upgrades are installed.

See "Using the BEA Registry API" in ISV Partners' Guide at the following URL:
rfid_edgexxx directory
The directory containing the WebLogic RFID Edge Server software. In this directory name, xxx indicates the version of the WebLogic RFID Edge Server installed on your system; for example, rfid_edge20. (You are not required to place the product installation directory under the BEA Home directory. See Choosing a Product Installation Directory.)
UpdateLicense (.cmd/.sh)
A command file (Windows) or a shell script (Linux) that updates the current license.bea file with new license sections. The result is a merged license that contains both the existing and new license sections. See Updating Your license.bea File.
utils directory
Contains utilities that support the installation of all BEA products installed in this BEA Home directory. The utils.jar file contains code that supports the UpdateLicense utility.

Creating Multiple BEA Home Directories

Although it is possible to create more than one BEA Home directory, it is recommended that you avoid doing so. In almost all situations, a single BEA Home directory is sufficient. There may be circumstances, however, in which you prefer to maintain separate development and production environments, with a separate product stack for each. With two directories, you can update your development environment (in a BEA Home directory) without modifying the production environment until you are ready to do so.

Choosing a Product Installation Directory

The product installation directory contains all software components that you choose to install on your system, including program files and examples. You are prompted during your initial installation to choose a product installation directory. If you accept the default on a Windows system, for example, your software is installed in the following directory:


Here, C:\bea is the BEA Home directory (BEA_HOME) and rfid_edgexx is the product installation directory for the RFID Edge Server software, referred to in this document as RFID_EDGE_HOME. However, you can specify any name and location on your system for your product installation directory; there is no requirement that you name the directory or create it under the BEA Home directory.


Choosing the Type of Installation

The installation program provides two initial types of installation: complete and custom, and the ability to add components that were not installed during an initial custom installation:

Complete Installation

In a complete installation, the software installed includes all the components listed in Product Installation Components.

The complete installation places all the components on a single machine, sets the configuration parameters accordingly, and provides documentation and sample code that demonstrate the use of the Java API and ECSpec and PCSpec syntax.

Custom Installation

You can choose which software components to install on your system. See Product Installation Components .

A custom installation allows you to place individual components on a particular machines, or to omit certain components entirely. You would choose the custom installation to, for example, place a single Administration Console on an administration or monitoring machine, Samples on developer machines, and Edge Servers on other remote machines.

A custom installation requires a certain familiarity with the product, and in some cases will require you to make changes to property or configuration files once the installation is complete.

Adding Components

If you perform a custom installation and do not install all the components, you can run the installation program to install these components. Select the same BEA Home directory you used for the initial installation. The installer displays the list of components; those that have not been installed will have a check mark next to them. Leave the check marks next to those components you want to install at this time, and finish the installation.


Generating a Verbose Installation Log

If you launch the installation from the command line or from a script, you can specify the -log option to generate a verbose installation log. The installation log stores messages about events that occur during the installation process, including informational, warning, error, and fatal messages. This type of file can be especially useful for silent installations.

Note: You may see some warning messages in the installation log. However, unless a fatal error occurs, the installation program completes the installation successfully. The installation user interface indicates the success or failure of each installation attempt, and the installation log file includes an entry indicating that the installation was successful.

To create a verbose log file during installation, include the -log=full_path_to_log_file option in the command line. For example:

rfid_edge200_win.exe -log=C:\logs\server_install.log

The path must specify a file. You cannot create a folder simply by including a name for it in a pathname; your path should specify only existing folders. If your path includes a nonexistent folder when you execute the command, the installation program does not create the log file.

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