Supported Configurations

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WebLogic RFID Edge Server Supported Configurations

The following topics provide important information about the hardware and software configurations supported by BEA for WebLogic RFID Edge Server 2.0:


List of Supported Operating System Configurations

The following table lists the operating system and hardware configurations on which BEA supports WebLogic RFID Edge Server 2.0.

Vendor and Operating System
11i V2
Microsoft Windows Server 2003
  • Standard
  • Enterprise
  • Datacenter
Microsoft Windows XP
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
3.0 AS, ES, WS
4.0 AS, ES, WS
Sun Solaris

BEA provides full support for these operating system and hardware configurations only. We are continuously working to provide support for more configurations. Please make contact with your sales representative for information about configurations not listed in this table.


Installation Information

For the standard method of installing WebLogic RFID Edge Server, appropriate for all operating systems, see Installing WebLogic RFID Edge Server. The installation manual provides detailed instructions for Windows and Linux systems. Solaris and HP-UX users should follow the Linux instructions.


Product Support Information

The following sections provide product support information about WebLogic RFID Edge Server:

Important Support Information

The following sections provides guidance about high-level support policies:

WebLogic RFID Edge Server Support

BEA supports WebLogic RFID Edge Server software on the configurations supported in this document. The supported configurations include multiple combinations of hardware, operating systems, and JREs that can be used with the software.

Please make contact with your sales representative for information about configurations not listed in this document. Note that even using a supported configuration does not guarantee that you will never encounter operating system and JVM issues while using the software. We suggest that customers regularly check their operating system and JVM vendor Web sites for information and patches recommended by those vendors.

Supported Readers

For the list of supported readers, see RFID Reader Reference.

Compatibility of WebLogic RFID Edge Server 2.0 with Previous Releases

Customers who have installed a 1.x version of the WebLogic RFID Edge Server software (marketed as RFTagAware™) can, in most instances, install version 2.0 and then copy configuration and state information from the version 1.x installation to the 2.0 installation.

  1. Back up your 1.x product directory tree.
  2. Install WebLogic RFID Edge Server 2.0 in a different directory.
  3. Back up the 2.0 product directory tree.
  4. Recursively copy the contents of your <1.x_product_directory>/var/edgestate directory to the 2.0 location.
  5. Note: If you use edge.props for configuration rather than the Administration Console, you will have to merge your site-specific properties into the 2.0 version of the file.
  6. Start the 2.0 RFID Edge Server.

If you encounter any problems, call BEA customer support for assistance in upgrading to the current version. Mention that you are an existing RFTagAware customer who is upgrading to WebLogic RFID Edge Server; doing so will help ensure that your request for assistance is routed to the correct people within customer support.

Support Policy for Third-Party JVMs

A Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is required for WebLogic RFID Edge Server to run. For your convenience, the WebLogic installation program includes a JVM; for details, see Installing WebLogic RFID Edge Server.

If the JVM used in your configuration is not the BEA JRockit JVM, but a JVM provided by a third party, BEA cannot directly resolve potential issues traced to the third-party JVM. Support for a third-party JVM must be provided by the JVM vendor.

The version of any third-party JVM bundled by BEA is recommended by the JVM vendor at the time BEA releases its product. Because the versions of JVMs supported by vendors change over time, please consult with your JVM vendor and confirm the latest configurations in the documentation for your operating system before using a third-party JVM.

End-of-Life and Product Lifecycle Policy Information

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