Programming with the ALE and ALEPC APIs

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Sample Java Applications

The following sections describe how to use the sample Java applications provided in your WebLogic RFID Edge Server installation. The sample applications illustrate the use of the Java language binding for the ALE interface. Unlike other parts of WebLogic RFID Edge Server, the sample applications are free for you to use and modify for your own purposes. You can use them as a starting point for developing your own applications.


Overview of Sample Java Applications

Several samples are provided with WebLogic RFID Edge Server:


Setting Up Your Development Environment

To compile and run the sample applications, you need to install both the Java Development Kit (JDKTM) 1.4 or later, and the WebLogic RFID Edge Server software.

For detailed information about system requirements, prerequisite software, and how to install WebLogic RFID Edge Server, see Installing WebLogic RFID Edge Server.


Compiling and Running the Samples

The instructions for running all samples are the same:

  1. From the RFID_EDGE_HOME/bin subdirectory of your WebLogic RFID Edge Server installation, run these scripts in the following sequence:
    • RunReaderSim (if you are using the Reader Simulator)
    • RunEdgeServer (required)
    • RunAdminConsole (optional)
    • These files end with the suffix .sh or .bat, depending on your platform.

  2. Go to the directory for the sample program you want to run (one of the subdirectories within the samples subdirectory of your WebLogic RFID Edge Server installation).
  3. Run the "build" script ( or build.bat depending on your platform) from the command line. This script compiles the sample program.
  4. Run the "run" script ( or run.bat depending on your platform) from the command line. This script runs the sample program you just compiled.
  5. Some samples require additional command line arguments to the "run" script:

For tutorial walk throughs of the samples, see:


ImmediateSample: Getting Started Reading Tags

The ImmediateSample program shows how to use the XML serializer and deserializer, and the ALE immediate method. The sample program reads an ECSpec from an XML file, activates it for one event cycle using the ALE immediate method, and displays the results in XML to the console.

In the following description, it is assumed that you are using the Reader Simulator provided with WebLogic RFID Edge Server. However, if you have an actual reader and tags, you can use them.

The sample program reads an ECSpec from the file ECSpec.xml, which is shown in the following example, without the comments that are in the real file. After you become familiar with the sample program, you are encouraged to experiment by changing this file to see what happens.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ale:ECSpec xmlns:ale="urn:epcglobal:ale:xsd:1"
    includeSpecInReports="false" >
      <reportSpec reportName="ImmediateSample Report">
        <reportSet set="CURRENT" />
    <aleext:applicationData>Application specific data can go here

The logical reader is specified as ConnecTerra1, which is mapped to "Antenna 1" in the Reader Simulator by default. (If you installed your own reader, modify the ECSpec to refer to one of your logical readers.) The event cycle is exactly one read cycle — this is far smaller than you are likely to use in any real situation, but it will illustrate how the ALE interface works. The final section defines a report specification, which will return both a count and a list of all the CURRENT tags visible to logical reader ConnecTerra1.

Now, run the sample following the instructions in Compiling and Running the Samples. You should see output similar to the following:

Immediate Sample, XML-based
sending request to Edge Server...
   ...received response.
Received the following ECReports:
<ale:ECReports ALEID="EdgeServerID" creationDate="2005-01-06T17:01:09.093Z" date="2005-01-06T17:01:09.093Z" schemaURL="" schemaVersion="1" specName="$immediate=10" terminationCondition="DURATION" totalMilliseconds="234" xmlns:ale="urn:epcglobal:ale:xsd:1" xmlns:aleext="">
<report reportName="ImmediateSample Report">
<aleext:applicationData>application-specific data here
</ale:ECReports>Press any key to continue . . .

The number of epc elements in the list report should be equal to the number of tags you have checked under "Antenna 1" in the Reader Simulator. (If you are using a real reader, you might not see all the tags you have placed near your antenna.)

Using ImmediateSample with the Administration Console

If you are running the Administration Console, you might want to run ImmediateSample again, as follows:

  1. Set up your desktop so you can see both the Administration Console and the ImmediateSample console window at the same time.
  2. In the Administration Console, click SimReadr in the device browser on the left, then click the Telemetry tab in the right pane.
  3. Keep your eye on the uhfAntenna1.readCycles display; uhfAntenna1 corresponds to the logical reader ConnecTerra1 that was specified in the sample ECSpec.xml. Looking at this display shows you when the ImmediateSample program activates the antenna for one event cycle, using the ALE immediate method

  4. Run the sample using the instructions in Compiling and Running the Samples.
  5. You see that uhfAntenna1 (logical reader ConnecTerra1) is activated for exactly one read cycle — which is exactly what was specified for a boundarySpec in ECSpec.xml:



ImmediateSample: Event Cycles and Reliability

The ImmediateSample application illustrates several aspects of event cycles and how they can be used to address situations where not every tag can be read in a single read cycle. This is a very common situation, and can arise either because of the inherently unreliable nature of RFID tags, or because the business situation simply implies that not all tags for an application level event are in front of the antenna at the same time (for example, because a large pallet is moving slowly past an antenna).

To simulate this situation, this example uses the "reliability" field provided as part of the Reader Simulator. Change the Reliability field in the Reader Simulator to 50%. This tells the Reader Simulator to report each selected tag with only 50% probability in any given read cycle. Now run ImmediateSample as you did in ImmediateSample: Getting Started Reading Tags. In all likelihood, you will see fewer tags in the report than you did previously.

In the following procedure, you see how the event cycle combines tags from multiple read cycles into a single report, and how this counteracts the limitations of dealing with read cycles individually.

  1. Open the file ECSpec.xml in a text editor.
  2. Change the line that reads:
  3. <aleext:durationReadCycles>1</aleext:durationReadCycles>

    so that it reads:

  4. Save the file.
  5. Leave the reliability on the Reader Simulator set to 50%.
  6. Run the sample again. This time you should see most, if not all, of the tags.

It is usually difficult to guess how many read cycles are required to read all tags of interest. In some cases, external events dictate which read cycles should be grouped into an event cycle — the startTrigger and stopTrigger features of the ALE interface (see ECBoundarySpec) can be used for this purpose. In other cases, you want an event cycle to continue as long as needed until all tags have been read. In such cases, you can use the stableSetInterval feature of the ALE interface.


ImmediateSample: Reading from Different Readers

The ALE interface makes it very easy to select different readers without altering application code, even changing the number of readers. To illustrate, follow these steps:

  1. Open the file ECSpec.xml in a text editor.
  2. Immediately after the line that reads:
  3. <logicalReaderName>ConnecTerra1</logicalReaderName>

    add a second line so that together they look like this:

  4. Save the file.
  5. Run ImmediateSample again. In the report, you will see tags read from both readers.


SubscribeSample: Exploring Asynchronous Event Cycle Delivery

The SubscribeSample program shows how to use the ALE subscribe and unsubscribe methods, as well as several other administrative methods within the ALE API. The sample provides a simple command line interface that lets you define ECSpec instances from XML files; subscribe a delivery address to a previously defined ECSpec; unsubscribe a delivery address; and list existing ECSpec instances and subscriptions. As well as illustrating the use of several ALE methods, this sample serves as a useful command line utility program in its own right.

The SubscribeSample works with XML files to define event cycle specifications, as does the ImmediateSample. However, SubscribeSample differs from ImmediateSample in several respects:

Here are step-by-step instructions for working with the SubscribeSample program.

  1. From the ./bin subdirectory of your WebLogic RFID Edge Server installation, run the following scripts in this order:
  2. RunReaderSim (if you are using the Reader Simulator)

    RunEdgeServer (required)

    RunAdminConsole (optional, but strongly suggested for this tutorial)

    These files end with the suffix .sh or .bat, depending on your platform.

  3. Find the console window for the Edge Server and leave it open on your desktop. Later you will be looking at console subscriber output sent to this window.
  4. Go to the SubscribeSample directory:
  5. ./samples/SubscribeSample
  6. In a shell, type:
  7. ./ define mycmdlinespec ECSpec.xml

    (On Windows, type run.bat instead of Do this replacement for the rest of the examples in this section.)

    You will see some output messages from the SubscribeSample program indicating that an event cycle specification has been defined. At this point, the ECSpec is defined but is not active, because there are no subscribers.

    Note: You can define as many different ECSpec instances as you want, as long as you give them distinct names. The name mycmdlinespec is used here.
  8. If you are running the Administration Console, set up your desktop so you can see both the Administration Console and the SubscribeSample shell at same time.
  9. In the Administration Console, click ECSpecs in the device browser. Note that the ECSpec you just defined, mycmdlinespec, is listed in the right pane.

    Note: Defining an ECSpec is not the same as activating it. You have not yet told a reader to read any tags, or done anything else with the ECSpec yet. You have simply defined a set of actions (read cycles, delivery activities, and so on) that can take place some time in the future, after the ECSpec is activated by a method such as immediate, poll, or, in this example, subscribe.
  10. To prove that defining and activating an ECSpec are different, display the telemetry tab for the Reader Simulator, and then define a second ECSpec in the SubscribeSample shell:
  11. ./ define myspec2 ECSpec.xml

    Keep your eye on the uhfAntenna1.readCycles telemetry trace. You will not see any read cycles take place. (This uhfAntenna1.readCycles trace corresponds to the logical reader that ECSpec.xml is referencing.)

  12. To demonstrate some other features of SubscribeSample, return to the SubscribeSample shell and type:
  13. ./ list-specs

    This prints a list of the names of the ECSpec instances that are currently defined in the Edge Server. You should see mycmdlinespec and any other event cycle specifications you have defined.

  14. In the shell, type:
  15. ./ subscribe mycmdlinespec console:test

    Look in the Edge Server window — the Edge Server is now printing event cycle reports to the console.

    Also, take a look at the Administration Console telemetry display:

    As you can see, the subscribe method that you invoked when you ran SubscribeSample this last time has activated the Reader Simulator, and it is now performing read cycles as specified in the ECSpec called mycmdlinespec.

  16. To experiment with a different kind of event delivery driver, first create a new directory in a file system that is accessible to the Edge Server. For example:
  17. mkdir /tmp/ale

    On the Windows platform, the equivalent command would be, for example:

    mkdir c:\temp\ale
  18. In the shell, type:
  19. ./ subscribe mycmdlinespec file:///tmp/ale

    or on the Windows platform, type:

    .\run.bat subscribe mycmdlinespec file:///c:/temp/ale
  20. Use a file system tool to examine the contents of the /tmp/ale (or c:\temp\ale) directory. You will see that the Edge Server is creating XML files, each containing a single event cycle report. Alternately, if the subscription URI were to refer to a file (as opposed to a directory), then the successive event cycle reports would be appended to that file.
  21. In the shell, type:
  22. ./ list-subs mycmdlinespec

    This prints a list of the URIs that have been subscribed to the ECSpec named mycmdlinespec.

  23. In the shell, type:
  24. ./ unsubscribe mycmdlinespec console:test

    Look in the Edge Server window — the Edge Server is no longer printing event cycle reports to its console. But look in the temporary directory you created earlier — the Edge Server is still writing XML report files into this directory, because the other subscription is still active.

SubscribeSample Command Line Options

For information about SubscribeSample's command line options, you can navigate to the SubscribeSample directory and type run. This displays the command help shown below. Note that the help distinguishes EPCglobal functions from WebLogic RFID Edge Server extensions (which are listed as RFTagAware extensions in this release).

EPCglobal ALE 1.0 commands
	define <specName> <ecSpecFilename>
or undefine <specName>
or getECSpec <specName>
or getECSpecNames
or subscribe <specName> <notificationURI>
or unsubscribe <specName> <notificationURI>
or getSubscribers <specName>
or poll <specName>
or immediate <ecSpecFilename>
or getStandardVersion
or getVendorVersion
RFTagAware extensions:
get-spec-info <specName>
or redefine <specName> <ecSpecFilename>
or suspend <specName>
or unsuspend <specName>
or stop <specName>


ImmediateProgramSample: Writing Tags

This sample shows how to use the ALE API to program an Electronic Product Code (EPC) value into a tag by using a specified logical reader. The programming cycle specification is read from an XML file, and the programming cycle reports are printed as XML. You can run this sample with the simulator, or with any of the printers or readers for which WebLogic RFID Edge Server supports tag writing. See the supported RFID readers section of the RFID Reader Reference manual for this information.

If you plan to run this sample with the simulator, see Using ImmediateProgramSample with the Reader Simulator.

Here are step-by-step instructions for working with the ImmediateProgramSample program.

  1. From the RFID_EDGE_HOME/bin directory of your WebLogic RFID Edge Server installation, run the following scripts in this order:
    • RunReaderSim (if you are using the simulator)
    • RunEdgeServer (required)
    • RunAdminConsole (optional)
    • These files end with the suffix .sh or .bat, depending on your platform.

      Important: If you are using the simulator, be sure to read the section Using ImmediateProgramSample with the Reader Simulator.

  2. Find the console window for the Edge Server and leave it open on your desktop. Later you will be looking at output that this sample program sends to this window.
  3. Go to the WebLogic RFID Edge Server directory:
  4. ./samples/ImmediateProgramSample

    This sample uses the file PCSpec.xml as part of its input. This file defines the programming cycle (see PCSpec). Part of the file is reproduced here — you can take a look at the complete file in the samples directory:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <PCSpec xmlns="">
    <applicationData>application specific data can go<        here</applicationData>
  5. In a shell, type:
  6. ./ epcValue

    where epcValue is the EPC to write to the tag, for example:


    (On Windows, type run.bat instead of Do this replacement for the rest of the examples in this section.)

  7. In the console window, you should see output similar to the following:
  8. # ./ urn:epc:tag:gid-64-i:1.4.10
    Immediate Program Sample, XML-based
      sending request to Edge Server...
      ...received response.
    Received the following PCWriteReport:
    <PCWriteReport date="2006-03-02T13:45:50.199Z" savantID="EdgeServerID"
    specName="$immediate=2" total Milliseconds="800" totalTrials="0"
    <applicationData>application specific data can go    here</applicationData>

    The console output includes a PCWriteReport, expressed in XML. (See PCWriteReport.) PCWriteReport describes the programming cycle's tag writing operation.

    First, the <applicationData> element displays the information that the originating PCSpec.xml included in its <applicationData> element.

    In this example, the <wasSuccessful> element (set to true) indicates that this programming cycle was successful. The <status> element is correspondingly set to SUCCESSFUL.

    If the programming cycle had encountered problems, the <status> element would have provided diagnostic information about the termination status of programming cycle (for example: CACHE_EMPTY or READER_ERROR; for the complete list of status codes, see PCStatus.)

    Note: If you are using the Reader Simulator and see a MULTIPLE_IN_FIELD status message, you probably have more that one active tag in the simulator. Make sure that you only have one active tag, and that the value of the tag is the same as the one you specify when invoking Refer to Using ImmediateProgramSample with the Reader Simulator for information on configuring the reader simulator for use with this example.

    The <physicalReaders> element indicates which physical readers were involved in this tag writing operation, in this case just one physical reader, SimReadr.

    The <failedLogicalReaders> element is empty, because no logical readers failed during this programming cycle. The <cacheSize> is set to zero — in this simple example, you passed in an EPC value as a parameter to the sample program, the programming cycle used this value, and there are no other values available. In other situations <cacheSize> will tell you how many EPC values are left in the EPC cache associated with the originating PCSpec. (See EPCCacheSpec.)

    The <epc> element contains the EPC value that was written to the tag, in this case:


Using ImmediateProgramSample with the Reader Simulator

You can use the Reader Simulator to simulate tag writes with the ImmediateProgramSample application. This section contains a short procedure on how to run the sample application using the Reader Simulator, followed by additional information on which tag types are recognized by the simulator:

  1. Start the Reader Simulator and go to the Reader Simulator GUI.
  2. Turn off (uncheck) all the tags for Antenna 2.
  3. Turn off (uncheck) all but one of the tags for Antenna 1 (only one tag can be active in order for the sample program to run successfully).
  4. Make the value of the remaining tag the same as the tag you will supply as an argument to, for example: gid-64-i:1.4.10.
  5. Run the example using the tag defined in the previous step. For example:
  6. $ ./ urn:epc:tag:gid-64-i:1.4.10

    You should see output similar to that shown in ImmediateProgramSample: Writing Tags.

The Reader Simulator provides support for writing the following tag types:


The Reader Simulator needs access to a valid Company Prefix Index Table to process SGTIN-64 and SSCC-64 tags. This file can be specified in the ./bin/RunReaderSim (.bat | .sh) script as one of the command parameters to the Java invocation:


This file must be the same as the value of the com.connecterra.ale.epcIndexTable property in the ./etc/edge.props file. If the two files are different, unpredictable results can occur.

As with a real RFID reader, there must be only one tag to be written in range of the antenna. With the Reader Simulator, you must unselect all but one of the tags checked in the GUI. Otherwise the tag write will fail with a MULTIPLE_IN_FIELD error.

GID-64-i tags are outside the EPCglobal Tag Data Standard. For standard tags, there are strict definitions of what are valid data in the various fields of the tag. This is one area where leading zeros are considered important. The following non-normative descriptions are provided for guidance — the document referenced above is definitive.

An SGTIN-64 tag is made up of a Filter field, a Company Prefix, an Item Reference code and a Serial Number. The Company Prefix and the Item Reference together must total 13 decimal digits. So this is a valid tag:


while this is an invalid tag:


An SSCC-64 tag is made up of a Filter field, a Company Prefix and a Serial Reference. The Company Prefix and the Serial Reference together must total 17 decimal digits. So this is a valid tag:


while this is an invalid tag:


When using the sample code, any attempt to write a poorly formatted tag might generate a non-specific exception with the (example) detail:

non valid uri syntax for epc tag: null: urn:epc:tag:sscc-64:1.0353265.100000


ProgrammingSample: Exploring Programming Cycles and EPC Caches

The ProgrammingSample program shows how to use the ALEPC methods to manipulate Programming Cycles and EPC Caches. The sample provides a simple command line interface that lets you define PCSpec instances from XML files, subscribe or unsubscribe a delivery address to a previously defined PCSpec to receive PCWriteReport instances, and list existing PCSpec instances and subscriptions. In addition, you can define EPCCacheSpec instances from XML files, subscribe or unsubscribe for EPCCacheReport instances, and replenish or deplete defined EPC caches.

As well as illustrating the use of several ALEPC methods, this sample serves as a useful command line utility program in its own right.

Like the ImmediateProgramSample, the ProgrammingSample works with XML files to define programming cycle specifications. However, ProgrammingSample differs from ImmediateProgramSample in several respects:

Here are step-by-step instructions for working with the ProgrammingSample program.

  1. Configure the Edge Server to use the Reader Simulator or any of the printers or readers for which WebLogic RFID Edge Server supports tag writing. See the supported RFID readers section of the RFID Reader Reference for information.
  2. Assign this reader the logical reader name ConnecTerra1, which is the logical reader name specified in the ProgrammingSample's PCSpec.xml file that we will use later. Alternately, you can pick a different logical reader name, as long as you edit edge.props and PCSpec.xml to both reflect the logical reader name you chose. If you are using the Reader Simulator, please read the section Using ImmediateProgramSample with the Reader Simulator to understand the constraints of the simulator.

  3. From the ./bin subdirectory of your WebLogic RFID Edge Server installation, run the following scripts in this order:
  4. RunReaderSim (if you are using the simulator)

    RunEdgeServer (required)

    RunAdminConsole (optional)

    These files end with the suffix .sh or .bat, depending on your platform.

  5. Find the console window for the Edge Server and leave it open on your desktop. Later you will be looking at console subscriber output sent to this window.
  6. Go to the WebLogic RFID Edge Server directory:
  7. ./samples/ProgrammingSample
  8. In a shell, type:
  9. ./ define-cache mycache CacheSpec.xml

    (On Windows, type run.bat instead of Do this replacement for the rest of the examples in this section.)

    You will see an output message from the ProgrammingSample indicating that an EPC cache has been defined.

    Note: You can define as many different EPC caches as you want, as long as you give them distinct names. In the command line above, we gave the name mycache for the EPC cache we defined; we will shortly be defining a PCSpec that refers to this cache.
  10. In a shell, type:
  11. ./ list-caches

    This prints a list of the names of the EPC caches that are currently defined in the Edge Server. You should see mycache and any other EPC caches you have defined.

  12. In a shell, type:
  13. ./ subscribe-cache mycache console:test

    Look at the console window for the Edge Server (not the Administration Console). A low-cache report has been issued to the subscription you just created:

    <!-- test -->
    <EPCCacheReport date="2006-03-16T16:38:01.734Z" savantID="EdgeServerID" xmlns="">
    <applicationData>application specific data can go here

    A low-cache report was issued because the cache we defined does not yet have any EPCs, and so is below the low-cache reporting threshold (10) defined in CacheSpec.xml. Whenever a cache is below its reporting threshold, it issues low-cache reports to its subscribers. In this case, such a report was issued as soon as a new subscriber was defined.

  14. In a shell, type:
  15. ./ replenish-cache mycache urn:epc:pat:gid-64-i:1.5.[1-15]

    This stocks mycache with a range of 15 EPC values.

  16. In a shell, type:
  17. ./ cache-info mycache

    The ProgrammingSample prints:

    Programming Sample
    info for EPC cache mycache: Received the following EPCCacheSpecInfo:
    <EPCCacheSpecInfo xmlns="">

    We can see that the EPC cache we defined has one subscriber, no PCSpec instances using it (yet), has been replenished once but never activated (used to write tags), and is currently stocked with 15 EPCs from a single range pattern.

  18. In a shell, type:
  19. ./ define myspec PCSpec.xml

    You will see an output message from the ProgrammingSample indicating that a PCSpec has been defined.

    Note: You can define as many different PCSpec instances as you want, as long as you give them distinct names. In the command line above, the name myspec is given to the PCSpec you defined.
  20. In a shell, type:
  21. ./ cache-info mycache

    The ProgrammingSample prints information about mycache, similar to what was printed earlier. The important difference is that the empty <pcSpecs/> element has been replaced with:


    This indicates that the PCSpec we just defined is using the mycache EPC cache we defined earlier. Whenever myspec performs a tag programming operation, it will obtain an EPC value from mycache.

  22. Place a single writable RFID tag in the field of the RFID reader you configured the Edge Server to use.
  23. In a shell, type:
  24. ./ poll myspec

    The ProgrammingSample performs a tag programming operation and, if successful, prints a PCWriteReport similar to:

    Programming Sample
    polling myspec...
    ...received response.
    Received the following PCWriteReport:
    <PCWriteReport date="2006-03-16T16:42:15.454Z" savantID="EdgeServerID" specName="myspec" totalMilliseconds="540" totalTrials="0" xmlns="">
     <applicationData>application specific data can go here

    The report indicates the status of the tag programming operation, and if successful (as in the example above), contains the EPC value that was written to the tag, and also indicates how many EPC values remain in the EPC cache. In this example, note that the EPC cache, which previously had 15 EPC values, now has only 14 EPC values remaining.

  25. Repeat the poll command several more times, and watch the Edge Server's console window. At some point, the number of EPC values remaining in the cache will drop to the reporting threshold (10), and a low-cache report will be issued to the console subscriber you defined earlier. Each subsequent poll operation will cause a further low-cache report to be issued, unless you first use the replenish command to re-stock the EPC cache.
  26. Keep repeating the poll command until the EPC cache is empty, as indicated in the PCWriteReport indicating a tag programming failure:
  27. polling myspec...
        ...received response.
    Received the following PCWriteReport:
    <PCWriteReport date="2006-03-16T16:53:16.758Z" savantID="EdgeServerID-bea" specName="myspec" totalMilliseconds="300" totalTrials="0" xmlns="">
     <applicationData>application specific data can go here
    <failureInfo>EPC cache 'mycache' empty for PCSpec myspec</failureInfo>


JMS Samples

The samples in this section show how to configure JMS options and naming properties on the WebLogic RFID Edge Server for vendor-specific JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface) providers and JMS servers. The samples also provide deployment units to be deployed into J2EE application servers in enterprise systems and provides sample message receiving programs for message queue servers.

For vendor-specific J2EE application servers, a JMSTest.ear enterprise archive file is available for deployment. The enterprise archive file contains a Message Driven Bean (JMSTestMDB) which receives JMS messages from specified queues and prints them out to the console.

For message queue servers (WebSphere MQ and TIBCO Enterprise for JMS), sample message receiver programs are provided to receive JMS messages from specified queues and to print them out to the console.

To run the sample JMSTest enterprise program within a BEA WebLogic Server deployment, perform the following steps:

  1. Configure the JNDI provider and JMS server.
  2. Configure the WebLogic RFID Edge Server:
    • Copy the sample jms.options and naming.props files from the ./samples/JMSSamples/BEA/etc directory into the ./etc directory of the installation directory.
    • Modify the jms.options file in the ./etc directory of the installation directory with the appropriate paths for the specified environment variables.
    • Modify the naming.props file in the ./etc directory of the installation directory with the appropriate values for the java.naming.provider.url property.
    • Modify the edge.props file in the ./etc directory of the installation directory to set the following property to the fully qualified name for naming.props:
    • com.connecterra.ale.notificationDriver.jms.default.namingPropertiesFile
    • (Only if you are running the Edge Server as a Windows Service) Modify the edge.wrapper.conf file in the ./etc directory of the installation directory to point to ALL the relevant JMS_LIB .jar files listed in jms.options. You can use either fully qualified or relative pathnames. Specify one .jar file per line, using the format shown below.
    • For example, assume that InstallRoot is the root of the application server, or path to the top directory of the application server. If you are using a fully qualified pathname, you might add an entry like the following one to edge.wrapper.conf:\InstallRoot\AppServer\lib\someJarFile.jar

      You can also use a relative pathname. For example, assume the .jar files are in a folder called AppServerLib, located directly under the installation directory. In this case you might add an entry like this to edge.wrapper.conf:

      Create separate entries for each JMS_LIB .jar file listed in jms.options.

  3. Build the sample JMSTest enterprise archive by invoking build.bat or (set the environment variables appropriate to the build environment).
  4. Using the startWeblogic script provided by BEA, start the WebLogic Server from a console window.
  5. From a Web browser, log in to the WebLogic Server Administration Console:
  6. http://localhost:7001/console
  7. From the WebLogic Server Administration Console, deploy the JMSTest.ear file, which is located in the RFID_EDGE_HOME/samples/JMSSamples/BEA/deploy directory. (For information on deploying applications, see the WebLogic Server documentation at
  8. Start the RFID Edge Server.
  9. Define an ECSpec to the Edge Server. For example, use the SubscribeSample to define myECSpec:
  10. run define myECSpec ECSpec.xml
  11. Set a JMS subscriber to the defined ECSpec. For example, set a JMS subscriber for myECSpec reports with the following command (shown as two lines here, but entered as one line):
  12. run subscribe myECSpec jms:/queue/weblogic.jms.ConnectionFactory/jms%2FTestQ)
    Note: BEA provides weblogic.jms.ConnectionFactory and weblogic.jms.XAConnectionFactory as default connection factories.
  13. View JMSTest MDB messages showing ECReports for the defined ECSpec in the console corresponding to the startWebLogic command.


Workflow Sample XML Files

The RFID_EDGE_HOME/samples/Workflow directory contains three sample directories whose contents are XML files that define workflows. The three sample directories are:

For information on how to define workflows and import files, see the RFID Workflow Reference manual.

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