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Add ECSpec reports

Every ECSpec contains specifications for one or more reports. A report is based on the tags that were detected by the specified readers during the event cycle. It may have more or less information, based on the conditions of the report specification and any report filters or groups that have been defined. When an event cycle completes, a set of reports for an ECSpec is generated and may be sent to subscribers or other clients.

To add ECSpec reports to an ECSpec:

  1. In the left pane of the Console, expand the node for an Edge Server and select ECSpecs.
  2. In the ECSpecs table, click on the name of the ECSpec to which you want to add reports.

    The ECSpec in XML format appears.

  3. Click Edit.

    The ECSpec Editor displays the ECSpec.

    Note: The ECSpec Editor opens in a pop-up window. You must turn off pop-up blockers to use it.

  4. In the left pane of the ECSpec Editor, select Reports and click New.
  5. Create ECSpec reports.
  6. When you have finished adding reports to the ECSpec, click OK and deploy it as described in Create ECSpecs.

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